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  • #16
    My experience has been a great majority go back to working in a bar after their operation. Sadly, many of the TSs have no other work experience other than working in the bar so when it comes to finding a job, many do what is easiest to them and what they are already trained to do. In fact, we've seen time and time again that the post-op girls in the girl go-go bars have a much higher percentage of getting bar fined than the other girls. So, in many ways, their able to work less and get more money by going back to the bar. Moreover, for the TSs that hit superstar status, most (not all) are loath to have to take on normal jobs at wages they see to be too low to support the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to.

    Sorry, but I believe only a minority of the TSs work in the bar solely to raise the dosh for the operation.


    • #17

      In Thailand yeah maybe..but i know enough cosmetic counter girls
      who just worked the bars for the surgery to know it's not uncommon..
      ...some girls are cut out for the bar job..others not so much.
      Even in our group,if you approach 85% of them out of hours you
      will be ignored..
      It's just a job,it's not who they are 24/7...(although
      we do sarcastically call the girls who are always looking
      for business 7 elevens)
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #18
        You raise an interesting point which I have wondered: for any TS that has worked in a bar for an appreciable time, how can she know what a real relationship is given the experiences of working in a bar? I would think that after a certain amount of time doing the bar work, it is very difficult to learn to trust a partner and/or understand sincerity. Do you agree?


        • #19
          (Naang Faa @ Feb. 15 2008,21:45) ..but i know enough cosmetic counter girls
          who just worked the bars for the surgery to know it's not uncommon..
          I've a weakness for cosmetic counters girls
          Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


          • #20

            and i for cosmetics
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • #21
              (Naang Faa @ Feb. 15 2008,22:35) and i for cosmetics
              Ok Ok
              We'll go together to meet your friends at the counters, next time I come to BKK.
              Cosmetics will be on me
              And the girls also!
              Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


              • #22

                OK we go Central Lhat Prho..there are more ladyboys working there than any
                go-go bar !
                Forgot how this forum works  


                • #23
                  (jtatis @ Feb. 15 2008,21:32) You raise an interesting point which I have wondered: for any TS that has worked in a bar for an appreciable time, how can she know what a real relationship is given the experiences of working in a bar? I would think that after a certain amount of time doing the bar work, it is very difficult to learn to trust a partner and/or understand sincerity. Do you agree?
                  Since i have been here six girls have married farang and
                  live around Europe,one is for all intents and purposes
                  "married" to a Young guy from Hong Kong,but live in Bangkok
                  Another(UK based) girl will be getting engaged soon..

                  It really depends on the individuals involved..
                  Some girls are in long distance long term relationships,
                  and love there boyfriends..

                  Other girls will turn beast on a guy if she begins to feel
                  any emotional attachments to the poor fella..

                  There are reasons they do this...
                  but i will do another thread when i have the time..
                  (very complicated)
                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • #24
                    (Naang Faa @ Feb. 16 2008,00:07) OK we go Central Lhat Prho..there are more ladyboys working there than any
                    go-go bar !

                    You know some of them?
                    Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                    • #25
                      # for any TS that has worked in a bar for an appreciable time, how can she know what a real relationship is given the experiences of working in a bar? I would think that after a certain amount of time doing the bar work, it is very difficult to learn to trust a partner and/or understand sincerity. #

                      well said Jtatis, I agree with you completely


                      • #26
                        (Naang Faa @ Feb. 16 2008,01:22) Other girls will turn beast on a guy if she begins to feel
                        any emotional attachments to the poor fella..

                        There are reasons they do this...
                        but i will do another thread when i have the time..
                        (very complicated)
                        Please, I am eagerly waiting and interested in your insight regarding this.


                        • #27
                          (Looker @ Feb. 16 2008,11:52)
                          (Naang Faa @ Feb. 16 2008,00:07) OK we go Central Lhat Prho..there are more ladyboys working there than any
                          go-go bar !

                          You know some of them?

                          Yeah,i know many of them....i think all of them have
                          given me a make-over at one time or another...
                          especially the MAC girls...
                          Forgot how this forum works  


                          • #28
                            Did someone just mention MAC?!?        

                            Anything spent less than mad love is a waste of time


                            • #29
                              I like this post, I would love to see an all post-op website. I too only know about a few websites that center around one woman. Trust me, they are not very good sites. I sure wish they could get more than one a month here. Seems like only one every other month though.


                              • #30
                                (statuesque @ Feb. 23 2008,17:09) Did someone just mention MAC?!?        

                                Has Miss Statuesque left us? Haven't seen her post in a while now  
                                No honey, no money!!

