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Why they want to cut

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  • Why they want to cut

    part of  every photo shoot that we do here is accompanied by an "interview" process, which is basically just the photographer talking to the girls  while the pics are being taken.  It's about a 2-hour process and since we are all not robots here,  it's  good to have something to talk about while the pics are being taken. It also helps when we  have to write up that bullshit bio that goes with every girls' photo sets  LOL.

       for myself,  i ALWAYS   ask the models if they want to be 'cut' someday; partly out of curiousity, and partly because if I really like the girl I am taking pics of, this can determine if I would want to spend serious time with her.   If the answer is "yes, I can't wait to do that", well, I know that she is crossed  off my list automatically. Mickey from Obsessions  was like that and as cute and perfect as she is, if she wants that then there is no reason for me to pursue something with her.  

       here is a list of answers that spring to my  mind; these are actual quotes [or very close]  from models that I have worked with......

        Bobo, Pattaya; "Never.   I am a gift from God, half-boy and half-girl; why would I ever want to change that?"  [this is the best answer I have ever heard and that is why I put it first].

        Natalie, BKK; "Ouuy!  Never!!"

       Anney, Obsessions Bar; " For What?"   [another great answer]

          Nan, BKK; "Yes, I will be cut next month"  {Jon, "What???}

        Yoh, Chiang Mai; "Yes, as soon as I can save enough money I will do that".  {this is a common answer, and about 25% of all Thai models asked give this }

         Aon, BKK; "You guys that like ladyboys all want younger and younger girls and butterfly all the time; at least as a lady I can perhaps  be someone's wife someday". [dick will be gone tuesday]

       Ponlien, Chiang Mai; "Yes, I have wanted to have that  since as long as I can remember and I can't wait to do it" [the most acceptable reason I hear, and about 10% state this....dick is gone since last week].

            ALL FILIPINA MODELS; "No Way, Never!", with varying looks of  disgust and anger in their faces.  Any wonder why I love these girls so much?"

           Talesha, BKK;  Guess LOL

            Vicky, Jessica, Art and  most Casa girls; Ditto

            Anny, BKK;  "I can make more money as a lady hooker than as a ladyboy" [speculation but another small percentage  use this reason]

           Chompoo, BKK; [Last week]; "No, I want to keep", {today} "Yes, I will cut, sure", [next week], "I don't know what I want". [girls like this should just keep it and decide later; I mean she is only 19!!!]

          Jinny, Bkk; "Yes, as soon as I have enough money"

            Sugar, Obsessions; "No, i like my dick"  

         Annie, Phuket; "Someday" [another common answer]

         Manny, Phuket; "Yes, I did it last month" {Jon, "what??}

         ALL INDONESIAN MODELS;  "Why would anyone want to do something like that" [another good  reason to like Indo girls, if they would just shave their armpits]

           Koko, Bkk; "Yes, as soon as I have enough money"

           Oh, Blonde from BKK; "Yes, as soon as I have enough money"

        Jean, BKK; "Yes, I have to cut or I will lose my job at Kings Castle 3"  [that declaration  from the KC3 has since been repealed; how does Jean feel now?]

           Dow, Pattaya; "No, Never"  [most Lao girls say this also; is it something in the water in Thailand?]

          Nun, Pattaya; "No. I want to buy a car some day.  If I cut and it rains out, I will get wet; if I don't cut, I can have enough to buy a  car and can stay dry when it rains out". [Another great answer].

        Kim, Manila; "What?"

        Phone, Phuket; "Yes, I can't wait to do that"

           and you get the point......

       seems to me like Thai girls want this  done more than anyone, obviously, and for varying reasons.  The best answers I hear FOR the cut is that they have wanted it since they were small children and this is the culmination of a life-long dream. For them I can  ALMOST   understand it {Ponlien fits here},  but it will never really be fully understood by me.


  • #2
    "Sometimes I'm a man, sometimes I'm a woman. When I cut it of I'm same, but only with pee hole!" Cherry, 22, Indonesian, currently living as a working-girl in Amsterdam. This answer was so amazing because although she has no boobs she looks so extremely feminine with her waist-length pony tail, perfect make up, high heels, etc. A typical Indo girl and looks a bit like Nikken. When I once met her after-work in a club, she was dressed with black leather trousers, boots and a tank top - only the hair and her feminine looks reminded me of the girl I've been with many times - still stunning like hell, although a (feminine) boy - no doubt! When she saw me she smiled and said "It's still me, don't worry!"
    This girl is extremely cool&sexy, because she understood what it means to be transgender and feels comfortable on both sides!



