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Keeping in touch... Does it help?

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  • Keeping in touch... Does it help?

    Do you guys keep in touch with girls (by text) whom you have been with once, or more, and would like to see again on your next visit. My own record of getting mssages back is mixed, but as I am a sucker and fall in love with minimum one in three girls I go with, I like to communicate with them after I leave. Does it help for next time or is it a question of out of sight out of mind?

  • #2
    I don't think it makes a blind bit of difference.

    I don't bother contacting them unless I am there (and I want to see them).

    You don't lose the girl, you just lose your place in line.


    • #3
      Exactly. If you are lonely or bored at home then do it.

      If you got shit to do then don't waste their time.


      • #4
        If it makes you feel good then do it , just beware about staying in touch with too many Ladyboys , because all of the ladyboy's who you stay in touch with will tend to regard you as their property next time your back in LOS .


        • #5
          My personal rule is never give out your farang land number to a Bar Girl. I'm sure 99% are fine but it's the 1% that make it just not worth the hastle. Get a Thai sim card and use that on holiday. At the end ditch the sim card. It's 99.99% trouble free (these are ladyboys we are talking about and there is always going to be some bit of drama)
          Beer Baron


          • #6
            My personal view is that keeping in touch with LBs when you're not in Thailand is a bit of a waste of time. I've made the mistake of using my regular mobile phone to make appointments with LBs when I am in BKK...I now get texts every so often from a couple of the girls with "heartfelt" messages like: "miss u...when u come back to me?" - which translates as "didn't make much money last week, can you pls bar fine me or even better just wire me money?".

            The thing I've noticed, and I'd be interested in other guys' views, is that the really quality girls who are either in high demand or who have real lives other than P4P never bother texting...they're too busy! It's only the desperates who text...sometimes a couple of times a week.


            • #7
              lf you buy a DTAC SMILE Sim card and top up before you leave LOS the credit lasts for 12 months and the number stays valid. Very useful for multiple trips, and you can always top up at the airport when you land if you want.

              If you exchange numbers give them the Thai one, when you get back to LOS and send SMS she should know who you are and makes it a bit easier.

              Regarding keeping in touch in UK, very mixed experiences, up to the individual.

              Had one GG keep in touch, regular emails, she called me to wake me on a morning if l ask her, everything looking good.

              Then she meets American who works in LOS and guess what . . .

              " I LOST MY PLACE IN THE LINE "

              Next time your with a GG or L/B strike up a conversation about ferrangs and do they have any on their mobile, be prepared to see a long list of ferrangs, some thai numbers and some +44's


              • #8
                FORGOT TO MENTION . . . .

                If you do plan to keep in touch when you are back in UK when you are with her make sure you find out her birthday ( only ask once and remember it ) and store it with her name on your mobile.

                When its her birthday send her a nice text, hey everyone likes a text on their birthday right.

                Chances are she won't remember giving you her birthday ( which is why you only ask once ) and its also a nice suprise for her.

                When you do get back it kinda helps for a more enjoyable re union.

                ( think about how many ferrangs she has, and you're the only one who remembers and maybe the only one bothered enough to text her )

                Its like 10 out of 10 for brownie points, and l once got a freebie for doing this


                • #9
                  The only reason to stay in touch is to give them the opportunity to ask you to send them some money...and sooner or later they all will ask for the baht...and at that juncture you're better off throwing your sim card in the garbage and getting a new one...

                  Truth is I did stay in touch with one girl this trip home, but she also knows I'll be back soon and I suspect she is learning to be patient...

                  But even with this girl, who speaks fairly good English...we seldom understand each other...So if you like major
                  misunderstandings every other day and you enjoy linguistic puzzles and frittering away your time, energy and it!!!
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                  • #10
                    So if you like major misunderstandings every other day and you enjoy linguistic puzzles and frittering away your time, energy and it!!!
                    That about sums it up!


                    • #11
                      If you want to be pestered by SMS's at all hours of the night (ladyboys have no idea of the
                      international time zones ...Sad to say,but chances are your only going to be
                      "groomed" by them...
                      If you feel you must keep in touch,it's best using e-mail...
                      Forgot how this forum works  


                      • #12
                        i tend to keep in touch with a couple off GG's and one LB, i dont think there is any harm but then i visit a minimum of once a month anyway so some of them are fairly regular, get the odd txt or call from them and the minute one asks for money to be sent then she is deleted!!!!


                        • #13
                          (Naang Faa @ Apr. 24 2008,16:02) ...Sad to say,but chances are your only going to be  "groomed" by them...    
                          I'm always well 'groomed' .....


                          • #14
                            Last september went to cascades and had a brief but very enjoyable encounter back at the hotel, but didn't get her number.

                            This January back to cascades and she's not there, the other girls tell me " she not work anymore, she go home "

                            l found out by chance when l got home that she works in a different bar, if l had her number l could have found that out at the time and had another enjoyable encounter !

                            AND . . . . .

                            Take a look in the Lost and Found section, doesn't always help, but it doesn't take much effort to get her number.



                            • #15
                              There's realy little point staying in touch with most girls, when you are not in the vicinity, but there are of course exceptions.

                              If you are lucky enough to hit it off with a girl and you both understand the rules,ie. you are an absentee customer without expectations, and she does not expect you to send her anything more than an occasional mail, then it can be fun to keep in touch. Otherwise you will inevitably be getting sob stories and requests for financial assistance.

                              Some lucky buggers like Daveduke and PigDogg do keep in touch and I assume send money, to their 'girlfriends'. How this works out in the long-term only time will tell. But I sincerely hope that they both find what they are looking for.

                              In general I have to agree with Stogie......Love them while you're with them, and forget them when you're not. This is pretty much how most girls think too, unless they're short of a few baht.

