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Top Doctors

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  • Top Doctors

    Ok, as you know I kind of am obsessed with this topic.

    I now believe I have the definitive list after having asked pretty much every LB I've met....

    Dr. Thep, Pratunam Clinic
    Soaynam Clinic (all doctors)

    Dr. Suporn, Phuket, I think Phuket Hospital?
    Dr. Kamol, Bangkok, MtF Clinic

    Dr. Kampee, Kampee Clinic (near airport)
    -uses bone from your rib cage or behind the ear
    Dr. Kamol, Bangkok, MtF Clinic
    -I believe only uses plastic inserts (need to reconfirm)

    Yanhee Hospital

    --apparently none better than the other

    --will add later, name not with me know, but
    he's at a University in Bangkok, I have his name card

    -Post-Op : Climara Transdermal Patch, can be purchased at South East Pharmacy on Sukhumvit, near Soi 15.
    This is low dosage. 380 baht / month. Few, if any side effects.
    -Pre-OP : It seems Progynon, Poluton, Diane 35 dominate the LB scene, available everywhere. After that its'
    a mixed bag of many different kinds.

    Now, in all of these, I've seen only visited in some depth Dr. Kamol and Dr. Thep whom I can vouch for all around. The others are word of mouth in the LB community. I plan to visit them all slowly.

    For the hormones, I feel pretty confident in the Climara recommendation for low dosage, but it is not common at all, nor well known. It is my personal recommendation, and I have put 2 LBs on it. It seems to have no side effects, unlike virtually all oral hormones. Most LBs use the same hormones for post-op as they did when pre-op which is odd (you don't need anywhere near the same dosages, but they still continue).

    For pre-op recommendations this is just what most use. [Climara isn't a strong enough dose for pre-ops]. I have talked to the top hormone guy and what perhaps is No.2 guy (at Bumrungad Hospital). They don't tend to push a particular hormone but more of a 'program' of estrogen and progesterone.

    Now, remember, I am not a doctor, so of course, "you must get a doctor's advice and recommendation", "do not believe an internet forum, blah, blah, blah". But, if you want to know what the vast majority of LBs in Thailand think and do, this is it.

    If any doctors want to correct me, or if you disagree, sure just say so. I'm just looking to get good info for the many people that ask these questions, so if there is something wrong, please say so!

  • #2
    Ziggy, thanks for compiling the list. I think this will be quite helpful for helping us guide our lb friends and girlfriends to see a good doctor instead of some of the "quacks" that are out there.

    Just a correction for Dr. Suporn. He is based in Chonburi, and operates out of Aikchsol Hospital. I have seen his operative results and they are quite good. Most of the postop lbs I know say he is the best. Now Dr. Kamol has developed his new technique that may change.

    His website is: Suporn Clinic

    Dr. Kamol website is: Dr. Kamol

    Some comments about Progynon and Proluton injection. The Schering, the company that produces Proluton and Progynon injection is no longer shipping to Thailand, possibly as part of a phase out of the product line.

    This only leave the generic injectables available from India. I have spoken to a number of pharmacies and they have told me of various problems with these Indian generics ranging from "dirty", to not strong compared to the Schering products. While I have no proof of this I would be hesitant to recommend these for use.

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    • #3
      Well, let's keep this going and I'll add the phone numbers and such when I get around to it. I'll check some pharmacies for progynon and poluton, but as late as yesterday, girls are still taking them (not sure if Shering or generics).

      BTW, I read that some girls GET A RIB TAKEN OUT to create a small waist. Apparently a technique in Europe. This sound horrible and dangerous, as well as stupid.


      • #4
        I have heard of this procedure as well, but did not think this was offered in Thailand.

        There is a doctor on the internet who advertises this, and shows a before and after photo.

        Plenty of rumours certain stars have had this procedure done - Cher, Shania Twain, some of the super models, but no proof yet.

        I agree this is an operation that is risky and dangerous, but vanity drives people to extremes at times.

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        • #5
          Anyone know the current price structure for SRS with the two recommended surgeons?

          I know at Suporn clinic were chraging thai residents 150,000 for full SRS but heard they had or were about to put the price up to 180,000. Can anyone confirm?

          How does Karnol compare for price?

          I'm trying to convince 2 LBs who are desperate for surgery to pay the extra for teh better surgeons, for obvious reasons.

          It seems if you are a westerner and contact these clinics you get western prices (Suporn 500,000+ for srs to non thai contact..)


          • #6
            Kliome, best to contact the clinics directly. I posted the links to their webpages in post 2. If your lb friends are Thai, they will get the Thai price. Yes, you are right, the two tier price structure applies to medical procedures too. Thais pay less and Farangs pay more - however, rates seem to vary according to where you come from. I have heard that other Asians don't pay as much as westerners, but that has not been confirmed.

            You are quite right to persuade your lb friends to go to a better doctor. It is better for them not to have SRS if they are thinking about going to an unskilled unscrupulous doctor who will do a terrible job.

