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Planing to go asap

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  • #61
    Whats with Soi cowboy and patpong?


    • #62
      Boy oh boy I have to out my 2 bahts worth in here.  Lets take Khun Gr1 at face value.  Now to think that a 19 year lod would ahve a budet like that is a bit surprising.  I am a suspicious charecter by nature but since this is such a welcoming forum lets take him at face vaule.  Thats cool.

      All I can say is WOW.  GR1 I admire you for being able to "get it" at such a tender age.  When I was 19 I was only BEGINNING to get laid.  I only lost my viginity at like 18 and waited years later to lose my LB virginity.  I was only starting to troll around Europe at this lads age.  It was a bit of a daunting task to go some places so I can imagine what GR1 would think about going to an Asian nation for his first excursion outside the comfy confines of the US of A.  all I can say is let your heart not be troubled GR1, dont worry about it.

      Thailand is a pretty easy place to be a tourist.  As far as $$$$$$ goes, ALWAYS get a hotel room with a safe and no matter how sweet your nightly companion might be-USE IT!!  thats not to say the girls are all robbing theives.  some are but why give th honest ones the temptation/chance??  I dont even have an ATM card so when I go I use ca$h and still use travelers checks.  Thats just me though.

      Pack light.  pack casual clothing.  Some guys like to wear trousers at night but it isnt necessary.  If I "dress up" to go out to a bar I will wear something I would wear on a nice golf course.  nice shorts and a golf shirt.  If I dress down, its not as smazzy pair of shorts and a T shirt or tank top.  pattaya is a lot more casual than BKK.  I would say if you want to go out to a disco or something I would wear trouser and a decent shirt.  JD might want to quibble on this point as I have never seen him without short and a tank top!!

      You can get to Pattaya easily-dont stress1!  You dont have to worry about paying for two rooms at once thats unnecessary to say the least.  The bus is an easy option and a taxi is an easier option.  If you have a budget of $350/night-take the taxi.  It shold cost you more than $30.

      Dont tell anyone that this is your first trip to Thailand thats for sure-especially the girls!!  You will probably get up early the first couple fo night as your circadian rythems will be mucked up for sure.  since you are 19 i bet you will be able to party EVERY NIGHT and stay up all night-GO FOR IT!!

      $350/night for everything-thats a lot.  You wont need that much I doubt.  March/april is the hottest time of the year.  Its quite hot!!  

      I ask you to keep us up to date and after you make this trip let us know how you got on.  Keep a small diary about some of your adventure.  You wont regret it and this trip will change your life.  If I were there at that time I would love to show you around one or two night.  Dont worry you will take to things like (to borrow a line from BaliKen) " a duck takes to water, mate".  LOL!!! One last thing-DO NOT REPEAT DO NOT make a lot of elaborate plans and lists of girls you want to do.  the best plan is not to ahve one really.  Oh yeah you can make a to do list but please dont be a slave to it.  Go with the flow.  Get Stogie to meet you hes a goos guy and will work for free food and beer changs!!!



      • #63
        Thanks for your input, I appreciate your and everyone elses info. Good news, I've talked to my boss and his exact words were "Take whatever time you need" and so my trip dates will most likely be: March 18th thru April 2nd. My only major plan is to go to Pattaya first for a while then head up to Bangkok for the rest of the time. Thats it, everything else is pretty much make it up as I go along...anyways I got plenty of time to figure it out.



        • #64
          Mid april is songkron, usually the 13-16, but it varies.
          its a week of total chaos, drunken water fights and too much fun. (unless you hate it).
          I suggest planning your trip around those dates.
          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


          • #65
            Originally posted by (gr1mr3ap3r @ Sep. 02 2005,14:37)
            Good news, I've talked to my boss and his exact words were "Take whatever time you need" and so my trip dates will most likely be: March 18th thru April 2nd.
            Then take him up on his offer!

            Go for a month or more!

            In addition to the plane you can get by on 100 bucks a day.
            If you stay at a 10 buck hotel and do 25 buck longtimes, that leaves you 65 bucks for food, beer, Thai massage (4 bucks an hour), barfines. These are Pattaya prices.

            Given a choice between 3 weeks on a hundred bucks a day, or one week on 300 a day, I'd take the three weeks anytime!!!

            Just picked up my tickets today. Only two weeks since I'm out of vacation time.

            If could get two months off, i would sure take it!


