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You paid the Barfine, but...

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  • You paid the Barfine, but...

    Just a presis of some notes I posted in the cissboy thread...

    last night i arrived a bit late in Obs where i was supposed to Barfine Amy ..NO17. i had missed her the night before as arrived late and another guy took her ( very annoying). So heres the thing , TT Chang said to me that i better hurry up or someone else will snatch her off the stage. Even though i had lined up a coke drink this is not an insurance policy against some dude plucking her off the stage and dragging her out to be brutally sodomized

    So i duly barfined her and she got dressed and sat next to me. Then the Japanese guy from the night before walks in with a big canvas suitcase and sees that i have bought his baby and sits down dejected . He threw his big canvas bag on the edge of the carousel and kept sending messages over to dump the farang. She then says to me that Japan customer very unhappy about this and he want to pay big money now to take me.

    Well it was New Years Eve and this guy was an arsehole for starting a stupid auction( that is not really playing the rules as i already fined her, but TIT) . I suppose that there are other ways of settling these tiffs but going to airport with duelling scars would not be the best way to start 2011.

    Needless to say he lost the auction and a lot of face..but i still dont need this shit. Dont they play cricket over there" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':laugh:'>

    Happy New Year

    ( PS the point here is that she she would still have to go with me anyway whatever as i paid , but the idea of another fare in waiting sort of plays on their mind, "i have to back to bar , my sister have problems" etc etc)

  • #2
    I've had similar happen to me TC and if you think that you are in clear water once you leave her bar then think again.
    A few years ago I bar fined a stunning looking girl (GG) from a Walking St GoGo.......we finished up in the Marine Disco where she was spotted by a high roller while she danced on one of the podiums. He offered her 10,000 to go with him. She readily accepted & returned me the 600 Baht bar fine

    Nowadays I only bar fine them when I'm ready to take them back to camp and fcuk them


    • #3
      (Tomcat @ Dec. 31 2010,22:27) Even though i had lined up a coke drink this is not an insurance policy against some dude plucking her off the stage and dragging her out to be brutally sodomized
      If it was there'd be guys gumming up the coin slots of the prison Coke machine.  

      You won the auction!  Hope she performed to your expectations!  Glad u started the New Year with a bang TC!  


      • #4
        As unfortunate was the happenings with the lady in pentires story its a stark reminder that for Thais its very much a business. A top shelf GG wants big money and i can't blame her for her actions as unethical as they may be to us - 10,000 baht would be hard to refuse.


        A worthy trip report


        • #5
          I remember the girls (GG's) in the Grace Hotel would be offered 1000 baht by one of the Arab gentlemen to go with them. This would happen while we (me & a few Aussie friends) would be chatting to them & buying drinks. A number of times the girl I was keen on would ask me what I wanted to do. My reply was always the same, she can have 100 from me or 1000 from him. I never had one leave to take up the offer. But that was in 1976.

          Today I would be dropped in a heartbeat, no girl would pass up the chance to make 10 times the money. Of course back then I was a hansum man & the Arabs had a terrible reputation for not showering & being physically violent with the girls. So the odds were stacked in my favour despite the drop in wages. The Grace remained a favourite place for the Arabs until finally they bought the place & erected two enormous towers either side of the original hotel. I remember the glory days every time I go past on the way to Soi 4. It is on Soi 3 which back then was a narrow street with open drains & mud footpaths that we walked down to the Nana Hotel to go to the disco after the Grace closed.

          These days I think I would let Amy go if I was in that situation last night. Knowing she was anxious to get back to her big fish, I wouldn't look forward to the charade that was bound to follow. I am surprised she didn't have your barfine returned, we know how they can be when the situation calls for upsetting a farang & making extra money. Farang loses every time.

          I hope you got your money's worth TC, do we have a photo of this Amy so we can see what the fuss was about?
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #6
            (Tomcat @ Jan. 01 2011,13:27) PS the point here is that she she would still have to go with me anyway whatever as i paid...
            I beg to differ. They can & will do whatever they like. You are farang & TIT...    

            She was saving your face, god bless her...          
            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


            • #7
              (pacman @ Jan. 01 2011,03:12) I remember the girls (GG's) in the Grace Hotel would be offered 1000 baht by one of the Arab gentlemen to go with them. This would happen while we (me & a few Aussie friends) would be chatting to them & buying drinks.
              I was first shown the delights of the Grace Hotel coffee shop in 1986, I can remember feeling very much like a Kid in a candee shop, also the "Thermae" was a favourite too after hours, a lot of freelancers and a great chill out atmosphere.

              If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


              • #8
                I'm glad you held out TC. Obviously he wasn't prepared to go all the way
                Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                • #9
                  I would have let her go on the proviso she paid the bar fine for ANOTHER girl for me. It's all about money, even if you are temporarily "hansom man". She wants it that bad she can pay. It's all a game. "Face" be fcked!


                  • #10
                    (Torurot @ Jan. 01 2011,14:13) I would have let her go on the proviso she paid the bar fine for ANOTHER girl for me.  It's all about money, even if you are temporarily "hansom man".  She wants it that bad she can pay.  It's all a game.  "Face" be fcked!  
                    About 5 years ago, I did exactly that! Paid barfine for a girl in NEP and we're getting ready to leave and a Japanese regular of hers walks in. She asked me if she could go with him, and I said "what about me?" A discussion ensues. The end result was that the bar gave me 500 baht barfine back, and the girl gave me 500 more for me to pick another on (from another bar).

                    First time anyone has ever paid barfine for ME!


                    • #11
                      (Tomcat @ Jan. 01 2011,13:27) Dont they play cricket over there ?
                      It appears not .

                      Khun Yippon has behaved like a complete cad , it would not be out of place for a gentleman like yourself to remove his glasses and strike him a backhander across his cheek with your riding glove .

                      I wonder what was in the big canvas suitcase
                      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                      • #12
                        Great thread and great responses...

                        Reminds me that THIS place is worth a billion times more than the other crappy sites and forums!

                        Happy New Year!
                        World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                        • #13
                          (pacman @ Jan. 01 2011,15:12) , do we have a photo of this Amy so we can see what the fuss was about?
                          Sorry no photos

                          After all them femboys you keep chasing Paccers this size 36 silicon honey might put you off ladyboys for life. I do seem to have aquired a wider taste spectrum now and perhaps the rough and tumble of beastiality is all thats left to explore...i wonder what the barfines are

                          i forgot to take snaps of her. I dont want to be reminded of what im missing back in the new Southern Arctic expanded zone next week. Ill be back pretty soon as always and will do my best. She reminds me of young Sonia but no drink problem.. i think she is far prettier.

                          Always has a deadpan expression on the carousel and never smiles at customers but a funny girl with some nice friends . We was having a nice meal in the Nana Hotel Restaurant the other day and she asked the waiter for a bottle of mineral water, when the waiter returned she said to the waiter in English " Thanks , i Love you ". ( LOL, some kind of new in joke with Hotel waiters, although it may not go down so well in a Five Star)

                          So , here we are . I ended up splashing out around 8K for a night out including a modest dinner ( for three) and a night of great sex. Not so bad. Anyhow i dont plan on being the richest man in the graveyard.

                          The moral of the story is " remember , book early"


                          • #14
                            I wonder what was in the big canvas suitcase
                            probably one of those new SuperD Vacuumi Penis enlargers plus the micro diesel oil generator to run the pump.
                            WARNING= DO NOT USE IN HOTEL ROOM

