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Gonna try to turn a 'straight' friend

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  • Gonna try to turn a 'straight' friend

    Going out tonight with a long-time buddy. Think I feel like walking on the wild side and bringing him to an lb bar (he doesn't know I like this scene). He's such a horny old monger that I think he may take to it like a fish to water. It's a risk though.

    I was thinking that I'd walk in, pretending not to know it was an lb bar, and see how he reacts. That will be a tough sell though as half of the lbs will walk up to me in recognition and call me by name. My cover would be blown.

    The subject did come up once, though, a long time ago, and I didn't confess to anything, but he said 'what's the point of girls with the operation, that would take the whole point out of it'. Think it may have been just a joke though.

    Have you guys ever done anything similar? Played Devil's Advocate? Lured an unsuspecting straight man into the lb scene?

  • #2
    Since your cover is going to get blown, you might as well fess up first. If he's a long-time monger he should know by now anyways...
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #3
      Something else might get blown too. Then again your entire plan might backfire bigtime. I have a male frieind that is as straight as the day is long. One day I asked him if he might be interested in a MMF or a MMFF. His reply was , Nope never happen,. FFM sure but he is not into getting naked or bumping dicks with another naked male no matter how many females or who the females are in attendance.

      He related a story that happened ot him when he was driving a truck. He made a run to some town, and the company put him and another male up for the night as they had to wait for a load to be picked up at the terminal. So since it was early evening, they decided ot hit the town and have a few beers. There wa a section of town within walking distance thathad some night time entertainment so off they went. There was what he assumed to b e hookers on every corner for the most part, and he thought about buyingone later on and taking her back to his motel room once his friend was in his room. So they ofund this one bar room and went in to have a few drinks. They were setting at the bar and this chick came up to him and asked him to buy her a drink. He said ok, and then suggested they move to a booth . He slid in on the same side as her and they talked a bit. He decided to make a play and see how far he could get so a kiss and rub on the leg did not meet with any refusal so he kept workinghis hand up her leg under her skirt further and further. No resistence offered, so he decided, fuck it, he is an adult, no need to play aorund like a school kid just go for home plate and if she lets him play with her pussy odds are he can get her back to his motel room and if she refuses, there is always the hookers on the corners topickup later. He went for home plate and just grabbed for a handfull of pussy to pet but was met with something else. He said at first he was sort of stunned, as he thought the chick was on her period and he had grabbed a hand full of Kotex. Then with a bit more squeezing and still no resistence, it clicked, and dawned on him it was not a Kotex it was a damned dick he had a hold of. He had inadvertantly picked up a transvestite. Next thing they were at each other in an all ouit brawl. They were tearing the place up and others got involved as well. Cops were called and the bar tender said if my friend paid for the damages he would not press charges......My friend wa the one that started the fuss when he took a swing at this "chick". It cost my friend over $450 back them to pay for damages, and no charges were filled. He still swore that so called chick looked like a chick but the fella he was with said pretty well all of the so called hookers on the street corners they saw were also trannys looking for a date. What really got him was the chick had some great cleavage....... Of course he did fess up later that he had tongued her tonsils and did some serious rubbing on her legs and breasts before going for her "pussy".

      For some reason or other I just do not think trying to push a LB on your otherwise straight friend is a very good idea. For all yo know though he may be into LB as much as you or anyone else is but is just not out in the open about it.


      • #4
        (kathylc @ Sep. 28 2008,01:57) For some reason or other I just do not think trying to push a LB on your otherwise straight friend is a very good idea. For all yo know though he may be into LB as much as you or anyone else is but is just not out in the open about it.
        lulz, wasn't gonna push it on him, just observe his reaction when we went into an lb bar.

        Just came home, it didn't happen anyway... at the last moment he changed the plans to Cowboy instead of Nana so nowhere to run my little experiment.


        • #5
          I'm always amazed when people who feel they have been duped by a ladyboy turn to violence

          I can't imagine getting so worked up over something like that that I would take a swing

          maybe some of these bozos are insecure? I don't understand people at all
          No honey, no money!!


          • #6
            I agree with the sense of insecurity.

            Since guys who are extremely comfy with their masculinity, tend to be more open and regard sexual attention as flattery of sorts.

