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Shenanigans, La Bamba & Hema caberet!

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  • Shenanigans, La Bamba & Hema caberet!

    First off I would like to thank everyone for showing up.

    When you toss out a casual invite for some dinner and a few beers you don't know what to expect, but tonight will go down as one of the most memorable evenings I've had for a while...

    We had a simply fantastic group with us and they included...

    TT Chang and a close relative who was visiting, RoadRunner who may spend more and more time here in the LOS, SamperDoc who seems to have calmed down a lot since he first moved over here full time. Long time forum supporter and large chap - Lefty. The latest permanent resident - PigDogg. Extreme sex freak and all round good guy - BigTel. Rossco - but he forgot his girlfriend - darn it! Jayambalaya (and I know I have his name wrong...) the only Irish man I can actually understand even when he's had a beer! Joe - A friend of mine from New York who comes each year just to pay his membership! Mardhi who took precious time off work to dine with us, Dieter Spelling edited! and his delightful companion and of course me!

    All fourteen of us met up at 7 in Shenanigans and it was over half an hour before we even sat down. there were a lot of introductions and re-introductions and of course everyone had to remember TWO names for each one of us!

    By about 8PM the food started to arrive and I'll say this - the staff at Shenanigans were fantastic. The food came out hot fresh and fast and all together!

    The service girls were great and took good care of us all...

    About 9:30 everyone had eaten and it felt like a big family reunion of sorts. We all ambled in and out of traffic down to La Bamba and had a couple of beers there to help settle the food.

    By 11PM we were all in the front row of Hema Caberet where we were witness to a fantastic show of dance routines performed with enthusiasm and humor by the regular girls of the dance troupe... Good to see Wave back in the lineup.

    I'm very proud to have been at this fantastic event and for sure this won't be the last time we do that!

    Thanks to everyone for showing up. I know you all had a great time, as did I...

  • #2
    Excellent evening

    The downside is I am still sending emails at 2am LOL



    • #3
      I know I am a German ....but please Dieter and not Deiter...

      Thanks in advance...

      (edited to remove flash link - Mac users please report if that fixes problem - thnx rxpharm)

      Was great to met you guys.....

      Dieter not Deiter
      Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


      • #4
        ok ok... I will take more lessons in Flash...
        Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


        • #5
          First you should learn that posts can be edited...


          • #6
            Oops... sorry about getting your name wrong and THANKS for the huge supply of Jaffa Cakes!

            Did I mention Nicky was there for a moment to say 'hello' before she had to dash off and take care of that lucky chap who has taken her out of circulation...
            Pics to come!


            • #7
              No problem

              Shit Vista....later will improve the Flash, on Flash Prof...he's looking great...


              Freebird when you could edit a Flash I will send it to you....right now me with 3 Lb's and some six packs...hicks....

              Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


              • #8
                let's see the photo's and the details.

                i love t-girls


                • #9
                  Sounds like a good night , nothing beats getting a crowd of mates out for a good meal and a few beers .

                  Good food , good company , plenty of beer , and a ladyboy show for afters , shit! Im missing the place too much now

                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • #10
                    Yes, a good time had by all!

                    Thanks for organizing it Stogie!

                    Hot hostess with white boots at Shenanigans.

                    Alis and Nicky at LaBamba.

                    Dancers at Henna!


                    • #11
                      Come on now.............fourteen of you guys go out and no stories of getting laid or picking up a stray LB or three?


                      • #12
                        (PigDogg @ May 07 2008,05:33) Hot hostess with white boots at Shenanigans.    
                        Yes, she caught our attention big time   So did this cutie from Hema Cabaret ....  Rose.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          A better photo of Rose, taken at a previous Hema visit from TTChang Scouting Enterprises
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Thanks Stogie for organising the night.

                            Just saw the maid still waiting to clean your room at 1.30 pm.

                            She said;  'He still sleeping, he have a girl in there.'    

                            I just said;   'No he is a lazy man.'  

                            It was good to meet up with all of you last night.

                            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                            • #15
                              TTC .....
                              Attached Files
                              Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang

