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How do you react to calls from LBs...

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  • How do you react to calls from LBs...

    Imagine you have met a ladyboy (guess same will apply to femboys, ggs, etc.) you fancy earlier that night or on a previous night. You have exchanged numbers and you more or less said that you would call her without giving a specific time or day.

    Suddenly yr phone rings (probably numerous times unless you switch it off after the first call) or you are getting a message and it's her. She wants to see you but you are

    - busy,
    - not in the mood,
    - having a good time with friends
    - or any of that sort ...

    How do you react?
    What are your thoughts?
    How did that lb react when you finally met her?
    I ignore the call by letting it ring until it stops
    I interrupt the call by pressing the stop-button
    I answer the call and am ready to meet her right away
    I answer the call but tell her that I am busy and will call her later
    I don't answer the call but call her back later that night
    I invent some excuse why I can't see her but promise to see her another day
    I ask her to join me and my friends

  • #2
    Easy. Forward your phone calls to me. I'll handle the PR for you and make sure they have a good time on your behalf. Then you can peacefully enjoy doing whatever you think is more important while I suffer the pain and indignation (hopefully) of taking care of your ladies.


    • #3
      If I'm out I press the 'Ignore' button or if I'm at home I flip the phone face down which automatically mutes the ring tone.

      Doesn't happen to me these days... I'm the forgotten whore mongerer of Bangkok!
      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


      • #4
        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Apr. 09 2010,10:55) the forgotten whore mongerer of Bangkok!  
        Could be a book there!


        • #5
          (Steff @ Apr. 10 2010,01:51) Easy. Forward your phone calls to me. I'll handle the PR for you and make sure they have a good time on your behalf. Then you can peacefully enjoy doing whatever you think is more important while I suffer the pain and indignation (hopefully) of taking care of your ladies.
          So, what's yr number?
          I hope you are in Pattaya as being anywhere else would not really solve the problem.
          BTW, there is no problem, but I am curious to hear about different strategies and approaches.

          And of course, you get the lady, you pick up the tab, but take it easy, I work out good deals ;-)

          But hearing you speak (or rather write) like this, tells me that you are in farangland and limited to fantasizing. If you were here, you should have your hands full and not even the time to think of offering yr services ;-)


          • #6
            (Bumpa STIKKA @ Apr. 10 2010,01:55) I'm the forgotten whore mongerer of Bangkok!  
            We are what we want to be


            • #7
              Chinaman you are absolutely correct. I am indeed kicking around in Farangland and counting the days until May 12.

              I am assuming you are in Pattaya. It is 02h45 for you. So why aren't your hands full?


              • #8
                As soon as I return to the hotel room with my companion for the evening, the phone gets switched to "silent mode" and remains that way until the following afternoon.

                Nothing worse than having your mobile phone ring when you are about to reach nirvana....

                Ladyboys can be very persistant, and a number will continue to ring you throughout the early hours of the morning.

                Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


                • #9
                  The answer is don't give out your number if you can avoid it , or only give it to someone who you can trust to be cool .

                  I learnt my lesson years ago ,too many calls late at night (funnily after the bars had closed ) and lets face it some of these girls can be very persistent .

                  Another thing I learnt to my cost is don't ignore calls unless its just too awkward to answer , better to answer and come up with some sort of excuse .

                  If you are already busy the last thing you need is constant calls and that mad fake jealousy that really means its last chance saloon and I need the cash .

                  A bit of a passion killer if your phone is ringing and ringing .

                  I collect numbers then if I need to get in touch with someone I call them from my hotel phone , that way they can't track you down

                  Whilst the mobile phone is a wonderful invention it also doubles as a tracking device
                  Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                  • #10
                    wise words oh master.



                    • #11
                      (jimslim @ Apr. 10 2010,05:27) The answer is don't give out your number
                      As always JS has the correct answer...

                      If you don't want to be called day and night simply don't give them your number...

                      If you don't want to answer the call and all else fails, hitting the reject button a few times in succession usually slows them down a bit...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #12
                        (Steff @ Apr. 10 2010,02:45) I am assuming you are in Pattaya. It is 02h45 for you. So why aren't your hands full?
                        They were earlier last night.
                        When writing this post, I was right in the middle of the decision process whether I should get them busy once more or accumulate some power for the rest of my stay


                        • #13
                          Have 2 SIMs, one for friends, contacts, etc. This stays on most of the time, turned to silent when sleeping or shagging. There are a couple of regulars that have this number, but we have an understanding that we SMS first before calling. That works both ways, I almost never call a girl to hokk up, I do it by SMS. The reason is they might be with a customer or boyfriend. And also, I want to set the expectation that unsolicited calls are not appreciated.

                          The other SIM is for LBs and GGs (p4p).  This is turned off most of the time, I turn it on when I want to make a call or send message for hooking up.  What this means is that it stays off for hours (or days) at a time if I am with a regular that has the other number.  Really cuts down on calls when they can't get through.  

                          But if I do get a call that I don't want to take, I just switch it to mute. BTW, in my experience, LBs make unsolicited calls much, much more often than GGs.

                          Dual-SIM phones can be dirt cheap.


                          • #14
                            (jimslim @ Apr. 10 2010,05:27) Whilst the mobile phone is a wonderful invention it also doubles as a tracking device  

                            I usually answer or call back when convenient for me. Or just turn off the phone if I'm busy or not in the mood. (Flat battery )

                            I've never had much trouble explaining my absence to 'casual' contacts. By the time you do get around to calling back they're more than happy that you even did. It's when they become more than casual that the trouble starts  
                            Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                            • #15
                              This might exclude lbs you share a different level of friendship with, but wouldn't calling them back be like saying "This ATM has just re-opened and you can come and collect yr cash"?

                              I have never been able to call or message them without it ending in "You want to see me, Darling". If you are not prepared to see them, what's the point, they will just pout, and if you are, you better be ready for action within the next 10 mins as they might be over in a flash.

                              It always amazes me how quickly they can make it across town (Pattaya, that is). But then these ATMs have short operating cycles and they better hurry ;-)