            It could be a ladyboy, a fat and ugly girl or even another man to be honest, an insecure fella would just freak out.

            I myself find it edifying if I'm hit on by a lesbian.

            But I'd be quite     if I made out with a hot guy and realised he didn't have a penis.


            • #7
              I took a straight friend to 131 last year. He knows I like lbs and just accepts it, but had never been to a ladyboy bar before and when we were in 131, he sat with his back to the wall, wouldn't let any of the lbs sit with him or anything. He seemed pretty paranoid about the scene, while I was out in the middle of the floor hugging and kissing Kwang, squeezing her butt, etc. I tried to talk him into loosening up and being sociable at least, but he was having none of it, so we left. You are never going to convert someone who is totally straight, but if someone you do get to try lbs for the first time, ends up liking them, they were other than straight, just suppressing it, to begin with.

              This year, I took my same friend to La Bamba and he seemed to be more relaxed being around so many chicks with dicks, but he still wasn't going to get affectionate with any of them.
              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
              ― Henry Ward Beecher

              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


              • #8
                (bigmick22 @ Sep. 28 2008,03:43) I'm always amazed when people who feel they have been duped by a ladyboy turn to violence

                I can't imagine getting so worked up over something like that that I would take a swing

                maybe some of these bozos are insecure? I don't understand people at all
                Merely taking a swing at a Tgirl, (while a bad thing in of itself),that one previously thought was a GG, is comparatively small potatoes, compared to things like the scum in the story linked below.
                “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                ― Henry Ward Beecher

                "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                • #9
                  Could be insecurity, but could be some people just aren't interested in LBs period. I don't like swing dancing but I went to a swing dance event with a good friend and no matter what, couldn't find myself into it. Thought it was the dumbest thing ever and just stood on the sidelines. Maybe I'm insecure in my choice of dance (which btw is none!) but could be I just don't find it interesting and that's that.
                  I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                  • #10
                    i just find it hard to believe, that so many guys get duped and think there with a girl?/i dont believe it , in most cases they are just embarrased and try to cover up with rage and fisty cuffs, because they were caught with a tranny.
                    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                    • #11
                      "Turn a 'straight' friend"

                      Does this mean I'm not 'straight'?


                      • #12

                        No you're well along the continuum!!
                        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                        • #13
                          (Lefty @ Sep. 28 2008,08:57)
                          (bigmick22 @ Sep. 28 2008,03:43) I'm always amazed when people who feel they have been duped by a ladyboy turn to violence

                          I can't imagine getting so worked up over something like that that I would take a swing

                          maybe some of these bozos are insecure? I don't understand people at all  
                          Merely taking a swing at a Tgirl, (while a bad thing in of itself),that one previously thought was a GG, is comparatively small potatoes, compared to things like the scum in the story linked below.
                          How the jury concluded that was not a hate crime is beyond me.


                          • #14
                            (kathylc @ Sep. 28 2008,09:57) He still swore that so called chick looked like a chick but the fella he was with said pretty well all of the so called hookers on the street corners they saw were also trannys looking for a date.
                            So where is this place were all the hookers are trannys and they hang out in local bars?  


                            • #15
                              How to turn a 'straight' friend:

                              1. Tell him that 'Hottest girls in Thailand are not girls and he should be really careful' in the bar scene (this actually is a critical step and his reaction to your comment determines the rest of the process)

                              2. Go sit a bar in front of LB bar (like the one in front of the JSB or Soi Katoey )

                              3. Drink and shoot shit, dont talk about the girls, he will at some point the girls and acknowledge the action going on

                              4. Repeat #1 and tell him to check them close by

                              5. If he does not wanna go repeat #3

                              6. If he is willing to go, go with him and just lay low and let him show his attraction to any of the girls. Don't get any girl until he does.

                              7. Approve his attraction : 'Man she is the hottest thing here'

                              8. Pass the girls to him so he samples them all, buy a lot of drinks and have fun (drinking will be his excuse)

                              9. At some point he will be just waiting your approval to move to the next level. Pick a girl and say 'Man this girl is awesome, I think I will hit this one' . He will probably follow suit. Dont leave the bar until he does with the girl.

                              10. Go have fun, never bring up the experience the next morning (unless he does)


