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Porn & LBs - Does it get to you?

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  • #46
    nice first post
    No honey, no money!!


    • #47
      If I had been a girl, I am convinced I would be a hooker.

      In the short time I was in BKK, I got to know a LB sweetheart.
      Exactly my taste: enjoys active&passive, doesn't want to cut her cock, likes kissing, clever, and as fas as I could judge in those few days, a good girl with a good heart...
      I will keep in touch with her.

      Hooker is her job, I don't think I would have too much problems seeing her in a movie.

      What would really drive a pain in my heart is if she agreed to bareback.


      • #48
        (Naang Faa @ Jul. 19 2008,06:34) So is that a hooker or a whore? even good girls (some hookers) can't even be saved or worthy of a decent life ??
        Physiologically speaking, no. They are pretty much fucked.

        There have been several studies all over the world where they study the minds of prostitutes. In every case they all suffered the same physiological stress disorders than soldiers get during war time. Of course some worse than others, but they all showed some sort of stress disorder from their profession. Not to mention the damage to their bodies from STDs they have contracted over the years that went untreated.

        There is plenty of info out there about this. Look it up yourself, lots to read.

        It's a damn shame really.

        I'm sure there's a girl here or there that is undamaged, perhaps if you catch her within X amount of time of starting. But again, do you really want to have a serious relationship with someone who sells their body for a living?

        Guys don't do that in their own country, why do it here?

        The thought of picking up a street walker in NYC or LA and making her your wife or girlfriend is pure comedy.
        * Third World Media
        * Black Ops Media


        • #49
          (manarak @ Jul. 19 2008,15:41) If I had been a girl, I am convinced I would be a hooker.

          In the short time I was in BKK, I got to know a LB sweetheart.
          Exactly my taste: enjoys active&passive, doesn't want to cut her cock, likes kissing, clever, and as fas as I could judge in those few days, a good girl with a good heart...
          I will keep in touch with her.

          Hooker is her job, I don't think I would have too much problems seeing her in a movie.

          What would really drive a pain in my heart is if she agreed to bareback.
          From a males prospective, I also too think about what if I was born a girl. Would I be a hooker? Sounds fun to have all that sex. But in reality, that would not be a good thing.

          In regards to your girl having bareback sex. She is already having it. Probably a few times a week, for free or just 500b extra. Please be smart and don't think that is something she would never do.
          * Third World Media
          * Black Ops Media


          • #50
            (kaualani @ Jul. 19 2008,12:53) I am rather conflicted when I watch a particular ladyboy friend in a porn scene.
            On the one hand, I am happy that she is getting paid and great exposure to possible customers. At the same time, another part of me feels some pain. In the case of my friend, I spent a lot of time with her, took her to Laos, and just hung with her without always having sex. She was compassionate and interesting. I think the pain comes from the wonderful times I had with her. I am ok. It's not a killing pain, but it comes. It comes because although I could easily lift her out of the scene financially, I am too old to really be anything than a kindly uncle. I do cherish the wonderful times I had, and sometimes the pain comes.
            This is where reality and fantasy blur.

            Many guys feel the same as you about this. But they forgot that they also were paying the LB for their time and services. Porn guys pay the LBs for the time and services just the same, the only difference is there is a camera in the room and the footage going to get sold. But to the ladyboy, IT'S ALL WORK.

            Fucking you or fucking for my camera, it's all the same to the majority of them. It's a job. Doesn't matter where they do it, who they do it with, or how many times it's done. It's all in a days work. Fucking is fucking. Spending time is spending time.

            If you take your ladyboy out of the scene, chances are she will tell you she has stopped and then continue working. If by chance she does stop, she will probably turn into a sloth or a party animal, on your dime. Very few actually STOP and go home to be... well, to be good girls / kept women.

            In reality though, that's like winning the lottery for those who do use it as a real out. You get to sleep all day, do nothing, be lazy and spend money like it's going out of style. That is the Thai way. Get paid to do nothing or as little as possible. And when the day comes that you stopped giving her money and she had to go back to selling her ass (because that is what she would do), she wouldn't skip a beat about doing it.

