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Ladyboy lament hard to listen to sometimes

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  • Ladyboy lament hard to listen to sometimes

    before I go any further please let me state that   I KNOW THAT LADYBOYS IN THAILAND, INDO, AND THE PHILIPPINES ARE DISCRIMINATED AGAINST   and I feel horrible about that;   anyone that knows  me knows that I love these ladies and  feel terrible for them  if they are  not treated fairly just because they choose to live their lives as they choose.  For the non-hookers in the ladyboy wold, I wish it would be more fair for all of them, I really do.

     with that said.....

          It gets pretty damned old  hearing ladyboys  who are hookers  in Thailand complaining  about their lot in life.  "Woe is me...all I can do is hook for a living and I must somehow survive on 20,000-30,000 baht per month just to get by".  This is bullshit and it is proven every single day when you just go outside your door in BKK or  anywhere else and you see people, you know, WORKING   for a living?  Outside my apartment is a place where the moto-taxi's hang out, and they take people over to the BTS a mile away for 20 baht; at the BTS Thong Lor station there is another 20 or 30 of these guys, all hustling and  driving their rice rockets all day long for maybe  200 baht or 300 max.

     now, these  guys are all mostly the same age as the ladyboys that we meet, roughly between 18 and 25.  and yet, the ladyboys that we know all somehow can't live on the 2000 or more per day that they make, and yet these guys can somehow pull it off?  how about the sales clerks at Robinsons or Central or  Big C?  they make about 6000-8000 per month if they are very lucky and have to stand all day, 6 days per week.  a   popular hooker at Obsessions or Casa  makes that in one night if she is lucky;  basically, i know some girls who make more in one month  [60,000+] than these low-scale workers make in a whole year,  so it's hard for me to listen to the griping.

             It's even worse in the country, I am sure.....and that is why they all flock to BKK.   farmers in Issan can pick rice all day and make about 3000baht for a whole month, while a cute ladyboy the same age can get that in 15 minutes of sex with some Japanese guy.  Other menial-labor jobs pay 4000 or 5000 baht per month in the provinces, while the girls we meet are making that in a night or 2.

           Yes, ladyboys have a tough life and as i say, i feel very sad for the   'nice' girls who choose  not to hook and are picked on and ridiculed and face  job discrimination and worse.  our dear friend Kui fits that catagory, although I must admit that after 4 years of doing this job I don't know too many others!   but i have heard of girls who want to get real jobs and are not hookers and can't because they are ladyboys. for them, it truly blows.

      BUT.....for the hookers, web-cam operators, street-walkers and bar girls, etc,  who make a living at selling sex, i feel no sympathy or pity. they are making MUCH more than most people their age; the moto-taxi drivers outside my place would kill to make 5000 baht in one night just for sleeping
    with someone.   The smart ones will make the most cash they can while they are in the 18-25 bracket, and then get the hell out and start a business back home, and at least they have the chance to do this.  most people in that age group will still be picking rice or working in Robinsons or Mcdonald's 5 or 10 years from now, while the ladyboys who are smart with their cash will be living a better lifestyle in the country. and yes, I am not stupid or Naive......I KNOW that many are lead into the 'life' BECAUSE of the small wage scale for regular jobs and even cabaret shows. But if they make that jump from nice girl to bar girl so they can compound their income by 10 times, don't keep bitching about how hard life is; think about the way it was BEFORE you got into hooking.

     just my take on things......ladyboys have it rough, but I think  the majority of people in that 18-25 year old grouping have it just as hard, and they  don't have the ability to use something as unique and exotic as having a dual identity  to make extra cash.  Ladyboys who are pretty can make big money, sometimes just from sucker sponsors oversea's, while their contemporaries bust their ass on construction projects and digging ditches and waiting on asshole westerners  while making peanuts.


  • #2
    Fair enough... You see the cute prima donnas all the time and I don't really have much interaction with them at alll! It would wear thin listening to their crap after a while though! (Actually I'd get bored listening them talk about anything let alone their miserable lot in life!)

    But there are thousands of ladyboys who aint cute and who don't whine and who are working in factories and offices and hairdressers etc!

    Why you spend so much time with these people out of office hours God only knows. You must have the patience of a fookin' saint! Ten minutes alone with one of these people and I'm pulling out my hair looking for the door!