    • #3


      • #4
        one more reason she is a great kid....I gave her 1000 baht to go to Carefour for some clothes; she comes home with a whole outfit including shoes, and 120 baht change, which she promptly handed over! and of course the fact that she will always keep that AWESOME dick of hers.



        • #5
          Originally posted by
          Aon, BKK; "You guys that like ladyboys all want younger and younger girls and butterfly all the time; at least as a lady I can perhaps be someone's wife someday". [dick will be gone tuesday]
          Not the answer I wanted to hear, but probably the smartest!


          • #6
            Aon does have a point there...and it's a strong contention especially for men who love LBs...
            It's a smart answer!!! i second Stogie's motion!!!
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            • #7
              yes, I mentioned this in an earlier post about a  month back when she first told me that; it IS  very  good reasoning and much better than 'I wanna  make more money as a hooker in singapore'. she is also like Ponlien and has wanted this dream for years......  hopefully  it will happen for her. I know a  few other 'cut' ladyboys  who share this dream, including Nan, and probably many others who have just never stated it like this.



              • #8
                "Aon, BKK; "You guys that like ladyboys all want younger and younger girls and butterfly all the time; at least as a lady I can perhaps be someone's wife someday". [dick will be gone tuesday]"

                Why the hell is this a smart answer???
                1. Guys (especially LB-lovers) will never stop to "butterfly" around as long as their dick's working - period!
                2. LB-lovers who are so convinced and ready for the ultimative commitment of a marriage will take them with or without their dick (mostly they'd prefer them with it!). To think that without they'd get a straight guy is the illusion of the century! Some really don't get it: Straight guys go for gg's and NOT for lb's, because even without their dicks, they are no women, just "lb's with a pee-hole"! But maybe they're looking for the exception of the rule.... Good luck!
                I actually love Bobo's answer - very untypical unfortunately - and Anney's - very straight to the point!



                • #9
                  anney's answer is classic......"For What" is a saying i hear all the time and when she said that when I asked her 'do you want to have the surgery someday?'  that cracked me up.

                     I think, MK, that what Aon and Nan and Ponlien and probably 90% of other post-ops want [and that number is just my opinion] is to find a husband.   If they meet that guy 6 months or a year after their surgery and the 'wound' has had time to heal [yuuucchh], the potential new husband may never know she was a boy in the first place; at least that is their hope.  this is your respose to that;
                     "To think that without they'd get a straight guy is the illusion of the century! "

                     sadly you are probably right, but they try anyway



                  • #10
                    There was this movie" M Butterfly" with Jeremy Irons and John Lone about a guy who fell in love with a Chinese transsexual performer and within all the years he never found out that his girl was actually a man. This is based on a true story.

                    WHAT A BULLSHIT!!!!



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by
                      Why the hell is this a smart answer???
                      Presumably she won't want to be getting married to someone who likes ladyboys!


                      • #12
                        Ohh...hmm...yes...well, that would then be very Thai



                        • #13
                          thats the desire........but how the hell do they tell the new schmuck that they can not have children? and what happens after her first physical at the clinic in the USA and the Doc says to the poor sap "Hey Mr. Jones, did you know that Linda here used to be a man?" or when they go to city hall to get their marriage license and it still says MR on her passport and the bush/ashcroft team has made it a constitutional amendment [by then] that says 2 MISTERS can not get hitched???

                          seems like these things are just not too well-thought out, eh, mr. stogie bear?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by
                            Aon, BKK; "You guys that like ladyboys all want younger and younger girls and butterfly all the time; at least as a lady I can perhaps  be someone's wife someday"
                            even if she pulled it off (unlikely), the divorce rate for str8 couples?  over 50%

                            im sure str8 men never want younger


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by
                              seems like these things are just not too well-thought out, eh, mr. stogie bear?
                              Well, I thought by 'marriage' she meant 'live together as man and wife!' Of course no-one imagines that they will walk down the aisle dressed in white and raise a pride of mini-ladyboys!

                              But you have a good point about not thinking things through... That's why in many countries there is a lot of therapy involved before you can start chopping your bits off!