            All the time you would support her, she could have gone to school, learned a trade of some sort, or done something good with her life to prepare her for the day when you were not there. Instead 99% of them do nothing at all but waste that time, and then have nothing when their Falang ATMs run dry or cut them off, putting them right back in the EXACT spot they were in before, just now they are a little bit older and there are a lot more new and younger LBs on the scene to compete with.

            BUT... there is always that one that does something with her life if given the chance. Maybe your girl is that one.
            * Third World Media
            * Black Ops Media


            • #51
              I can't comment on seeing LB's in shoots as I'm not that far down the road - but as its been brought up, I suspect I'm more into Naang Faa's perspective when it comes to people, which is what P4P workers are. I think that to broadly paint anyone in P4P who has 'issues' as whores in such a way often says as much about those doing the painting.

              I read this site recently over a few days, catching most threads (some of which are highly entertaining and informative, written by intelligent and witty people - thanks by the way, 69Billy, TheGame and all the other prolific contributors), and one thing did stand out to me; there's a significant element of 'don't trust, lie, steal, cheat, drugs, dont get emotionally attached etc'. It gets laid on with a trowel and rightly so. All good advice I'm sure; logical, and I listen to the experts.

              Personally- and it is simply a personal thing - if I get to  some of the levels of cynicism I've seen and have to take such broad strokes about people and my attitude towards them, then I would rather keep a sexual distance. Sack emptying whilst trying to second-guess not only my own emotions (I never could be cold about it and have to have some kind of mutual bond there) but the emotions, morals and possible drug ingestion of the person Im with would just drain all the pleasure out of the experience. I have an awful habit of playing out disaster scenarios in my head.

              I would get much more pleasure from the socialising at arms length, learning, and meeting new people. And no paranoia about catching things! This I have done with the LB scene recently and its been a great learning curve, interesting chats with very decent people, including some BM's and old hands, and interesting chats with complete fucking weirdos from the Planet 'Out There'. There are LB's who are (or seem to be) genuinely 'good heart' whilst understanding that business is business (Ohm/Thom and Joy springs to mind), and customers who don't want to ride shough-shod - cue the jokes - over people's feelings simply to demonstrate they can.

              Im drifting and starting to sound like a fucking tree-hugger   , partly as I'm still thinking it all through and learning. Bottom line - as far as Im concerned no-one is a whore if thats meant to be a term of abuse as it seems to be. I wouldn't say it to someones face and I wouldn't here. Some may be more mentally challenged than others, some brought up differently, but there's usually an underlying reason why they are as they are, be it cultural, sociological or psychological. That gives them the right to some understanding as far as I'm concerned, and anyone I meet, whether payer or payee, gets the same level of respect until they prove they don't deserve it.

              Those hunters that switch off, sack empty and move on - I'm jealous. Wish I could sometimes. Living life as they want is to be admired. And many here seem to have a good sense of 'fairness'.

              Straying back onto topic, even though I've no experience of it, it would put me off the sex I'm sure. Not off the individual who I'd still chat to and buy drinks for. Business is business.

              before I regret this drivel hehe


              • #52
                Physiologically speaking, no. They are pretty much fucked.

                There have been several studies all over the world where they study the minds of prostitutes. In every case they all suffered the same physiological stress disorders than soldiers get during war time. Of course some worse than others, but they all showed some sort of stress disorder from their profession.
                You can get that from any walk of life,Heysel,Hillsborough and the Tsunami on top of being Transsexual have caused huge stresses in my life,suffered nightmares for years about the ex taking my child away -but it hasn't affected my ability to be a caring,loving human being...
                My living with these girls and seeing them away from the numbers i will take above anyone who pays for a few hours sex/photos/video sessions,They are the first i see when i wake up and the last i see when i sleep,many girls over a few years,I know them well..At home there is no one to impress and no one to play up to..We just amuse ourselves! I know there are many disasters out there,but the good decent girls are around if you just bother to look past the price tag!