    • #3
      They're complaining because they know that this is only a short time business. As you said, they have their peak between 18-25. It depends how they look after themselves, then they can possibly make it until 30 - but that's it! No hooker in Thailand beyond this age can make a real living out of it. At least not if they were good looking and spoiled from their previous years. They know that they are at the bottom end of society and they struggle, most of them fail, they are too weak, get into drugs, gambling, asshole boyfriends, or whatever. They loose everything they made as quick as they earned it. Only a few are tough enough to resist the temptations of this tough job. Most of these kids never learned anything, are drop-outs from school with gorgeous looks and thought that's about it. Easy money and a wayout from their parents rice fields. 10 years later they are broken - most of them.
      It's not that I feel pity for them, it's just that I think I understand how one thing leads to the other. The only group of lb's I really find simply disgusting stupid is those who had the chance to study, even finnished it and then become a hooker - only because it's too little money they earn with a regular job. Only because they're fucking greedy bitches! Graduate jobs start at around Baht 10.000 - 15.000/m which is ok for beginners in their early 20ies. Although it's not easy for lb's, it is possible and it's not that they necessarily have to become hookers. If they would fight more against this image and try to go the "normal" way, also their reputation would become much better.



      • #4
        Originally posted by
        They're complaining because they know that this is only a short time business.
        I don't really thik that they tnink passed their next trick. (Well, most of them!) Even 99% of the smart ones have piss all tucked away. They are NOT discriminated against more tham Indians and brown skinned Issan types.

        I'm allergic to whiners. Fuck 'em. I wouldn't pay a prostitute to listen to her problems. I wouldn't spend time for free to listen to the crap life of a hooker. Keep that crap to yourself and pucker up, slut. That's what I'm paying for!

        If you really want to see stories of abject poverty in Thailand then there are worse places than go go bars to find them.


        • #5
          "They are NOT discriminated against more tham Indians and brown skinned Issan types"

          Very true! Thai society is extremely hierarchical and an Indian ("uhhh...they're so smelly!!!!") and dark-skinned Issaan people ("stupid farmers") have exactly the same rating as a Patpong hooker.
          Has anybody ever called Thai people tolerant?



          • #6
            for stogie, yes it's true that I hang around with more of the hooker-types so i hear more bitching than guys like you. actually, 99% of the girls I meet are hookers, at least part-time. I WISH I could meet a nice-girl type but almost all the models that work here hook, except for the PI girls i met last month. as for 'why do you hang around with these girls outside office hours'......i want sex! as i have told you well over a million times, Kui is the rare exception and almost every other ladyboy i run into is a hooker. If I could speak Thai and hang on a college campus meeting 'nice girls', I would do just that. fact is, the girls I meet work in bars and walk the streets. same for 99% of the guys that read here.

            for MK..... I agree that the girls who get degree's but still hook get NO sympathy at all. Kui [I hate having to use her as an example all the time but she is very rare] got hers and works in the real world, but many of the hookers in the bar scene tell me they are college grads but they prefer making 30K+ to working in an office for less than half that. Anny and Aon spring to mind; when I met them they were sophomore's in university and basically 'good girls' who would only hook occassionally. over the last 2 years they saw the cash being made by girls from KC3 and that was all it took; fuck the 10grand they can make in Legit jobs; the BIG cash was the main appeal, even after they graduated last year. from what I understand Anny is one of the smartest girls around and aced all of her college courses without ever really studying; but what good was spending 4 years in class just to become a hooker in Spore and Kings Corner. [by the way, saw Anny in MBK last week and she looked unbelievable; I guess that's what 250,000 worth of sugreries can do for you].

            yes,as my original post said, I have no sympathy for girls like MK and Stogie describe. Making 10, 20, 30, 40 and even 50K a month is still not enough for these girls; 'enough' is never really enough and they will always want more and bitch unless they are getting it. But for the nice girls like Kui and Stogie says "But there are thousands of ladyboys who aint cute and who don't whine and who are working in factories and offices and hairdressers etc!", I feel teerible that they don't have the chances that their counterparts have.

            Now, Stogie, can you please tell me how to find even ONE of the thousands that you describe? because in 4 years of doing this job I have only met a handful who won't take money for sex and who are happy just leading their lives in regular jobs. send me over a list of the thousands you are talking about and I will call a few.



            • #7
              Originally posted by
              Now, Stogie, can you please tell me how to find even ONE of the thousands that you describe? because in 4 years of doing this job I have only met a handful who won't take money for sex and who are happy just leading their lives in regular jobs. send me over a list of the thousands you are talking about and I will call a few.
              You'll have to join my brand new web site called..


              Actually, I'll send you a free pass seeing as your a chum!


