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  • Mormons

    Any Mormons out there?

    The preaching, young kids in white shirts and ties, spewing off their religious rhetoric at the entrance to Nana seems to be increasing lately.

    Everyone of course thinks they are lunatics and completely ignore them, even aside from the fact no one can hear a word they say.

    It is hard to imagine how stupid a religion can be. How can they possibly think that they achieve anything positive by doing that? In my view, they simply guarantee that no one would ever consider following their faith.

    The founder, Joseph Smith, with some 20+ wives, penchant for taking his flock's money, and matching up pre-pubescent girls with his friends, later got killed by his neighbors while evading the law. A true man of integrity to follow (NOT!).

    These young kids are form Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 19-yr old, clean shaven boys. It's difficult to understand how they cannot see the idiocy of this.

  • #2
    These guys are fantastic entertainment! Thank you, America! A few of these US darlings were out and about a couple of weeks ago providing us all with a great laugh as they took it in turns to spread the word till they were exhausted!

    It just goes to show that you don't need a shred of dignity to join the flock! (And there's a reason it's called 'a flock!')

    It takes all sorts, don't it?  

    Jesus is upstairs slapping his hand on his forehead thinking "Why did I ever fucking bother!"  


    • #3
      (stogie bear @ Mar. 31 2007,09:45) A few of these US darlings were out and about a couple of weeks ago providing us all with a great laugh as they took it in turns to spread the word till they were exhausted!
      So did they then go back to their hotels with "company"?
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        Mormons.......Isn't that the religion which Donny Osmond runs


        • #5
          (ziggystardust @ Mar. 31 2007,11:07) spewing off their religious rhetoric at the entrance to Nana seems to be increasing
          It reminds me of elections.. the only people that will ever change a Govt are the floating voters who can be swung at a whim with some kind of electorial bribe.

          The guys in Nana, in the main, are probably not floaters and are never going to be swung over, they know where there going in the supposed afterlife and its not upstairs....

          ... looking for a lost Herring in the sea of sharks....


          • #6
            maybe in the after life i wont go upstairs (probably i wouldnt like either to go...can you immagine no sex no pervs and no ladyboys )... one thing i know for sure is that in this life i go upstair often when Im in Nana
            Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. -- Oscar Wilde


            • #7
              (ziggystardust @ Mar. 31 2007,11:07) It's difficult to understand how they cannot see the idiocy of this.
              some postulate that certain ideas are like a real viruses . Once the virus gets hold it becomes part of a culture network.

              I see these Mormons in London and they do look as if they have been injected with some kind of brain serum .
              or ....brainwashed?



              • #8
                I remember hearing some time ago that one of their beliefs is that only 144,000 people can get into heaven.

                I figure it's probably full by now so why bother

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #9
                  (ziggystardust @ Mar. 31 2007,11:07) Any Mormons out there?

                  These young kids are form Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 19-yr old, clean shaven boys. It's difficult to understand how they cannot see the idiocy of this.
                  FWIW the young men preaching outside Nana are not Mormons (or members of the Church of Latter Day Saints {LDS}). They are free-lancers, which seems appropriate.

                  Having said that there are a lot of Mormon missionaries (males are Elders, females are Sisters; they always wear their nametags) in Thailand. I've seen several Elders in my home away from home in Isaan. Also here in Bangkok, there is a big Mormon/Thai family in my neighborhood so I have met dozens of missionaries.

                  I worship at the church of LBs.


                  • #10
                    Why do you say they're not Mormons? I never actually asked. But their method, and as far as what I could her, what they said, was the Mormon philosophy. I'll ask next time. Regardless, they are most certainly nut cases.


                    • #11
                      (ziggystardust @ Apr. 01 2007,12:28) Why do you say they're not Mormons? I never actually asked. But their method, and as far as what I could her, what they said, was the Mormon philosophy. I'll ask next time. Regardless, they are most certainly nut cases.
                      Obviously the more appropriate question is why did you say they were Mormons when you admittedly had no idea whether they were or not.

                      Mormon missionaries will have nametags identifying themselves by name as Elder or Sister and the name of their church.

                      I know for a fact that the these young men who proselytize outside Nana are not Mormons as I have seen them many times up close. They affect the same dress, perhaps in an weak attempt to legitimize their message and presence. Further preaching at Nana is not part of the Mormon mission here.

                      Clearly the Monarchy and government have no problems with Mormon missionaries here.

                      Thais find these free-lance bangers amusing and the police really don't know what to do. Since only foreigners complain it's not an issue that will be addressed.


                      • #12
                        (ShockToe @ Mar. 31 2007,19:40) FWIW the young men preaching outside Nana are not Mormons (or members of the Church of Latter Day Saints {LDS}). They are free-lancers, which seems appropriate.


                        • #13
                          How did I miss these entertainments? this is a phenomena started only recently? There are two religious categories, the Dharma, and the Abraham. The latter is funny, these guys have "missions". They go everywhere trying to find companies on their way to "heaven". The best thing about bhudism is at least they leave us alone, they only beg for food that is....


                          • #14
                            (Tomcat @ Mar. 31 2007,08:09) The guys in Nana know where there going in the supposed afterlife    and its not upstairs....
                            If there is a heavan I don't see why drinking beer and going to bed with girls and ladyboys will preclude me from entering.  I think the holy rollers got it all wrong.

                            Imagine there is no heavan, then it only makes sense to create one here.  Up to us.


                            • #15
                              (ziggystardust @ Apr. 01 2007,04:28) Regardless, they are most certainly nut cases.
                              Same with most religions and their fanatics
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

