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I'm getting married...

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  • I'm getting married...

    She's my avatar. We meet in March of 2007 in Singapore, she was part of a show troupe. Then September 2007, I went to the Philippines for 10 days, then February 2008, back again to Singapore.

    She's back in Ph right now, going to Singapore in two weeks for 8 weeks. Wedding date is either Dec 22 (which I don't think will happen) or Jan 22. The government rigamarole looks like end of January before she can leave so I'm not getting married and going home without my wife. She wants me there for Xmas, I want us to go home together and become part of the mile high club. At least little wanking under blankets. It is an 11 hour flight.

    This has been going on far too long; weekly phone calls, her going to internet cafes, wiring money, so long that we both can't stand it any longer. Yes, she has dabbled in the escort business since we've met, been a webcam girl (which was fantastic because I get live free feed not to mention mutual cam masturbation on demand) but first and foremost, a showgirl.

    I'm 46, she's 31. When we first meet, she was 22. lol Yep, she has aged 9 years in 1 1/2 years Some hormones grew A cups (lovely), fully functional and when fully erect, we're twins! And always the telltale sign; she looks good in jeans.

    My friends know all about her, have seen her on webcam at internet cafes, talked with her on the phone, they just don't know she has a penis. My problem is I am 25% Filipino (75% Irish/English), my ex wife is Filipina, and even though my friends can't tell, I'm assuming my relatives can.
    My daughter is 17 and I don't think she would even care. I know I didn't when my uncle came out of the closet when I was 16. And I'm not coming out of the closet, it's just a girl with a cock.

    FUCK IT, even if they do know, can tell, it's just a hump we have to get over.

    It's official, he parents are ecstatic, the wedding is on. We're getting married on the beach in Cebu City at her tia's place. Even though she was born male, it's a totally recognizable, legal marriage there. Will it be the aem here in the US? I do live in California, born and raised in San Francisco, I just want the tax benefits that Ellen Degeneres is getting.
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  • #2
    You may run into some complications on the federal level. The US gov't doesn't recognize same sex marriages - although some states do. The problem is that immigration is handled by the federal US gov't - so you may not be able to bring her into the US on a marriage visa even if the Philippines officially recognizes your marriage (are you sure about that? I've heard from other Filipina lbs an official legal marriage is not possible). Another reason to vote Democrat in the next election!

    Check all your facts, or you may be in for a long frustrating fight trying to bring her to the USA.

    Good luck and congrats!  

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    • #3
      I was just talking to her about that and she said "yes" it is legal, though like you, I'm quite skeptical. Filipinos are polite but quite Catholic, and it's not like she had SRS to change gender but she lives as a woman 24/7. Now, the US federal govt aspect is something to think about, but if the Philippine govt lets her out, doesn't the US govt always let them in?

      I do have an Uncle that was a 2 star General under Marcos that didn't have to flee because he wasn't corrupt. I helped his son get into law school here in the US. Uncle Ernie might mutter somethings but he won't turn me down.

      I also have my connections in government there, mostly through PMA (Philippine Military Academy). I'll use them but yes, the US can be a bitch but then I do know Kathleen Brown (through Van Gordon Sauter, formr president of CBS News) and the sister of Jerry Brown, soon to be governor again of California. I also have connections through my grandparents to Lady Di (Diane Feinstein). Being born and raised in San Fran, having a retired Philippine General for an Uncle there in PH, I'm going to have people lean on people, or so I'm hoping.

      It may sound ridiculous and although I can't call some of these people myself, I'll use those that can. For this instance, I have a well connected family on both sides. My life is in Hollywood and networking and leaning heavily is what works.

      Hey, and I can always get Larry Wachowski to make a political donation. OK, I'm name dropping but all true. I am what I am.

      She's a lucky gal that it was me that made the first move.


      • #4
        The US federal gov't controls immigration so it has the final say on whether someone is approved to come to the USA. If your plans are to try and get her in on a marriage visa - it is not legally possible at this moment. It won't matter who your connections are - the federal law has to be changed and that won't happen until sometime after a democratic president, congress and senate are in power. Possibly after Nov. 2008.

        Your connections can't help her get in on a marriage visa, but they may be able to help her get a visit visa, which is a difficult thing for a Filipina to get in the first place. However, that means she will not be able to stay for very long.

        Your best bet is to hire an immigration lawyer and explore what options you have to try and bring her in, or help campaign so the democrats win the next election.

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        • #5
          (rxpharm @ Sep. 06 2008,16:40) The US federal gov't controls immigration so it has the final say on whether someone is approved to come to the USA. If your plans are to try and get her in on a marriage visa - it is not legally possible at this moment.
          Ok, I'm confused; if it is not legally possible to get someone into the US on a marriage visa, why do they have marriage visas? Of course it's possible, you just have to do the paperwork. Has the govt placed a freeze on marrying abroad?

          People all the time go abroad and get married. Russian, Chinese, Colombian, Eskimo - they all have their what we used to call "mail order" bride websites. Luckily, we have our AsianTS website but the gender thingy is what I believe will be the obstacle.

          The 90 day visiting visa is very hard to get in PH, but that is what I was lobbying for, she was lobbying for the fiance visa so screw it, let's do the marriage visa. I wanted the visiting visa then should could stay illegally forever but without relatives or a sponsor, put near impossible to obtain. Fiance, a little easier; marriage visa, probably the simplest.