              • #8
                You said it before Jon - the PI girls are really the perfect solution. Let's analyse the data !!!

                a) They are fantastic looking just look at Sama or Chantal !

                b) They speak and understand English far better than the thai girls

                c) They are not full of hormones and can cum while making love which is a real hottie for me !

                d) They don't bitch and expect you to take them shopping

                e) They are genuine and fun and their innocence is wonderful

                f) The PI is a paradise and cheaper than Thailand which should appeal to all wallets.

                g) From reading between the lines I think the PI girls will cherish you more because the thai girls have had it good too long and are greedy as hell as they see the likes of Som living it up and sticking her nose up - not good not wanted.

                I can go on and on but your honor I rest my case. Elementary really !!



                • #9
                  all true, dear Bricktop....only problem is they don't live in Thailand!

                  good thing my co-worker Salma is not at work and on-line to see that comment or she would kill me. as i have said, I believe that the PI is much better for ladyboys and that they are better in bed and more passionate, etc, but over all I prefer Thailand as a country. more Asian, less poverty.



                  • #10
                    another girl  like Anny who has a degree; our dear friend Wicky,  who I actually met through that same  Anny/Aon/ Anna/G-Gee/ Bew crowd....they were all going to school together at Ramkamheang and I met them as students. Now Wicky has graduated so of course she is working in an office and leading a 'respectable' life, correct?  wrong....saw her 2 weeks ago [for the first time since this shoot] in Cascades bar. What was the 4 years of hard work and study for?


                    click here to see the very cute Wicky; Members Only!


                    • #11
                      Fuck! Not Wicky.....
                      Always thought/hoped she's different.



                      • #12
                        she IS  different.....I saw her in  Cascades for the  first time in 2 years and said  to myself  "i know that girl"  but couldn't quite place her. she came over after I smiled at her and  we started chatting and  she reminded me that we had done pics together in the past.  that was  when I realized who she was.

                            like  many other girls, and this is sad but true, she would rather take the easy 20-30K  per month rather than use her degree and get a real job.  she was still relatively new to the bar scene when I saw her last month and still a very nice girl  but a year or 2 in there and she will probably be a shark;  better ger her now if you like her.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by
                          she would rather take the easy 20-30K
                          Check yer math! I think she's on a tad more than that!


                          • #14
                            no, that is pretty standard pay for a new bar girl in Nana or Patpong; figure that is one guy per night at 1000 per screw, or 1 guy every other night [more likely] at 2000 per screw. The non-superstars and new bar girls typically make about 30,000 in a good month, freelancers less. superstars and popular girls like Natalie, Chompoo, Anney, Aria from Cascades, Talesha and girls like that can make 60,000, 70,000 and up, but they are rare.

                            2 girls in the outer stratosheres; Som, the shark-eyed post op who works in Spore, HK and freelancing in BKK makes about 400,000 baht per month! really! Neay, a VERY sweet girl whom I like a lot, was cut last year and I have heard that she now makes 100,000 per month in Kings Castle 3. good for her; she is a great kid.



                            • #15
                              Jon there are a lot Kui's out there. Just like 99.9 % of thai girls are not hookers, surley the majority of LBs are not either. You just have to know where to find them. In fact I am quite surprised that you who spends 6 months of the year in LOS has not made an effort to explore this. I am sure stoogie rams this down your ear lots of times.

                              For guys like me who only visit once a year well we really have no choice but to hook up with hookers to satisfy our needs. But even whores become boring. Same old same old.

                              Even on a 2 or 3 week vaction you seek a bit of mental stimulation and want to be with someone that you genuinely know wants to be with you.

                              I know you are not a great fan of Face pic and Bkk chat etc. However I did meet up with MBA ladyboy whom I met on Bkk chat 2 years ago almost. We have been chatting on and off since then. Well we finally met.

                              She has a regular good job even though she works as a boy and look like a very cute girl when I met her in her uniform. We had a great time together on a Saturday night and agreed to meet agian on the monday night at 11pm after she finsihed work and the day before I flew out to phuket. She infact skipped work so she could spend extra time with me.

                              What did it cost me? A room service meal and a few drinks? Now I am not boasting because I got a freebie, far from it. ( I am from the school of the sex you dont pay for..... and pay to leave......). Oh and 3 boxes of Australian postcard chocolates I bought at the airprort. But my point is that there are genuine LBs out there.

                              If anyone is not genuine here its me as I made it quite clear I am a butterfly and would not commit to a relationship as it would be pointless becuse of the distance but we could share a genuine interesting freindship.

                              She was definetley the most genuine girl I spent time with in LOS. I even joked with her and told her if she was a real girl and I lived in Bkk i would marry her. She laughed it off and demanded to know why I would want to marry her. Typical girl always asking questions.

                              Give it a try Jon. And I dont mean Face pic and bkk chat. You are there for six months if you know what I mean.

                              Best regards

