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Falling ill after trip to LOS

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  • Falling ill after trip to LOS

    I've just returned from another trip to LOS and have come back sick yet again.

    In fact, out of the last four trips, I've been ill three times after I've returned home.

    The first time, I was convinced that I was suffering from the famous seroconversion illness that signals the development of HIV....made the schoolboy error of checking my symptoms on the net and nearly had a nervous breakdown when I found that they matched the one illness I didn't want to have. I endured a horrific few weeks while I waited for the results of the HIV test but thankfully they came back clear.

    I kept a diary during my wait for the results and I read it now and then to remind myself of the dangers and the makes for pretty sober reading.

    The second occasion I developed a mild chest infection and flu but it was more than four weeks (outside the incubation period) after I had returned so I wasn't too concerned.

    This time I developed a cough towards the end of my tour and it developed into a chest infection that I've been trying to shake for about a fortnight. I'm not too concerned as I'm prone to that sort of thing, particularly when going from high humidity to cool air conditioning on a daily basis for three weeks, not to mention the number of strange people I was having fun with during my stay.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if I'm alone in being susceptible to illness during and after their holidays and whether anyone else ever has any concerns about what they might have picked up along the way.

  • #2
    Kebab meat was my undoing!


    • #3
      Mate, i have been sick nearly every time after returning from Thailand...

      But i put it down to the miserable long trips in planes and lack of sleep... nothing sinister.


      A worthy trip report


      • #4
        (Stogie @ Oct. 07 2008,22:00) Kebab meat was my undoing!    
        but that was going BACK to bangkok, not returning to farangland!!
        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


        • #5
          Had the worst dose of flu I've ever had after some farang coughed and sneezed all over me in the tour bus to the Tiger Zoo

          Mind you after my last trip (I wasn't feeling the best all trip) they discovered I was diabetic.


          • #6
            No worries, buddy.  I invariably get sick in one way or another after a trip to another part of the world.  I think it has a lot to do with the antibodies we develop in one part of the world vs. another, relative to the bugs/viruses they have there.  It can also have something to do with the flight, water, etc... I just came back from Nepal and developed the worst goddamned skin rash ever.  I think it was from the air/water.

            By the way, the EXACT same thing happened to me upon returning from my first trip to LOS.  I got the flu pretty bad, and was 100% sure that it was seroconversion, and I had thrown my whole life away... needless to say I was in quite a tizzy over it.  I was fucking devastated for months, until I cleared the 3-month period and tested negative.  I couldn't even work... I managed to convince my employer that I had to have back surgery, but instead just laid in bed all day having panic attacks about that which I then thought to be an imminent AIDS death.  So I feel for you buddy...  I think my paranoia was related to both the fact that I had never slept with a prostitute, which everybody says is unsafe, before and some latent guilt (which I have since dealt with) about the inherent 'gayness' involved with getting slammed in the arse by ladyboys....

            Actually, I found in all my paranoia-esque web-surfing that HIV paranoia is a legitimate condition of its own, a legitimate phobia that many people share.  It's like a compulsive, irrational fear of snakes... something our culture has identified with evil.  In the modern world, snakes ain't got shit... HIV represents death and sorrow.  So it's sort of natural that people can develop an extreme fear of it.  Check out, run by an HIV pos physician in San Francisco.  He deals with HIV paranoia every day.  No shame in it at all, IMHO... it's some pretty scary shit.



            • #7
              Man this whole thread is about HIV paranoia... You guys should really talk to someone about this stuff....


              • #8
                (jet712 @ Oct. 07 2008,21:58) In fact, out of the last four trips, I've been ill three times after I've returned home.
                Same with me but its called "Depression"
                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                • #9
                  (perth_couple @ Oct. 08 2008,01:03) Man this whole thread is about HIV paranoia... You guys should really talk to someone about this stuff....
                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • #10
                    (azza33 @ Oct. 08 2008,04:40) Mate, i have been sick nearly every time after returning from Thailand...

                    But i put it down to the miserable long trips in planes and lack of sleep... nothing sinister.
                    I would agree. Look at the lifestyle you lead while there. Lack of sleep, lots of beers, lots of shagging and those long flights.
                    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                    • #11
                      Probably from being stuck in a plane for hours with a couple of hundred other ppl. The air just recirculates through the plane so if 1 person coughs, everyone else get the germs.
                      That and all the alcohol, late nites and "exercise" probably weakened your immunity.


                      • #12
                        i have to agree...lack of sleep, poor diet, over drinking and long plane trips are the perfect storm for a bug to take hold of ya.

                        but, thats why i always sleep from 4am to 10am...start every day with some good cardio exercise (sex) a hearty breakfast w/a large oj (lots of vitamin C)...more cardio swimming w/my girl...followed by a stress reducing bj and rejuvinating afternoon nap from 3-5pm. then more nurishment at dinner (lay off the dairy and caffine, neither is good for your sex life)...then during the evening, more vitamin C with my vodka (they cancel each other and of course lots more cardio exercise with a mix of BGs and LBs.

                        thats my Rx for staying healthy in patts boys....o, and plenty of trojans in your pocket!


                        • #13
                          I went to LOS in august which was a still abit cold here at home and the first moring i woke up i had a sore throat and chest infection. I think the rapid change in climate was the blame but a visit to the drug store for some antibiotics and strepills fixed me up
                          Butterfly number 1


                          • #14
                            (Homeless Traveler 2 @ Oct. 08 2008,13:39) i have to agree...lack of sleep, poor diet, over drinking
                            If you don´t exercise over there, it´s downhill fast.
                            I lost 7kg´s in 6 months, only the belly got bigger.
                            Took many hours of exercise to get back in shape.
                            Gained 10 kg´s since i got back home.
                            I find hardest part to get good nutritious (and vary the) food.
                            "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                            Jaidee 2009

                            The other white meat


                            • #15
                              (jet712 @ Oct. 08 2008,03:58) The second occasion I developed a mild chest infection and flu
                              Many long travellers suffer from these effects including me on many occasions...

                              Usually when you get a common cold the symptoms you get like sore throat and chest etc etc is due to your immune system fighting whatever strain you have( and there are hundreds i believe) and not the the bug itself..

                              Therefore i would guess that the Aircon and cabin pressure acting together must have some effect on the immune system which reacts and gives these problems .

                              its just a guess folks..

                              Doctor Phibes  