          And yes, connections do work, as do bribes. I'm not talking about getting an Al Quida member into the country, it's a chick with a dick that wears a big feathery head dress in Singapore 4 months of the year, and she is way cute (to me anyways).

          I'm confident that by Jan 22, it will happen. Like I said, she wants to get married in Dec 22, have me spend Xmas there and hopefully get here by end of January.

          Dude, I'm technically marrying a dude, so I have no idea what the hell I'm going to entail. The art of gibberish spoken to the right person can get that "approved" stamp.

          At the least, it might make a good made for TV movie.


          • #6
            Sorry it isn't clear to you, but the definition of marriage for the US federal government (Washington DC) is a man and woman. This means that a marriage between a man and a man, or woman and woman is not legal in their definition for marriage visa application. Immigration approval is not done by any of the states, Washington DC does it.

            I am not trying to confuse you - seeing an immigration lawyer is the best thing for you to do now.

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            • #7
              (ohnoriceagain @ Sep. 06 2008,19:13) And yes, connections do work, as do bribes.
              Spoken like a true Philippino
              No honey, no money!!


              • #8
                I've researched this before and from what info I could gather, not taking the ladyboy's word for it, there is no provision in Philippines law for a man to marry a ladyboy. It would be no different to them, than if two men wanted to get married and it is at this time impossible to get a K-3 visa to the USA for a man and ladyboy marriage, or a K-1 fiancee visa for that matter, even if it were legal in the eyes of the Philippines govt.
                You could still have a ceremonial wedding, but it would not be legally binding or recognized in the eyes of their govt in any way, shape or form, from the info I was able to gather.
                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                • #9
                  My advice is to print out every thread on this forum... set fire to the pile of paper and jump in to the middle of the flames.

                  You will be much happier and wiser if you do!


                  • #10
                    (rxpharm @ Sep. 06 2008,17:20) Sorry it isn't clear to you, but the definition of marriage for the US federal government (Washington DC) is a man and woman. This means that a marriage between a man and a man, or woman and woman is not legal in their definition for marriage visa application. Immigration approval is not done by any of the states, Washington DC does it.

                    I am not trying to confuse you - seeing an immigration lawyer is the best thing for you to do now.
                    Fuck that, fly into Puerto Vallarta, drive across through Tijuana. Hey it's a plan.

                    And I wasn't confused, you're statement was somewhat unclear. See, if I marry someone born a female, Viola! marriage visa. You never addressed the gender issue. And to be honest, I never thought about it. I thought if it's husband ad wife, it's husband and wife. I know, I have lots of paperwork ahead of me. I just am looking forward to morning wood, times two.

                    So I get a passport with sex as female, problem solved. Thus the bribe and the connections. Sparks are flying off the top off my head.

                    If I can talk my way into a Cure concert, well, immigration should be easy. Dazzle them with charm, distract them with my charm. I'm Hollywood, I make a living at this.

                    Ok, Ok, and if that doesn't work, I'll look into an immigration lawyer but as a last resort.

                    Ya know, I'll have her change her name to ...Kim Ocho Cinco, though that might be centimeters. We're twins, not penis models. 85 centimeters might rip my intestines, which could be toxic. Ok, it will be just a pet name.


                    • #11
                      (Lefty @ Sep. 06 2008,18:54) I've researched this before and from what info I could gather, not taking the ladyboy's word for it, there is no provision in Philippines law for a man to marry a ladyboy. It would be no different to them, than if two men wanted to get married and it is at this time impossible to get a K-3 visa to the USA for a man and ladyboy marriage, or a K-1 fiancee visa for that matter, even if it were legal in the eyes of the Philippines govt.
                      You could still have a ceremonial wedding, but it would not be legally binding or recognized in the eyes of their govt in any way, shape or form, from the info I was able to gather.
                      Ah, not true. There are bills on the floor waiting to be passed against same sex marriage but no law. Roman Catholics running amok. It's not the Filipino govt holding it back, seems to be the US govt. You can't get married in the church but you can get married by a judge. Filipinos don't pay taxes anyways, so the tax break, inheritance, hospital visitation, which are huge issues in the US are non issues in PH. I could be talking nonsense but that is what I understand. Thew next few months will be a great lesson in bureaucracy, not t mention constantly thinking....why the fuck do we have borders?

                      Manila has it's gay pride parades, almost a sister city if SF. If I wasn't going to marry Kim, I think Manny Pacquiao would look good in a corset. De La Hoya was quite sexy, no?

                      DECEMBER 6 - PACQUIAO VS DE LA HOYA De La Hoya is going to get FFS not through a scapel but through the fists of the Pac Man. Nose over here, jaw over there.

                      I bet you both of them could marry a ladyboy and bring them into the US.


                      • #12
                        Two Words ----- Good Luck!!
                        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                        • #13
                          I would suggest getting married in California, even if she has to come in on a tourist visa. I have experience with INS as my wife, a filipina, and children went through the immigration process. Even though the US government does not recognize same sex marriage...if you have a legal marriage license from California, INS will process your papers.

                          Don't believe the rhetoric from the Democrats....trying to get you to believe that with Obama as President that same sex marriage will be legalized by the federal government. You could be waiting forever....


                          • #14
                            (ohnoriceagain @ Sep. 06 2008,21:31) I could be talking nonsense
                            it's a possibility
                            No honey, no money!!


                            • #15

