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A friendly reminder...

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  • #16
    All good, Patrick...

    I edited out the quotes. Actually; I always do that, but if people don't post them to begin with then it's less work for me to do!


    • #17
      (jadeite @ Apr. 28 2008,04:44) If I had one complaint is many of the topics get too chatty. A few blokes trading posts over and over and not any useful information to anyone else.
      I think one of the strengths of the forum is that it has developed a "community" atmosphere. BMs have met each other and use the forum to catch up with friends.

      We could limit the forum so that only moderators could post and all posts would be purely factual only - age, location, bar, cock size etc. but that wouldn't be nearly so much fun

      A lot of the people who get "chatty" are those who live in LOS and are close to the action or are the same people who do publish a lot of the info and trip reports. There are a number of dead ladyboy forums out there where nobody cares and posts only happen once a week

      I say "long may the forum continue as it is - chattiness and all"
      No honey, no money!!


      • #18

        we might, however, want to look into the grave situation of over-pollution of the picture posts by ugly feet. It's running rampant and, if not checked now, could (and most probably will) turn into some sort of out-of-control monster

        Let's do something about it now and preserve the forum for our children and our childrens' children (once I find out how to impregnante Cindy )

        My apologies to Jadeite for veering off-topic but something had to be said
        No honey, no money!!


        • #19
          (bigmick22 @ Apr. 29 2008,00:00) we might, however, want to look into the grave situation of over-pollution of the picture posts by ugly feet. It's running rampant and, if not checked now, could (and most probably will) turn into some sort of out-of-control  monster
          I'm going to put my foot down and say this needs to be stamped out straight away.

          Attached Files
          I've made kathylc  

