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This forum... IN BOOK FORM! Would ya?

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  • This forum... IN BOOK FORM! Would ya?

    Ive been looking into the possibility of getting this forum published in book form and it's good news.

    But I have no idea what would be of interest - who the potential buyers are - what they want to see included - what should be left out - how much to charge - how much to include...

    Hard back, soft back... a few of each?

    Sell online and/or through the forum...

    Any and all ideas would be welcome. I hope to have something available by the new year so I'll examine every bit of input you guys have.

    Anyone know anything about publishing who can give some heads ups or warnings...

    My vision at the moment is to focus mainly on the trip reports and the funnier more lighthearted threads we have had over the years.

    Basically, I want something like 200 pages of airline fodder. An entertaining and easy to read carry on luggage type of read.

    Fire away boys and let me have your ideas...

    I'd definitely buy a copy.
    I'd probably buy a copy.
    Not sure...
    I don't think so.
    Definitely a waste of money'

  • #2
    I'm still answering unsolicitated questions and curious queries as to why I have "the Third Sex" book on my bookshelf at home. As I'm still a "closet LB enthusiast", the title of this particular book has caused me some awkward moments. What I'm trying to say is the title of the book would be very important consideration, especially for the likes of people like me who still remains in the closet.

    Otherwise, its an interesting idea, and I would be keen to see how the TR can be turned into pulp fiction.
    forward motion is like the sway of the ocean....


    • #3
      It's certainly an interesting idea. I think i'd want to read something like that in print.
      If you're gonna focus on the trip reports i assume you'll have to lose the photos, and for a lot of the the TR's the pics are an important part of them, i still read them without, but it's not the same.
      Of course if it did have pics i dunno if people would wanna read it on a plane with some old granny sitting next to them...
      The cover design and and title might affect peoples decision to read it in public too or even buy it.
      But I for me personally i'd be interested, i tend to read the new threads once a day and also check threads i've commented on, but i haven't read much of the older stuff (unless i've searched for a specific thing) and that means i'm probably missing on a lot of good stuff.
      So if someone took the time to sift through all that and select the choice cuts to make paperback i could fit in a flight bag,  i'd buy it and take a look.


      • #4
        Not a good idea. Maybe as an audiobook, read by dieter.
        "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

        Jaidee 2009

        The other white meat


        • #5
          I don't think the book will find much audience.

          Think about it:
          - the LB-interested population is small
          - only single travelers can buy it safely
          - most travelers will be too shy to read it openly in the plane
          - it can't stay in a shelf at home
          - you can't speak about it with colleagues (except fellow TLF members)

          would you get the airport-bookshop mafia to sell such a book?


          • #6
            Copyright needs to be addressed or at least considerd. Not that anyone here would be likely to stick there head up above the parapet but it should be considerd. Specially if it was successfull , the green eyed monster may rear its head.

            From memory i recall that some UK magazines have a clause that they own the copyright to any materiel profferd by readers so as to cover themselves if its rehashed later in another form.

            Its probably a good idea to shove this on the forum somewhere in the rules section.


            • #7
              I'd definitely buy one - if you allow me to edit out the more extreme examples of TTChang being gullible  

              But as others say, this isn't ikely to be on Asia Books 'must read' list.


              • #8
                (sev7en @ Aug. 30 2008,00:00) Not a good idea. Maybe as an audiobook, read by dieter.

                Yip King Rick....pity 3cm less and all will call you queen Rickara!!!!"

                Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                • #9
                  I wonder who will Play billy69 in the film version
                  Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                  • #10
                    Burt Reynolds, of course!


                    • #11
                      May Pierce Brossman, Leonardo Di Caprio in his youth....and of course 100 of stunt men......for each gig...
                      but it wil be a copy...

                      Billy is Billy......

                      Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                      • #12
                        Worth a punt, in a cost-effective way. Wouldn't be a best-seller considering the niche market but Im sure you have weighed up the opportunity already. A summary of membership/lurkerships on pay sites and forums will help no doubt in assessing potential, including that of more direct marketing.

                        1. Limited print, soft back, if you go that route (but see below); cheap enough to do to test the physical sales market. Sales and delivery online directly via associated sites/forums before you even think about possible committment to other outlets which can be based on reactions
                        2. Consider a broader 'spin' to attract - lots of first-hand experiences (which can add a lot of humour)
                        3. Innocuous, perhaps only mildly suggestive cover allowing a public read. No porn pics, clothed ok
                        4. Downloadable online for reading via laptop etc
                        5. Some key elements - 'newbie' stuff (critical though boring to the core market, experiences edited in a smoother way as opposed to ad verbatim stories seen here, and venues good, bad, ugly (maybe star rated). Perhaps an International chapter and key characters, movers and shakers. Safe sex/help chapter without becoming a medical guide (the morally responsible stance is important)
                        6. A map to the Guess Bar *cough*

                        The elements generally actually seem obvious though when you look at threads.

                        Feels like an 8-10 chapter thing, cost will depend on how you produce/distribute but a level of 350-450bt would sound right to me. Online Bt250, £4 UK blah blah. All finger in the air though!

                        Of course you could go more 'down and dirty' - there's still a market. I just figure that the broader you go, the wider market there is as long as you dont lose sight of your core. If you want to mitigate risk, just go download only.

                        Personally, I'd do it online, let it market itself cheaply within the communities and bubble with sales/word of mouth for a while, and then see what you have. It also cuts out that 'book of shame' stuff. Reports back may also help you fine tune. Even if you only sell to the 'core' (which I doubt as there are a lot of people who find the subject interesting, even if they dont partake), it'll no doubt pay for the time invested, be fun to do, and will be a resource that can be used in the future should it not progress further. 'Stogie Bear - Author'. Hmmm.

                        Other spin-offs by linking to site memberships could be achieved too.

                        Loads more but I'd be going too deep  


                        • #13
                          (Dieter @ Aug. 30 2008,02:54)
                          (sev7en @ Aug. 30 2008,00:00) Not a good idea. Maybe as an audiobook, read by dieter.

                          Yip King Rick....pity 3cm less and all will call you queen Rickara!!!!"

                          Yip, dieter. Sizequeens we all are.
                          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                          Jaidee 2009

                          The other white meat


                          • #14
                            The concept is fun but the market is both small and niche.

                            I am sure it would be amusing to read BUT only by forum members - it is hardly the 'coffee table' book!

                            IMHO market too small and socially unacceptable - sadly.


                            • #15
                              could be cool but seems like the reading could be a bit repetitive

                                at the very least, for 10-15 bucks it would be worth it for newbies so they don't make any rookie mistakes and they can learn a lot about where to go and what NOT to do, etc......
                              Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