            • #66
              Take in mind that even though im on salary, I wont be paid while im gone on this trip. So I can't stay too long...I think a two weeks vacation will work out well. When I get my real estate licence soon, I'll be bringing in a lot more money, so I can afford to go more often! Im going to talk to my friend and see what he can do about jobs over there and see if he can work his magic and get me one there too...So who knows maybe this time next year i'll be living over there working at the airport or something.



              • #67
                Got more good news for my trip! I was just offered a plane ticket to BKK if I tear down a fence for my moms bf. Did I mention that he(my moms bf) is also my boss, you know the one whos like: take as much time as you need..LOL whatta guy! Hes alway cracking jokes about me only going over there to get if only he knew how!

                PS: Its official!!! I'm 19 today!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by (gr1mr3ap3r @ Sep. 23 2005,12:56)
                  PS: Its official!!! I'm 19 today!
                  Damn kid!!!!
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #69
                    Gee, I wish I'd figured this all out at nineteen! What a life to look forward to. Happy BD!


                    • #70
                      My LOS studies have yet to come to an end and I find myself asking little questions at the end of the day figuring I'll just post them here and see what the pros have to say. Anywho, one thats been bugging me: Everyone says not to pack a lot, to just buy clothes over guys were helpful by giving me info on shopping places in BK...the only problem- im going to pattaya first! So where should I go shopping for my basic needs down there?


                      • #71
                        There is no great shopping in Pattaya unlike in Bangkok, mostly because all the places cater to tourists and jack up the prices. Mike's and Royal Garden are around Soi 13 and have entrences on Beach road and 2nd road. But neither is a bargain.
                        For the basics, go to Big C which is like KMart.

                        Tesco/Lotus and Carefour are huge walmart type stores - but I don't remember seeing one around Pattaya. Plenty in Bangkok.

                        In Bangkok, hands down best place is MBK (Nation Stadium stop on sky train). They have everything, cheap and tons of girls/LB to drool at. You can also get a cheap 2nd hand phone there, which I strongly recomend - the phone will be $50 and a SIM card w/ local number <$10.

                        Bring Underwear.
                        "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                        • #72
                          Lots of cheap laundries in Pattaya. U drop it off, they wash and fold, u pick up the next day. There were 3 or four on the soi of my hotel, about 2 bucks, depends how much stuff you're droping off. If you forget something you can always buy it, but i'd rather wear the stuff i'm comfortable in.

                          Lots of 7/11's around to buy toiletries and flirt with the girls while you're buying condoms.

                          You can buy used fones in Pattaya at the Com Center on Pattaya Tai (Pattaya South). I bought the cheapest one there for 25 bucks, works fine, don'thave to worry if u lose it.


                          • #73
                            So I was visiting a couple of my friends this weekend up where I went to high school and we decided to go to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. Anyways, I'm good friends with the owner and his wife who are both from china(go figure), so I was making small talk with the owners wife and I asked her if she had been to Thailand. She told me thats where she had der honeymoon and she loved it. She then told me that the helper, who is a cool guy also, is from I started talking to him, telling him that I was planning on visiting in March or April or so. So he tells me he is going back there in December after he finishes his schooling out here. Then he told me that if I wanted that I could go visit him and he'd show me around and take me out to have a good time whille I was there. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, he lives in Phuket. Sooo...what do you guys think? I got 2 weeks and I am already planning on visiting BKK and Pattaya. Is Phuket worth a couple days?


                            • #74
                              take Phuket over Pattaya, Phuket is a great place, beautiful beaches and gorgeous LB

                              Pattaya is aptly called 'Sodom And Gomorah by the seashore'', the beach is overcrowded, the water dirty and its full of sexpats. The LB aren't as good as Phuket either.
                              Its cheap and its sleazy, and I love it for it, but I'd go to Phuket for a real vacation.

                              Normally Phuket would be more expensive than Pattaya, but post tsunami and with a friends help it should be that much more. One bit of advice, go to and book your Bangkok->phulet tickets. Very cheap if you do it in advance.
                              "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                              • #75
                                You might want to re think a trip to Phuket because you will be having a pair if eyes on you if you know what I mean. For the purpose of your trip, you dont really need anyone to "show you around'\". Having said that, to get a more rounded experience, it might be cool to hang out with this guy. since you are so young you might want to skip it and go out partying every night. Phuket isnt THAT big and you might not want to run into this new found friend when you have a couple of LBs in tow!!

