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Noon and the hairy  fuck

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  • Noon and the hairy  fuck

    Yes, it was truly unfortunate that our great-looking 'new superstar' from january 1 named Noon had to appear on that amatuer website with the hairy loser with the dead rat on his head. She regrets it as much as we all hate seeing it, and if she could go back in time she would never work for those guys, she has told me many times.

    but today was different; in e-mail we were chatting and she mentioned that she is losing customers from ATS because they are saying that she was screwing that pathetic turd with no condom on. Now I have never seen these pics or vidoes and never will; I like my lunch staying right where it is, thank you. dear friend Noon swears that the dude was wearing a condom and she asked me to tell you all that she always practices safe sex and did on that day as well.

    All I can say is that I trust Noon and what she says; same as with Areeya, she has always been nice and pleasant with me and I can only judge her by that. I believe she is sincere and I hope that her one lapse in judgement working with these clowns will not affect her forever.

  • #2
    JD just make sure Vicky wraps herself in cotton wool until I get there.


    • #3
      Might I suggest that actions speak louder than words. We all know that information travels at the speed of light when it comes to the girls. If she and other where to really want to do something about it they would spread the word that once a girl sleeps with these two turds that they are pesona non grata. It should take no more than a week for them to have a hard time finding any girls that will go with them. I for one will never spend a single baht on any girl that has been with either of these pr*cks. We all have lapses and unfortunately we sometimes pay a price for them. I think its sad for the individuals but for the betterment of the scene, I would suggest a database of sorts so we can protect ourselves from the even higher risk of spending time with these ladies. Sorry to be a hard ass, and my heart goes out to the victims of these turds, but as with many things life its not fair. For example I would never consider eating at place that has a reputation for getting people sick. This is that 10 time over. It may be a bitter pill for some of the girls but for the betterment of all, we need to protect ourselves, and making sure that the girls understand that it will ruin their opportunities seems to be a viable approach.


      • #4
        dmlbl2001 if these girls are practising safe sex with these guys then how is that any different to all the other customers they have been with? If you are going to write off every girl who has been with someone else then you will have none left.

        However I do understand the out of site out of mind thing but then just don't look at their site.


        • #5
          Ozzie I understand what you are saying but! These truds portray very very ugly treatment of the girls. And yes no matter what the girls may say many of the pic show that they clearly are not using condoms. This subject with these dickheads has come up many times and the way they treat the girls is horrible. I have only had the misfortune to see some of their previews and it makes me sick. It is not about them having sex with other guys but it is about protecting oursleves and the girls from unneeded risk. I agree that there are probably plenty of guys and girls who have unprotected sex and its up to each of us to protect ourselves. But with that said to go with people that are so demaning and unconcerned about the girls or their health is uncalled for. Again why subject ourselves to clearly more risk.Why stand by when there are terrible abusers taking advantage the girls, and literaly assulting them and putting their lives at risk.  Once the girls know they will be boycotted this problem will end post haste.Look at it as a public health campain.


          • #6
            Originally posted by
            These truds portray very very ugly treatment of the girls. And yes no matter what the girls may say many of the pic show that they clearly are not using condoms
            OK I have heard about the terrible treatment which I certainly do not condone. However having never looked at the site I can't be sure but that is a very big statment to make, that they are clearly not using condoms, do you know this for a fact?

            Originally posted by
            Once the girls know they will be boycotted this problem will end post haste.Look at it as a public health campain.
            I wish this were true, however these girls will always go where the baht is an when low season comes around and they are not getting many customers they will unfortunately be knocking down there doors. I wish it were not the case but we have to be realistic here.


            • #7
              From the previews for the Apeman's site it does appear that he is poking the models and Not wearing a condum. For me, this is something I have had to give serious thought to because some of the models are ones that are available in the bars and Damn they are still mighty tasty looking. At first I had decided that any LB who appeared on the Apeman's site was crossed off my to do list. I even went so far as to suggest that some type of list be made available to members of this forum. Now, I think it is better just to take the proper precautions cause, let's face it guys, these are Prostitutes and they will always chase the baht. I do not want to miss out on a great time with Noon and some of the others just because they did something foolish.


