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Patpong with NO markets!

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  • #16
    (ramboz @ Jul. 26 2008,11:52) Great Patpong was wide open back in 75, Grand pre, Little woman bar, Rick's where all my Air Amaerica buddies hung, The Matador, Bobby's Hamberger joint.
    1976 & like a kid in a candy store, I spent 2 months soaking up the Patpong scene, the best nightlife going anywhere.

    No markets then, just bar after bar full of the best & cheapest pussy on the planet.

    Unfortunately most were forced to close by the concerted effort of the Government to stamp out sex tourism, forcing the owners of Patpong to open the night market to replace lost revenue.

    I definitely remember the Grand Prix bar, others ring a bell, but my favourite was the Mississippi Queen, full of the sweetest things, with only a few Issan girls, most I recall lived in the klongs.

    You never think those great times wouldn't last forever, I'm just happy I saw as much of it as I did. Wonderful times for a youngster, when you could drink all night & still manage to whisk away the best there was available.

    And if you found the prices high, there always was another 1000 or so girls waiting at the Grace Hotel, for half the money, or less. There's an image I will never forget ...
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


    • #17
      Good post Pacman... good memories, eh? I wasted my early years NOT in Thailand!


      • #18
        'fraid so .... along with everyone else who put off travelling to the Land of Smiles till after their first divorce.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #19
          If anyones going to make markets dissapear,will someone get me two pairs of fake birkenstocks size 10, i'll give you the money october

          Admittedly they are a piss off!!
          i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


          • #20
            That is a little cutie named Nat, 2006.

            You no care me DIE !!!


            • #21
              (stogie bear @ Jul. 26 2008,04:05) So here's the deal... If I don't like you I'll make you disappear like the Pikey cunts in Patpong market!

              Just like Pikey- they don't like it Up Em. Yes I know it was Jones but this will confuse those not familiar with Dad's Army hehehe
              I couldn't give a shit how long it is until you're next holiday- I live here


              • #22
                Don't panic! Don't panic!


                • #23
                  Mo market ? I needed another authentic $25.00 Rolex.


                  • #24
                    Hey Ramboz you must remember Lucy's Tiger Den, had some REAL crazy nights in there, and I still have my Grand Prix T shirt.


                    • #25
                      The best ever times i had in Patpong were when this site/forum just started and before  . IMO....Places like K3 are not a patch now on what they was then. beauty really was to be found in abundance isnt now... mostly average.
                      Same for all the BKK bars

                      My own feeling is that the top lookers dont go on the game any more. They maybe do internet shoots but they dont seem to pole swing. certainly many of the beauties i see on sites and trailers cannot be found in the bars which was not always the case. Maybe im wrong or its just a fluke that the late 90s were better

                      Not so long ago almost all the lookers could be found and shagged by hook or crook.. or perhaps they really are all in Singapore


                      • #26

                        Yeah, since the beginning of time, "it ain't like it used to be." But we are left to deal with the present. Any entry can point out the negative. But a good entry points out the a suggestion as well...

                        What do you suggest? Don't just cast stones... What"s the way forward? There will be one. With or without you...


                        • #27
                          (farangbah @ Jul. 28 2008,20:37)  Don't just cast stones... ...
                          Who let this Circus clown in!

                          did i not insert the disclaimer " IMO" which means " In My Opinion" ... go to specsavers or the local lobotomist is my suggestion since you asked for one...


                          • #28
                            i guess one of the few things goin for it around the silom area is the fact that day and night there are a fair few LB,s and femboys about in the shops markets and generally just around,mayby more so than the sukhumvit area(i could be wrong) the silom gay area does have em,not an area many guys go to,but i have ventured, its worth the time,the gay guys are very friendly,and if you ask they can be an assist in your LB search. never forget one time on the bts elevator, one very cute LB/FEMBOY caught my eye she with a gf as she went one way and i another we exchanged very nice smiles.very nice indeed i thought,hmmm i do like bkk.


                            • #29
                              got a stiffy on the elevator!


                              • #30
                                I never had any joy around the Gay area in recent years and i do take a gander every time im in this part of town just in case. You do see LBs in the audience watching the he- man fuck show but i cant be botherd . Its all a bit to muscle machoman for me... what a turnoff

                                The whole Boys area was as dead as a Dodo last week.

                                The other guy got me wrong as i wasnt complaining. I still enjoy my romps down to Patpong especially around Xmas time when more tallent is available. Theres no turning the clock back to 1999 i understand that fully ... Nune, Ant, Jean, Fai, Poom, Mon , Lin .. ah the good old days

