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LB sites: AsianTS vs LB69?

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  • #16
    (pentire @ Aug. 18 2008,17:40) Of course you are entitled to your opinion benturpin but how about some more contributions than your 23 over there and 44 on here before mounting your high horse and galloping off in the wrong direction
    Mention the word "Ice" and he will write volumes...
    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • #17
      (benturpin @ Aug. 18 2008,14:18) Good choice imo. Asiants has a far better forum. For members who love photo's, movies the  largest and best collection at offer. Many movies of lb69 can be found for free on various porn sites.
      Lb69 at this moment suffers from an overkill by some "superheroes". The old members rarely post anything. Their forum is a bit boring and the moderator has to use the delete button all the time. Many trip reports tend to be of the "look at me" quality. More an ego trip than a holiday. Read one and you read them all.
      Anyone who likes slagging all the time should visit that forum. I personally don't but it is a free market so every person should make his own choice.
      But were there any negative aspects about the LB-69 forum that didn't appeal to you ?  

      Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


      • #18
        (benturpin @ Aug. 18 2008,14:18) Hello *rest of quote removed to save space and mod finger pressing*
        Benturpin, whoever said you arent a potential diplomat in the making is on Ice.

        The only thing I can agree with that you say is that this is a better contributed forum - but as has been said, its not ATS but stand-alone. To say that the mods on LB-69 have to use the delete button all the time is ignorance of their role; indeed I suspect that the mods here are kept even busier with the same button. Thats part of the job. From what Ive seen LB-69 mods do it well, as they do here, and all will make mistakes; its the nature of the beast.

        Your comments on LB-69 trip reports are just stupid and childish. Totally unnecessary. As is the "slagging all the time" comment. I see similar here; its not 'all the time'  and its all part of the business when you mix up all the different personalities and opinions. Personally I wouldn't like to have to decide as a mod when to pull the plug on something 'contentious' as it all adds to the mix. Other deletions are an easy call.

        You say that "anyone who likes slagging all the time should visit that forum" and that "you personally dont..."etc. You may want to rethink that after the opinionated slag you just made.


        • #19
          What about DRM and download limits...


          • #20
            (pentire @ Aug. 18 2008,17:40)
            (benturpin @ Aug. 18 2008,07:18) Asiants has a far better forum. For members who love photo's, movies the  largest and best collection at offer. Many movies of lb69 can be found for free on various porn sites.
            Lb69 at this moment suffers from an overkill by some "superheroes". The old members rarely post anything. Their forum is a bit boring and the moderator has to use the delete button all the time. Many trip reports tend to be of the "look at me" quality. More an ego trip than a holiday. Read one and you read them all.
            Anyone who likes slagging all the time should visit that forum. I personally don't but it is a free market so every person should make his own choice.
            Firstly, Asian TS does not have a forum anymore although I understand what you mean

            With regard to the rest of your diatribe, yes this forum has considerably more content  however, I would hardly call the LB-69 forum boring  Sure there is the odd ignoramus over there who posts regular fairy tales which would not be tollerated over here and recently a dutch guy had a bit of a bee in his bonnet concerning activities of some of the regular posters while in Pattaya. But your comments on the trip reports surprise me, recently I have found many of them to be highly entertaining, amusing, well written and supported by some fabulous photos.

            Of course you are entitled to your opinion benturpin but how about some more contributions than your 23 over there and 44 on here before mounting your high horse and galloping off in the wrong direction
            Hello Mr Pentire

            First thanks for your concern I might ride a high horse and gallop in the wrong direction. Well if it interests you I never had anything to do with horses. I'm a nobody ( like any other member) and horses are too big for me. The same goes for superheroes and experts. Did you ever see an expert or a superhero? I never did. Yes I saw some who claimed to be but unfortunately for them they were not. I fully realize this and have no ambition to become an expert or a superhero. Why? because superheroes and experts tend to forget they are not alone on this world. Their big ego simply makes them blind. Making their own and other lives sometimes very difficult. Now tell me honestly you like a difficult life?
            The same goes for how many posts a member makes. Personally I never counted them because it doesn't interest me. If a member has 2000 or 3000 posts was does that give him? An expert status, a superhero, an advanced member. In what? playing mind games on a forum. Mr Pentire imo you are a very clever person but please don't make the same mistake some superheroes are making right now: they forget internet is not the real world. It is good fun but when you post too much you won't see the difference. Some even believe they are true heroes.
            Further if you enjoy lb69 why not? Like you said yourself you respect my and I respect your point of view. We don't always have to agree in life as long as we stay on a certain line. Now that said try and post a real critical thread there. You will see the difference.
            So you see we both learn something today


