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Regarding Censorship and Free Speech

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  • Regarding Censorship and Free Speech

    yes, long live free speech and i have NEVER, even one time, deleted any posts from anyone who was speaking their mind, and i had no reasons to delete this one. Angelo has exercised his first ammendment rights on this site for over 2 years now and has never been censored or deleted, and never will be as far as I am concerned.

    But the posts that have been coming from Mr. Lonely lately are too commercial; that is definately NOT what this site is about. I am happy that he has a business and because he is a friend I have let him promote his businesses on this website Forum free of charge, and also with 3 prominent banners on our links page. But where does that end? Does free speech mean that guys can sell cars up here? Do you guys really want to read that Mai-Kee has a 1998 BMW for sale? Or that Lotus can get you a great deal on software? So now Lotus will use this forum to promote that software and if I ask him to refrain I am the bad guy because I am violating his free speech? Am I also the bad guy if someone posts an advertisement for and is in direct competition with this one, and i remove that post? Did i violate that guys constitutional rights or did i protect this website?

    a few people have written me lately [NOT Paul] and told me that the frequent posts from Mr Lonely advertising his books and movies was excessive and why was i allowing it? Why should someone be allowed to sell their goods and services here? That's NOT what people want to read on a forum like this. And if I let him do it, i have to let you all do it, or I am violating your first amendment rights as well. So feel free to turn this into another e-bay.....what the hell do i care.... I certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or trample on the first amendment, even if it does mean that guys like Top Dog and others will leave this site in droves. So, why don't all the people who work here plan on losing money on cancelled memberships so Mr. Lonely and others can sell their things here; I actually was hoping to go back into the work force and give up this job anyway. And where does 'first amendment rights' and 'freedom of speech end'? Someone can say "Jon is a bad guy and has no morals and has sex with dwarfs" and i am just supposed to just take it? Why?

    I sent off a nice letter to Angelo asking him to refrain from selling his products up here, and i would ask the same of the rest of you. Sure, i am being the bad guy and maybe the founding fathers would hang me for muzzling what someone wants to say. But can someone please send me a link to a website which will allow ME to advertise on them for free? I would LOVE to get a cross-promotion on a major ladyboy forum, but sites don't allow that; why should we? If i [or Angelo, or anyone] tried selling our products on bangkoktonight's forum, or the forum, we would be deleted before the post ever was live for 5 minutes. I guess that is taking away my first amendment right, but isn't that THEIR right as a business? Who says i can make up the rules on THEIR site, the first amendment? Doesn't the management here have any rights? Or, can we just let anarchy rule up here and let anyone post whatever the hell they want to say, and sell whatever they want?

    I think not. Please, lets keep on topic here; this is [was] a nice friendly place to discuss ladyboys and where they hang out and how we can meet them and enjoy our vacations better. It's not a place to sell products or talk about other competing websites or to promote anything, except the fun times this site will lead to if you let it.

    Lastly, i will always promote my friend Angelo's books and movies, and even though these are not OUR products on this website and we have no association with his goods and services, we are more than happy to allow him to advertise on our extremely popular links page, which is here;

    Feel free to shop around on his 3 sites and buy as many things as you choose. We give him this VERY valuable space on the internet for no fee to sell his products and i hope he makes a million bucks, i really do. But i have kindly asked him to refrain from advertising his goods up here and that is the same for everyone else.

    If I am trampling on someone's rights here, than so be it; i would rather be the bad guy here than lose my job and see this site close down.


  • #2
    Jonathon Ross reads for Asian

    Hey, Bricktop and other Brits... Check this out...


    • #3
      The X rated version!

      Jon gets rude!


      • #4
        I would rather see Jon Man Rude, than Nude !!!!!!!!!!

        You no care me DIE !!!


        • #5
          sex with dwarf's.........HUMMMMMMM
          Would they be Thai ladyboy dwarf's.