                Drinking, chain smoking, drug addiction, no goals, sleeping all day, lying, stealing, spends all their money, always broke...
                There are 56 girls on the squad photo i posted..and a few girls i missed out also..
                3 drink socially (i am one of them) 1 only at work,who would only get anywhere near what you would call drunk!! Smoke?,5 me included! Drugs,in 7 years 4 problem cases (one girl was forced cold turkey and wasn't allowed anywhere alone,One caught by the police and was left in custody for a fortnight to teach her a lesson till her sister decided to bail her out..she behaves herself now!
                one kicked her habbit and is off the scene and happily married and one is disowned until she gets her act together!..No goals? several have their own business and all have future plans away from the scene! Sleeping all day? be fair.we are up all night..Lying? The whole p4p is based on lies,all part of the act..on both sides! Stealing? every girls roomkey is available.we can take/use anything we like.I leave cash expensive earings in whatever room i crash in after a night out and never had anything go astray,They use my room now (im in UK) and i don't worry about anything getting stolen..Spends all their money? Most of the girls have their own car and house elsewhere in Thailand..Always broke? we will carry someone whos having a bad time,(they even carried me for a month when my ATM expired and it took a flippin month for them to deliver a replacement grrrrr!)..We holiday,we shop,go movie even drive 50 miles just to go to a restaurant we like,we go to waterfalls..we live!!..The girls seperate work and social lives..Some guys here feel uncomfortable going in a bar and being "hit on"..Do you have any idea what it's like for the girls when all they want to do is eat with friends and theres a constant stream of guys interupting?
                ..You wonder why they they rarely go out in the day!

                Last week i was with 4 of the group in Germany,after a movie or a night out at a restraunt we go back to their tiny 15 x 11 room and we never played cards,took drugs,drank,fought or stole each others possessions like you'd like to believe-we watched Heroes and Kyle XY on DVD until we slept,just like normal everyday people (but a bit more fun and socially minded)...
                I could be best described as prissy,I have very little to do with their work so i judge them as people as friends,i am the agony aunt of the group,the listener,the carer they will always come to me.
                And there are way more problems between my non prostitute friends here in the UK and USA,
                social drug taking,over drinking,affairs with one another's partners,punch ups,fall-outs,she's not talking to her,he's gonna batter him,feck the girls are a lot less hassle! . .
                so far this year (if you ignore the Nancy disappearance thing and some ducking and diving in Frankfurt) the only drama in the entire troop has been..
                * A sick dog
                * A homesick girl away in Oz,,who got over it!
                * A girl in Sydney complaining it's cold..
                * And a really lovely girl who feels unworthy about mixing with Hi-So because she was so poor as
                a child..bless her!
                Every other phone call,e-mail or social network thing (and we are in constant contact with one another) has been fun only..
                I bet if you took the same number of BMs from the list at the bottom of the forum page you'd find more problems and issues than we do..

                I get asked before i leave to go the UK "find a friend for me" and i can look many girls in the eye and tell them with all honestly "i don't know anyone good enough for you"

                Now that may seem "sugar coated" to you,and true we do pick the girls in the group carefully,but as ladyboys we are not exceptional,there are many fine working girls out there,good girls with bad jobs,we get casualties,girls get bitter to customers,customers to girls it happens..
                But don't go thinking these girls are all unrepairable goods,Problem with some guys is they only see a price tag,nothing more,like you're shopping in Robinsons..cold.

                The thought of picking up a street walker in NYC or LA and making her your wife or girlfriend is pure comedy.
                Why? If i've read this right,you're a guy who goes to Thailand uses prostitutes,exploits and makes money from them (and i know you don't force them to do it) and think a girl who only sells her own assets is somehow beneath you?? Don't make me laugh lad!
                Forgot how this forum works  


                • #53
                  (D33 @ Jul. 19 2008,20:14) The thought of picking up a street walker in NYC or LA and making her your wife or girlfriend is pure comedy.
                  Pretty Woman made a lot of money at the box office!


                  • #54
                    Naang Faa - I appreciate your perspective and what you have shared about your own life experiences. Fortunately, you have a view that many of us will never have and while many of us like to think we know it all, old-hands included, we will never be able to have the insight you do.

                    However, I would say that my own experiences and what I've been told by a working LB more closely mirrors what D33 is saying. Most readers can probably guess how I got to know this, but FF and Si Geena can probably chime in too as we seem to run in the same circles.

