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Chinese lb looking to complete SRS

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  • Chinese lb looking to complete SRS

    For those of you who are skeptical that China doesn't have lbs, here is an article about a good looking one!

    'Am I man or woman?'

    A Chinese man who won a Miss Universe award says he's stuck between genders after his plastic surgeon went bankrupt.

    Miss Universe award-winner Xie Xiaoxing /Lu Feng

    Xie Xiaoxing, 27, won 'best camera image' in the Fujian regional heat of the contest to select Miss China for Miss Universe 2006.

    The organisers assumed he was female - but he had only had the first phase of surgery to turn him into a woman.

    Mr Xie says the Fashion Beauty Plastic Surgery Hospital in Fuzhou city had offered him a full sex change in exchange for him advertising its services.

    "After the first phase of surgery, I stopped for a while to deal with some personal issues, and when I came back last autumn they'd gone bankrupt," he said.

    Mr Xie says he isn't sure now whether he's a man or a woman and can't even get a job because he can't confirm his gender.

    "Some companies would like to hire me but can't take me, since I can't provide them with an ID card," he added.

    Mr Xie says his only hope of leading a normal life is to find a way to complete the second phase of his operation, reports Southeastern News Express.
    This article comes from Anaova and here is the link: Am I a man or woman?

    She's still preop for the time being, and here is her photo.

    POL I think you could become her sponsor!
    Attached Files

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  • #2
    Is that news? I think I've seen her awhile ago, and I thought she was a postie already.

    We'll need more pics, I guess.

    There's no way I can sponsor her. I'll wait for someone else to do it. Not long ago, Harisu sponsored a Chinese LB's SRS. That's very classy. After all, the new pussy benefits only the postie and her lover, and doesn't do anything for Harisu. Talk about generosity!

    Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

    Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


    • #3
      (post-op lover @ Mar. 15 2008,17:02) Not long ago, Harisu sponsored a Chinese LB's SRS.  That's very classy.     After all, the new pussy benefits only the postie and her lover, and doesn't do anything for Harisu.  Talk about generosity!
      That presumes that Harisu's marriage wasn't the very public publicity stunt that it may have been...

      Maybe Harisu is one of these translesbians and negotiated a little action on the side for herself.


      • #4

        Cynic,but just in case your right,any one have Harisus phone No?
        Forgot how this forum works  


        • #5
          (Naang Faa @ Mar. 15 2008,18:23)
                Cynic,but just in case your right,any one have Harisus phone No?  
          I wonder why..??
          So many Ladyboys so little time..


          • #6

            I am on a "girl" week it will be guys again..and so on..
            70/30 in favor of girls most of the time....
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • #7
              Those aren't very good odds for me haha
              I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


              • #8

                Depends on how pretty you are...or if you can make me laugh
                Forgot how this forum works  


                • #9
                  Fair enough. I'll PM you with a photo and a joke and we'll go from there.
                  I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