            • #21
              Hello Mr Srb

              Maybe to you this or another post was  Ben turpin walking on thin ice again . Sorry if that is your only conclusion. If you don't believe I personally don't like slagging it is your good right. I respect that. But in spite of that  again I repeat I don't like slagging .If another member really asks for it I'm perfectly able to match him. (Although I try to be respectful and never cross the legal line).  Does it makes me feel special or angry or happy by doing that ? No I only try to let the other person  to rethink or reconsider a certain post. Like some reactions from other members that make me reconsider my views too. Sometimes you can not avoid a  slagging back to get the attention.But I will always pick up a hand when a hand is offered.
              Maybe the lb69 forum sounds mature to you. But my advice would be reread some of the "funny" trip reports . Or the famous Frank's diary . Compare that to the older reports of member like billy69. Yes Billy69 sometimes had very revealing photos but you always saw one thing in his reports respect to the lb's from the p4p scene. And now too many times I see that what some members might see as fun  is in fact "fun" on behalf of other members or thai lb's. Some of the superheroes are masters in that habit. To me cheap entertainment. At least even a childish and stupid person like turpin see this.  Now what is a childish person to you ? To me the following:
              A childish person considering his folly is thereby even as a skilled one.
              But a childish person considering himself skilled is rightly called " childish"
              I never considered or see myself as  skilled so there is your answer

              Take care


              • #22
                Patronising. Sanctimonious. Drivel.

                I lose the will to live after a sentence when you write. And you lose all credibility, with me anyway, especially your reply to Pentire. I'm sure you can live without that. I can imagine the response now - "Im sorry I have lost all credibility with you" blah fucking blah superheroes and horses. Please don't bother.

                Pentire also said that everyone is entitled to an opinion, not that he respects them all. You say you respect other's opinions - that is complete and utter rubbish. The only opinion you respect is your own. That would be fine by me, but your attempts to put people down in what you seem to think is a 'clever' way lead you to write complete bollocks.

                I don't really know the scene, the people here or anywhere else. I don't like the way some people that I have seen behave and write, and I like the opinions, humour and respect for others that many more have. If I dont like it, I have the option of not looking. I don't consider criticising people just because I don't like what they do or how they express themselves an option. In this case I'll make an exception.

                I have no idea what you mean with your definition of 'childish', and I didn't ask for an answer anyway so never mind. Childish = immature and sometimes less is more  


                • #23
                  Hello Mr Srb

                  Why so upset. Really you don't upset me. I gave a nice reply and again I'm interested in your opinion. What makes you think I don't respect your or other peoples opinions. What makes you think I write people down.Do I call you or Mr pentire stupid or childish. No , but please correct me when I did. Still you miss an important point. This is the internet and not the real world. Please do yourself a favor. Wake up. Is a critical post about lb69 such a disgrace to you that you had to react like this. Even to go crazy on my definition of childish. By the way it comes out of a textbook 1000 of years old. I liked it and I hope you would like it too. Where did you find your definition of childish. Also interesting from your point of view

                  Take care


                  • #24
                    (kahuna @ Aug. 18 2008,18:31)
                    (pentire @ Aug. 18 2008,17:40) Of course you are entitled to your opinion benturpin but how about some more contributions than your 23 over there and 44 on here before mounting your high horse and galloping off in the wrong direction
                    Mention the word "Ice" and he will write volumes...

                    Almost the size of franck's diary. A priceless piece of art only found on the exclusive site lb69. Of course I never reach that level and you know what ? I'm glad not to

                    Take care


                    • #25
                      beside all the "keyboard-wanking" your contribute with...  i would appreciate......if you ever wrote a trip report yourself....  so us...the object of your post could see how it should be done.....

                      we try....bye a good heart....but not with a native contribuate....but what are your contribuation...??  

                      like my old mum said.....empty barrowls...makes the most noise...
                      all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


                      • #26
                        Hello Batman

                        No, thanks for the concern but my hair is perfect and sorry no wig. Have you ever met me ? Yes one time but you forgot. Out of respect I will save the forum the details. So please don't believe everything you read on lb69 posted by other members. I know difficult for a superhero but not impossible.
                        By the way what about my suggestion to change your forum name and be honest to yourself.

                        Take care batfly


                        • #27
                 no sparetime for wankers....

                          now piss off....and let more happy people join the tread...

                          funny how much ignorants can have against my "name"... without knowing why it was choosed....

                          get a new life...FFS... a happy one i hope....
                          and if you succeed...then write a tripreport...we all wait in excitement....
                          all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


                          • #28
                            Hello Batman

                            Why make a trip report.  90% of the trip reports are for the writers themselves like holiday photo's. Mostly written out of the "look at me"  experience  except the skilled ones like the late Robin and billy 69 who provided substantial information and could give you good advice. A relief compared to the new generation of superheroes, warriors and guroes of lb69 .
                            Do you really spent all your time reading other people's lives? Or looking at other peoples photo's. Now you worry me , I think you are becoming Cy the photoman.
                            Also you speak of a contribution on the net. You keep amazing me with your lessons of life. Now Batboy contribution to an internet site is that what concerns you? Do you have time to think about such an "important "matter? Where do you live? In a batcave or on cloud 9 or maybe in the funny farm.
                            Now speaking of contributions what is your contribution in real life? Please as you see forum as your family we would all love to know the answer.

                            Take care batmouse


                            • #29
                              FFS can u 2 just meet and fucking either punch either lights out, or kiss and make up,

                              BTW, read the fucking about quoting something, the last few posts have you 2 tossers requoting each other and then posting stupid fucking comments, grow up the two of you
                              i love t-girls


                              • #30
                                Sticks and stones Benturpin.