                    But my general observations are as follows:

                    - Drug use is rampant. I've been told that 20-30%, conservatively, use drugs on at least a leisurely basis (maybe once a month) while obviously there are some habitual users. One LB that I have seen actually went crazy on drugs and threw herself off a 17th floor building. I didn't know if she died or not, but maybe Si Geena knows more details.

                    - Stealing and lying are habitual, at least in this LB colony. However it is mostly on a small scale. My friend doesn't even buy large bottles of milk any more after her last bottle of milk was essentially finished up and no one owned up to drinking it. And while the girls shared food expenses, including transportation costs to/from the market, some girls are known to make personal trips and make the communal group pay it as part of doing family errands. Additionally, when girls need to stay in housing the girlfriend of the landlord has tried on several occassions to inflate the rents to take a cut for herself, which has infuriated my friend so much that she actual left to stay in a hotel with a few others who jumped ship.

                    - Laziness appears to be wide-spread too. While my friend frequently wakes up at 1pm or 2pm (she returns home around and sleeps from 4-5am), she says most of the girls don't wake up until a few hours before they have to go to work. Additionally, she would say few of them have houses or any type of business they own and in fact usually spend their money on flashy mobile phones, gaudy gold, and LV bags, etc...

                    So I guess while I think there are some diamonds in the rough, my overall view of P4P girls is unfavorable. This line of work corrupts and it does so the very core of the human soul. This damage is hard to repair and changes people for the worse for a very long time, if not permanently.
                    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                    • #55
                      No man in his right mind would EVER fall in love with a whore in his own country. Yet he comes here and leaves his mind at the airport. Well, either that or he never had one to begin with.
                      Some interesting reading and opinions out there...

                      Just like to take you up on this point...

                      I think a lot of guys come here are only searching for "love" with these exotic LB.

                      Problem for a lot of them is where and how to meet non working girls in a country that doesn't speak their language.

                      The easy option is to meet someone at the bar and then the troubles stem from that.

                      The problem for LOS is their is no easy way to meet girls away from the P4P industry and some silly buggers end up falling for them. Its always gonna happen, no matter what best intentions exist before you land in LOS.

                      As an aside

                      I've always thought to myself, say i went to Issan in search of a "real" GG or LB girlfriend... what are the chances that she has spend a couple of years down in Pattaya whoring herself out anyways? And you are not to know? does it make a difference? what then? Say you find out about her past down the track.... hmmm... Thailand... Is it simply best to just fuck and forget?


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #56
                        (Naang Faa @ Jul. 20 2008,08:06) If i've read this right,you're a guy who goes to Thailand uses prostitutes,exploits and makes money from them (and i know you don't force them to do it) and think a girl who only sells her own assets is somehow beneath you?? Don't make me laugh lad!
                        Since you don't read all of the post, I will say it again. I do not look down (or up) at them, or anyone. It simply is what it is and I'm not going to lie to myself, you, or anyone else about it. They are hookers, I am a pornographer, Stogie runs a porn site, you do what ever it is you do. That's just the way it is, there is no right, no wrong.

                        However, it doesn't take much thinking to know that a serious relationship with someone who sells their body may not be such a good idea for several reasons that are obvious. Again, that is not talking down to them, it is simply saying what it is... a bad idea for obvious reasons.
                        * Third World Media
                        * Black Ops Media


                        • #57
                          (azza33 @ Jul. 20 2008,13:01)
                          No man in his right mind would EVER fall in love with a whore in his own country. Yet he comes here and leaves his mind at the airport. Well, either that or he never had one to begin with.
                          Some interesting reading and opinions out there...

                          Just like to take you up on this point...

                          I think a lot of guys come here are only searching for "love" with these exotic LB.

                          Problem for a lot of them is where and how to meet non working girls in a country that doesn't speak their language.

                          The easy option is to meet someone at the bar and then the troubles stem from that.

                          The problem for LOS is their is no easy way to meet girls away from the P4P industry and some silly buggers end up falling for them. Its always gonna happen, no matter what best intentions exist before you land in LOS.

                          As an aside

                          I've always thought to myself, say i went to Issan in search of a "real" GG or LB girlfriend... what are the chances that she has spend a couple of years down in Pattaya whoring herself out anyways? And you are not to know? does it make a difference? what then? Say you find out about her past down the track.... hmmm... Thailand... Is it simply best to just fuck and forget?
                          Good post.

