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Videos for the first time...

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  • Videos for the first time...

    I have finaly been hooked up to the web on broadband. It's OK... supposed to be 2.5 megs a second but like in the US there are teething problems, but it's waaaaay better than fucking DIAL UP!

    So for the first time I have been watching the videos on the site, and my question to the fucking owner of this web site is this...

    Why the FUCK didn't I get broadband before?    

  • #2
    because you are crazy

    lets hope 99% of the world has it soon.....any of you guys out there reading this {hi blue ballz} who don't have cable, GET IT if you can; it is 100 times better than dial -up


    • #3
      I totally agree. Advantages:

      zillions of times faster
      especially faster when viewing pictures
      your phone lline is still free to receive calls when you are on line
      no waiting for a dial-up to connect
      no disconnections
      permanently on - recieve emails the instant they are sent

      Everyone shouldl have it.




      • #4
        Unfortunately, I am stuck with dial-up in Bangkok for the unforseeable future. So, all those videos I used to enjoy (much more than the photos even) are now largely a thing of the past.

        2 Questions:
        Is there a way to disable everyone's avatars to make the forum run a bit faster?

        Stogie, are you in LOS? Are there any viable, affordable broadband packages available in Bangkok yet? Most of the adverts I have seen here still promote very expensive service, and with many limitations.



        • #5
          Hey Stogie thats the difference between about 8 minutes to download a video and 10 seconds. No wonder your happy, I have had broadband so long I have forgotten how bad dialup was.

          Do you have cable or DSL?


          • #6
            I have TRUE ADSL - The package includes a free modem and is 2.5 megs a second.
            Total cost, no money down...

            1,150 Baht a month!

            Internal (Thai) sites are like lightning, but access to the good ol' US of A is patchy. But even so it's soooooo much faster and better than what I was getting before!

            The new promotion started on the 1st of July! There are cheaper packages available for slower speeds but you have to buy the modem!

            Hi Pistolero - GOOD NEWS - Go into your control panel and disable all the avatars images and smilies. Then always access the forum from THIS LINK ONLY!

            Going through the members only link is a bloody nightmare. I have asked the powers in charge to just link to the forum direct to save you guys the slow down...

            I have just turned the avatars and images back on in the last couple of weeks. Bloody hell! No wonder you are so pissed off!

            Disable all that stuff now, log on direct and you'll be speeding round the forum even on dial up! Then when you sign up for ADSL just flick the switch and turn them all back on again!



            • #7
              Originally posted by (stogie bear @ July 22 2004,07:05)
              I have asked the powers in charge to just link to the forum direct to save you guys the slow down...
              did you write to Bueno Cham about this yet?


              • #8
                Leave me the hell alone! I am busy listening Duran Durans Gratest hits and playing with my abacus!