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            • #7

              I have contacted Suporn clinic directly before, but they quoted me 'farang' price' and even after I said I was calling on behalf of a Thai and was not sponsoring her in anyway they still stuck with the price of around 530,000, depsite knowing an LB who had SRS at this clinic in December last year and paid 150,000 in total. So it's not easy to be directly involved.

              The main LB I'm trying to help is so desperate to have the op she has been considering a cheaper sugeon in BKK, which is firghtening. Fortunately she's beginning to see the light.


              • #8
                Hello Kliome,

                It's difficult to come up with a good answer to your problem.

                I agree fully with you though that she should try for the best doctor she can possibly get.

                My only - if you trust her (not very good suggestion!) is to get her to book he operation at the Thai rate.
                On the day she makes the booking  -  take her to the clinic and give her half the money outside to take in and book it.
                Then on the day of the operation do the same giving her the other half.

                Not very clever I know but I can't at the moment come up with a better way.

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #9
                  Thanks Roadrunner.

                  It's not actually a problem with the money. I'm not paying for her op, she has already saved the money herself, but (and maybe more so for this reason). she has started to think she should go for a cheaper option so she has more money left with herself.

                  If I was paying for the op it wouldn't even be a discussion with her, I'd make her go to the best sugeon.

                  The frustrating thing is I'm having to go through her to contact the clinics and it's been frustrating.

                  For anyone in that situation I think you advise is good. But lets hope anyone shelling out that kind of cash to get someone into SRS at least trusts the girl in question.


                  • #10
                    Hello Kliome,

                    I find it odd then that the doctor is charging her the falang rate when they know she is Thai.

                    I can only assume that they think you are sponsoring her and are charging accordingly.

                    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                    • #11
                      Yes, that was the problem and a good warning to otehrs. Once I contacted them on her behalf she must have been marked as a 'sposored Thai' so she was given quotes from the farang pricing sheet.
                      I even explained to them the situation that I was contacting them on her behalf BECAUSE I was trying to convince her to use their superior service, but they refused to admit to me that there was a seperate (considerably lower) price for Thai people.

                      Anyway, the fortunate thing is that I didn't give her name correctly. She is planning to book her sugery in September and if she contacts them alone they should give her the Thai price.

                      She's refusing to contact them yet (paranoid) but I'm trying to find out the price for her from the two best surgeons but I'm obviosuly reluctant to contact them directly.


                      • #12
                           Great Thread again....
                        Thanks for the Great Info Ziggy and RX

                        Timely too as Me and the Honey will be in LOS for 1 month this Fall and part of that time we Plan on getting Her some Enhanced Boobs

                        Wonder , what Kind of Rate We will get Since She will Pay for Her Own and She is a Phil LB  
                        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                        • #13
                          I've heard about that removing a rib thing, and although it freaks me out, I'm curious to see it, especially since I was dubious about the story to begin with.

                          Is there a link to that before and after picture?


                          • #14
                            I managed to get Suporn's prices by getting another LB to call up.

                            He's very popular again at the moment, booked up until February and has raised his prices from 150,000 to 200,000 for SRS (thai people price)


                            • #15
                              Nope. Just talked to a girl who got the op 2 weeks ago. It was still 150,000 for Thai. Kamol is 120,000.

                              Now, on the 'trying to avoid farang price', you have to remember a critical thing...

                              You have the operation. You must re-coup at home for at least 1 month. You CANNOT travel at least for 2-4 weeks. So, you are staying in Bagnkok. Ok. Now, you MUST have someone taking care of you. You literally cannot walk for 1 week (after exiting the hospital). Taking care means bringing you food, helping you clean yourself, helping with dilation, and lots of psychological support. There is a lot of work to do those first few weeks. After about 1 month things are not so bad.

                              So, who is going to take care of you? That is why there is a farang price. The Thai price does not involve any 'taking care' after you exit the hospital. The assumption is that family will do that. The farang price involves a nurse or helper visiting you at least once a day if not more for a few weeks until you are ok.

                              So beware that if you ever do get local price, you have no post-op support. However, I severely doubt you will ever get that price. So, I suppose my point is, while it seems a bit extortionist, there is some logic behind it; or at least part of it.

                              As for other doctors, Dr. Thep does it for a lower price, at Pratunam Clinic. I do not know exactly, but a good guess might be 100,000 or so. But I can guarantee that with Dr. Thep, you have the op, and you leave the clinic in an hour. He provides zero post-op support.

                              So I really hope your friends realize this is not a 'cut, walk out, take the plane' type operation. This is a minimum 1 month or more type thing. In fact, there is still pain even sitting after 1 month. Two months for a full re-coup is likely more typical. As for how long to stay in Bangkok, I think 2-4 weeks would be the norm depending on your personal recovery speed.

                              Aside from recovery, I would not advise leaving the country during that time in case something goes wrong post-op. If it does, you can whip over to the hospital and get it fixed by the same doctor. If you leave the country and have a problem, you're in for a lot more cost and danger. And, on occasion, things do go wrong. I do know one girl where things went very wrong and she had to go back 3 times for 'corrections'.

