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I am gay/I'm NOT gay/I don't know!

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  • (Naang Faa @ Apr. 27 2008,00:10) ....if so,your as gay as an Easter bonnet!
    Easter bonnets are NOT gay...
    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • (disqplay @ Apr. 26 2008,07:59) When I look at the pic I would definitely love to be with that sexy lady. The thing about transexuals is that they are ladies and not macho men. I have no like nor lust for a dude who looks like a dude. I love ladyboys because they believe in there heart of hearts that they are women and they look like it from the inside to out. Thier total demeanor is based on the fact that they believe they are a women and they do everything in there power to live like and to project true lady like qualities. Who among us can resist the charms of a sweet lovely lady? The question is can you look past the penis and see her for who she really is and for that I can see the lovely lady inside so it is no problem for me.

      Do I think I am gay no definitely not gay just in love with ladies who have a little extra to offer.

      OTOH, there are those of us (me, any others) that love the fact that they are all dressed up in panties, tight skirts, and CFM heels, but still sissy boy's.

      If I wanted a beautiful woman, bigg boobs, etc., I'd be at a different site. Give me a femme boy toy all dressed up.

      I think she is hot.
      Bring on the bitches!