                          The fact is, we never know what the other person has done, though if you pay enough attention, I do think you could catch on fairly quick.

                          Smoking, drinking, gambling, speaks trashy English and uses curse words, has whore tattoos and any hundred of the other things that bar girls do and good girls don't.

                          Did she finish school? Does she go to the other room when her phone rings? Does she always want to party? Did she fuck you right away or did you have to work for it? Lots of things....
                          * Third World Media
                          * Black Ops Media


                          • #58
                            (69billy @ Jun. 04 2008,16:37) Lately Net is full off Thai LB porn ,some doing hard core porn...
                            ME.? You know what I say....Fuck em all..But, I know some guys do get emotionally attached ...
                            So how do you feel when you see LB of your dreams doing all this porn stuff...
                            I feel really stange now about ths subject as on my last trip I took the beautiful Nat from Stringfellows we had a great L/T but she had to leave at 3pm as some guy had paid her 5000 baht to film her fucking a GG girl and I felt really jealous

                            Has anyone else had a similiar experience


                            • #59
                              (69billy @ Jun. 04 2008,16:37) Lately Net is full off Thai LB porn ,some doing hard core porn...
                              ME.? You know what I say....Fuck em all..But, I know some guys do get emotionally attached ...
                              So how do you feel when you see LB of your dreams doing all this porn stuff...
                              Well, I have to admit, it makes me smile everytime I see crackhead Kwang (freelancer in bangkok) gagging on a cock until tears come to her eyes... but thats probably because she has done some pretty shitty things to me, and I have a grudge against her for that. hehehe

                              I dunno.. I really dont mind seeing them... I will admit, I get no pleasure out of watching my former "gf" Anita fucking or sucking someone else... But, I am adult enough to accept the fact that she WILL be fucking people other than me (especially since we barely even talk anymore.)

                              Now I'm sad. Sniff.
                              "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                              -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                              • #60
                                (dummy_plug @ Jul. 20 2008,11:22) But my general observations are as follows:

                                - Drug use is rampant. I've been told that 20-30%, conservatively, use drugs on at least a leisurely basis (maybe once a month) while obviously there are some habitual users. One LB that I have seen actually went crazy on drugs and threw herself off a 17th floor building. I didn't know if she died or not, but maybe Si Geena knows more details.

                                - Stealing and lying are habitual, at least in this LB colony. However it is mostly on a small scale. My friend doesn't even buy large bottles of milk any more after her last bottle of milk was essentially finished up and no one owned up to drinking it. And while the girls shared food expenses, including transportation costs to/from the market, some girls are known to make personal trips and make the communal group pay it as part of doing family errands. Additionally, when girls need to stay in housing the girlfriend of the landlord has tried on several occassions to inflate the rents to take a cut for herself, which has infuriated my friend so much that she actual left to stay in a hotel with a few others who jumped ship.

                                - Laziness appears to be wide-spread too. While my friend frequently wakes up at 1pm or 2pm (she returns home around and sleeps from 4-5am), she says most of the girls don't wake up until a few hours before they have to go to work. Additionally, she would say few of them have houses or any type of business they own and in fact usually spend their money on flashy mobile phones, gaudy gold, and LV bags, etc...

                                So I guess while I think there are some diamonds in the rough, my overall view of P4P girls is unfavorable. This line of work corrupts and it does so the very core of the human soul. This damage is hard to repair and changes people for the worse for a very long time, if not permanently.
                                Wow, 20-30% I would say its closer to 80-90% (of ladyboys working at a bar in thailand) that use drugs leisurely... I think about 10% of the ladyboy you come across (if that) DON'T do drugs because they are opposed to them in some way (morally, health risk, have to take piss tests because they are on probation) etc...

                                I make no judgement, as I know many of them that do drugs and you would never even guess... Drugs are fun. These "girls" are young. Isn't that what everyone does at their age? So, hopefully they will make it through these years of working in the bar, partying too much, being lazy and irresponsible, etc and hopefully learn from that...
                                "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                                -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)

