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Sex Test

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  • Sex Test

    A cool site that I found while doing some research for a presentation. This probably could have been posted in the Semanya thread, but the site is good enough to stand alone. It is the Howard Hughs Medical Institute site and it is loaded with great info, videos, interactive items, etc.

    Gender Test

    Here another link to the site: Animations
    "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"

  • #2
    Nice find, i kept clicking on female, good results.
    i love t-girls


    • #3
      I like playing games.
      This site is a role playing game. You decide AS IF you were in the selection comittee for an internationnal sport event.

      VERY well done indeed!
      And you do not need to be a scientist for deciding: everything is very clearly explained...

      ********* spoilers ******
      (if you want to make your choice by yourself, do not read)
      If you want to read, select and highlight below...
      <span style='color:white'>- I started, and based on the registration card, I said: Female.
      - I asked for a Karyotope test (horrible name, but very well explained in the slides).
      - Of course, I end up saying that this test showed that she is a male!
      - Then I went through some very informative slides. Not easy to understand at first, but very well presented if you have the patience to read through them. Indeed, I get now a better understanding of €œwhat is a male€€¦
      - At this point, I could not decide if €œmale€ or €œfemale€. A bit confused with the €œSRY€, I took €œmale€€¦
      - And now, after making all tests, I get a result card summarizing my thoughts. It is a 50%/50% !! 3 checks boxes ticked on for €œmale€, and 3 ticked off!!
      - the game goes on, and as the decision is in my hand, I have to make the final call and see if she qualifies or not for the sport event€¦
      - I said, yes, lady, your are in. Qualified.
      - €¦ and it turned out that my free choices are the one currently endorsed by sport associations
      ********* END of spoilers ******

      Oh boy! Oh boy!! Pffffff€¦. I did not know everything was so much on the edge.

      As they say: €œchoosing is problematic€€¦

      I am happy with my job. I would not like to work in a selection committee: even with state-of-the-art tests, you are just left with yourself and your conscience€¦

      Excellent site Socrates999 !!! It made me thinking twice and should make me a bit more tolerant regarding gender issues€¦
      a froggy, lost in translation and in Africa... and no, I am not the one on the pic swinging a club ... I am the one holding the pin !!!

