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How do they remember so many names!

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  • #31
    To be fair se7en, point zero what % manage to do this ?

    I known the girls just been in Europe with since the fist
    night i stepped in KC.. It is,as Monkey said,their dream!
    So sitting in the middle of some European city sipping coffee surrounded by shopping bags filled with designer brands makes me happy for them,proud even! so why so harsh on them living the dream?
    And why obnoxious? and a bad attitude? Do you mean they
    refuse to take it up the arse from some blert for the 1/5th
    of a tip they give a karaokesinger?... dream on kid!
    Hardly any guy here will give the time of day to a girl they
    wouldn't screw so why on earth would you expect them be
    any different? Not obnoxious,just not desperate!

    They remember mean bargain hunters too!

    Kahuna, you're right,no one pot a gun to there heads
    but job prospects aren't very good for a lb,,and it's not
    a lazy way out and you know it...
    Forgot how this forum works  


    • #32
      (Naang Faa @ Oct. 12 2008,02:12) shopping bags filled with designer brands makes me happy for them,proud even!
      That makes them proud?
      I´m sorry but you just confirmed their empty heads and shallow minds....
      Pride over LV bag! Great!
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • #33

        You missed the sitting in some European city out (conveniently)
        And it makes ME proud of them..

        It's disposable income, do you expect them to fly off to a third world
        country and pay for sex with someone half there age or something?
        Do you think women with similar incomes not in the skin trade would do
        any different??
        Forgot how this forum works  


        • #34
          No, they make very good money themselves, i stated that if you actually read my post.

          I don´t care what they spend it on, it´s their attitude.

          Yes, that´s their dream, wow, some ambitions huh.
          "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

          Jaidee 2009

          The other white meat


          • #35
            I don´t care what they spend it on, it´s their attitude.
            What attitude?
            Forgot how this forum works  


            • #36
              Hmm I think this has gone really off topic


              • #37
                Anger management classes anyone?


                A worthy trip report


                • #38
                  Kahuna is the one closest to reality in all of this.

                  Working the bars is easy not to do. And if they DO start and don't like it they can walk away. Nobody is pressgangedi into working in farang bars. (Not so of the country bars, but that's not the issue.)

                  Families are often nudging their offspring towards this line oif work to pay for things at home. One trapped in the biz the money and atmosphere become drugs.

                  Whilst Thai ladyboys may have insecurity about being a ladyboy many farangs have just as much insecurity LIKING ladyboys.

                  Whilst Thais have money worries etc, well so does everyone. But they manage to find a way to not let it bother them.

                  The incidence of drug use is exaggerated on this forum but it IS a part of the life in bars. If one person in a bar has a drug problem it affects everyone in that bar.

                  The reason that some ladyboys will remember your name is because it's good business to do it. It links them to you.

                  Finally; I have to say that working in bars in Nana/Pattaya/farang places IS a lazy option for most of them. They would be a lot more miserable working for 10K a month in a mall or for 8k a month on a farm, but the jobs are there. They have chosen to wiegh up the pros and cons of these jobs and bar jobs and have decided that bar work is better.

                  This isn't India, Africa or China where the poor are actually starving to death and the alternative to bars is going hungry. It's a choice.

                  Having said that, this kind of work favours the young and the attractive and their sell-by date is about 5 years maximum from when they start (whatever age that is.)

                  And that leads us back to their uncomplicated lives... they have no idea about planning for the future or what they will do or even look like in the future.

                  25 for a ladyboy is old and it's unlikely they will find their dream partner afer this age.

                  But when you think about it - the problems they face are the problems that we all face. Old age, wealth, health and happiness...


                  • #39
                    Think about it , if you walk into a bar and someone remembers you its a huge boost to our little egos .

                    Wow ! I haven't been in here for almost a year , she's probably shagged hundreds of guys , and yet she remembers me , if I'm not really "hansum man " I must at least be a good guy right ?

                    Inflating our egos and making you feel special is all part of the deal , don't forget these are smart street wise little cuties we are dealing with .

                    And hey , it sure feels good
                    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                    • #40
                      That's a really good point Naang Faa. Girls with money is a dangerous thing and any girl, any where in the world, is going to use her disposable income to buy shoes, purses, clothes, and make-up. These girls are no different, so people shouldn't be amazed by that at all. Also, these girls put up with a lot of tough shit that we don't even realize. If they want to splurge and treat themselves, its their money and they should be able to spend it as how they see fit. Now some may be daftly irresponsible, but there's a lot of breadwinners here that support the family and themselves in ways we can't imagine.
                      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                      • #41
                        (Stogie @ Oct. 12 2008,13:11) 25 for a ladyboy is old and it's unlikely they will find their dream partner afer this age.
                        Really? Some of the girls in their late 20s and a few past 30 still look amazing!
                        I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

