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The secret is out

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  • The secret is out

    OK, since this  post will say  only 100% positive things about one of the ladyboys I have no fear of  saying it....

       an old friend named  Bartman [who posts on here sometimes]  was kind  enough to make me an extraordinary offer recently when we were both in BKK;  since  he has enjoyed the site so much these  last 3 years since he has been around, he offered to treat me to the girl of my  choice for a night;  great!  a  kinder reward has never been offered and i took him up on it.

                Went to Cascades;  lots of the usual subjects and some very beautiful hotties  but still not what I wanted. Downstairs to the ground floor and Obsessions;  again, the usual suspects and some very cute new faces as well,  but I still wanted a repeat of a  20-year old girl that I had met walking around in front of Nana Plaza in early December named  Kate. Now she works in Obsessions [sadly] and while  not the standout of the place like Mickey or Chompoo or Lyla [all there and available], she has a certain innocence and beauty that is appealing to me.  Also new;  she just came from Roiet in Issan in  November and after making small cash 'walking around' Nana out front, she moved inside to Obsessions to make some decent coin.

              Last December I thought she would kill me in bed and I posted something up here about that experience  shortly after we spent a night together;  she damned near stopped my heart and I thought that type of passion could never be repeated  again but I was wrong.  without getting into too many details,  lets just say that the more recent experience with this fine young ladyboy was every bit as good as the first and again we  came damned close to Stogie running this forum himself and ol' JaiDee checking out, no kidding.

            AMAZING    ladyboy  who is also very shy and reserved, extremely sweet and seems to have a lot on her mind and would be perfect "girlfriend" material; picking her brain to see how she ticks would be an adventure.  Kate; works at Obsessions and is about 5'8 and has  shoulder-length blonde hair; I am letting the secret out on this one since  I won't be able to get back to BKK for a while and because, frankly, she is way too good for the likes of a guy like me.  do yourselves a favor and look her up if you want a night of unbridled passion.  


  • #2
    Do we have a pic?
    Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


    • #3
      sorry Bit, I forget to mention in that thread that she is not a model yet here, but she is definately on the "to do" list!


      • #4
        Whow have to see her!


        • #5
          No Worries
          Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


          • #6
            From Bartman: Yep I was there (well net there when JD was doing the deed) but was there at Obsessions and I can tell ya first had that she is very nice.


            • #7
              thanks're the best!

              and she was a great kid indeed


              • #8
                Originally posted by
                without getting into too many details...
                You're fading... nope, I can't hear you - it's a bad signal or something...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Feb. 07 2005,13:46)
                     an old friend named  Bartman [who posts on here sometimes]  was kind  enough to make me an extraordinary offer recently when we were both in BKK;  since  he has enjoyed the site so much these  last 3 years since he has been around, he offered to treat me to the girl of my  choice for a night;  great!  a  kinder reward has never been offered and i took him up on it.


                  You are correct about the Bartster, He's a hell of a fun guy to hang out with. We hooked up with Jackie and took her to the big 3 at NEP, and was happy to see the pros treated her very kindly, especially Talesha and Vicky. For all you doubters out there, Jackie is real, and not a pro which may account for some of her postings...she's just not in the game.
                  As for the kind offer you took bartman up on, Hell, he practically had to hold you down and force you to take the offer. All this time around the lbs and you still havent learned nuthin'.
                  Really though, I had a great time hangin out with you guys, Stogie, Micky Mouse, Bartman, Snick, Mike-ts-lover, Bartman and Snick look like they were seperated at birth. I told Stogie I'd get him drunk, but everytime I looked, his tab cup was empty. Damn how I felt cheated.
                  I can't thank thank you guys enough at ATS. Just the info I get from the forum alone saves me the cost of a membership by many times. I will definitely give you guys a holler when I'm in town. Many many thanks.



                  • #10
                    JD who the hell are you kidding?? They are ALL too good for you!!


                    • #11
                      Yep I had a good time too but got sick my list 5 days in Thailand I got back to the USA a few days ago. I hate getting home after spending time in LOS


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (andyman @ Feb. 25 2005,12:27)
                          As for the kind offer you took bartman up on, Hell, he practically had to hold you down and force you to take the offer. All this time around the lbs and you still havent learned nuthin'.
                        yes, I know.....the trouble is that in Nana if I even talk to a ladyboy the word gets all around and my name is mud, so I knew if I actually took one home I would be dead meat with about 20 others and of course that was the case after my time spent with Kate on the Bartman's dime.

                        mai pen was worth it