              • #8
                they say ignorance is bliss...pity we get educated on who the apeman is shagging... Im sure every single one of the beautys we so enjoy shagging have an apeman we dont know about siiting in there closet besides the skeletons... By us not shagging there girls where taking there bread and butter... I for one take the same precautions with a girl whether shes on the apemans list or not as i think we should all do. I fully agree with the whole not eating a restaurant where u here people get sick but i personally have never seen he bone a girl without a not saying it doesnt happen....ive just never seen it
                Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                • #9
                  Which site are we talking about?

                  Ladyboy blue or Ladyboy-Ladyboy
                  It's good to matter what the pay

                  Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                  Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                  ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                  "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                  • #10

                    I know it's not LB-LB, not sure about LB-Blue.....



                    • #11
                      neither of those sites......lady boy guide is a notorious, amatuer piece of shit which doesn't even belong on the internet and it still amazes me that the best looking male model they can find is a stupid-looking neanderthal throwback who has a 5-dollar hairpiece on his head which makes him look like a cross between a circus clown and a monkey.

                      Dmbl2001 makes some valid points here and it even looks like it is something I would say {I swear he is not me!}. We have discussed this many times here and it still holds true for me; although i KNOW these girls are sleeping with guys probably worse than him [is that's possible], I don't have to SEE it. These idiots treat these kids so bad and make it unappealling to sleep with them in my opinion, because they go out of their way to abuse and humiliate them ,which is definately NOT cool. I feel bad for Noon; she seems to be a good kid from what I can tell and she really regrets working with those complete idiots. I told her if I get the chance I would pay those creeps 10,000baht to take her pics down but they won't do it I am sure. In any case I would be just as likely to bitch -slap that fucker than hand him over some cash.

                      last month I met a new girl in Cascades named Nat; Tomcat referred to her in another post as being possibly the cutest girl in there and I would concur with that. nice, small body, cute face and even braces! We chatted a bit and became friends and I got her number; she told me she was only 17 so i told her she couldn't work here, and she said that she turned 18 on March 1, so we could after that. More importantly I wanted to call her for a hook-up; she was just "my type". Until the next night, when I went in there and Noon told me that she was out with that hairy fuck, working; cross her off the list automatically, for work here or for screwing. I texted her later and told her what a mistake she made and she asked me if I was angry with her now..... no reply because I was not only angry with her but disgusted as well. Noon had warned her to stay away from them [which i hope they do for all the girls as dmbl suggested] but she didn't listen.

                      one more reason to hate those guys.....they onviously don't even check ID's and get model releases for their girls; if they did they would have seen that Nat was still underage and not usable for the internet, and that indeed her pics are illegal in every country.


                      • #12
                        So he's definitely NOT getting a Christmas card this year then... the scallywag!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by
                          it still amazes me that the best looking male model they can  find is a stupid-looking neanderthal throwback who has a 5-dollar hairpiece on his head which makes him look like a cross between a circus clown and a monkey.
                          ...and all the members would like to thank our Brad Pitt-lookalike contributor, Jai Dee, for this analysis!
                          Mister Arse


                          • #14
                            I talked with LB who went with that guy and some are famous i am not here to call out name , u know them already.
                            Truth be told it hurts me to see them with that guy, but this is just entertainment. Ok they suck him without condom, but a lot of u guys already had some of our famous lbs doing the same to u and doing it to some dirty guys and u dont know it.
                            Some of the girls also are stupid enough to got the guys cum on her but really not many. The other time it is some fake cum. I Looked at some of the videos and it seems the girls have fun. They do like humiliate but it is fake.
                            I am sure we would feel more disgusted by seing one of us with one of the lb doing crazy things. So just think that it is another customer and that's all.
                            Truth be told the guy is ugly but i know all of u are so handsome that is why u go to see hookers no ?
                            Peace out


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by (Stewart @ Feb. 08 2005,07:58)
                              ...and all the members would like to thank our Brad Pitt-lookalike contributor, Jai Dee, for this analysis!
                              never said i looked like Brad Pitt or anyone like that, but I am 100% sure i am better-looking than that guy! and I have all my natural hair left on my head, not some rug bought at the 7/11.

