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Does your mother know?

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  • Does your mother know?

    If you are here you've been a ladyboy lover for a while now... but would it shock your friends and family if they knew or found out?

    Would exposure cost you your job or the love of your family? Are you married with kids and need to keep a very low profile?

    I was a bit embarrassed at first when I started 'leaking' the news and people still take potshots at me in bars in the UK if they know me.

    My girlfriend is passable so I've never had any problems when we go out and most if not all my family and friends have met her by now. It's never been an issue... but she's the first person I've been with who my brother hasn't tried to hit on!  

    Have you come out of the LB closet and then thought "Blimey - that was easier than I thought it would be., I should have done this a long time ago!

    Conversely have you let it slip to a friend or family member then immediately regretted it? Or had disastrous consequences?

    Did someone find out by looking through your computer or other ways and made you feel like a bit of a perv?

    For me, I think living in Thailand where the issue is moot gave me the confidence to 'bare all' back at home in the UK.

    How about you?

    Voting is of course private...
    NO ONE has access to who votes for
    what. You have my word on that.

    (This thread will he moved to
    the VIP section after 20 replies.)
    Attached Files
    NOBODY knows about my LB likings'
    ONE other person knows this fetish of mine'
    A few close friends. NO family'
    A few close friends including certain family.
    Lots of people know but no family.
    Too many people and it bothers me.
    Too many people but I don't mind.
    Everyone knows' hubba hubba'
    My answer isn't on the list of choices.
    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.

  • #2
    Excellent topic!
    I've told a few close friends, but no family.
    My family is, for the most part, a bunch of up tight bourgeois fucks. I get enough bullshit judgments from them for all kinds of other stuff. I think if they knew about my ladyboy thing they would seriously go into hysterics.
    Actually, there is a part of me the is just DYING to shout it in their faces, but I prolly won't, for a while anyway.
    "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
    Salin' on a summer breeze
    And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
    -Harry Nilsson


    • #3
      Most of my friend's/workmates know
      about my liking for LB,s and not many care TBH.
      My old mum know's, but she's like Thai's
      She say's UP TO YOU  
      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


      • #4
        My "conversion" to LBs came after my parents had died, but I don't think they would have understood had they been told.

        I never discussed my partners' sexuality or gender with my business colleagues, although a large number met my LT partners but I have friends (outside of BMs) who know of my preferences.

        I certainly have no hesitation in taking an LB to any function, provided that she is "passable" and not sluttily dressed.

        Two of my children met my first LB Partner, and two years into that relationship, I told them she was an LB.

        The first reaction from my youngest daughter was "She can't be! - I've shared a dressing room in a department store with her when we were trying on underwear".

        I explained about sticky tape and "tucking it under"

        We were about to go on a family holiday so I had one of them ask my other two children and my ex-wife and her husband if they would mind - and they all said no, they did not mind.

        My partner got on well with all four children (they were then in their mid-teens, early twenties then) and became extremely friendly with my ex-wife and her husband.

        Eleven years later, after the death of my first LB partner, two of my daughters met my second LB LT partner - and after that relationship was over, my youngest daughter and her husband joined me in attending the wedding of my, by then, ex-partner, who was, at the time of her marriage, a postie.

        Although my family know in which direction my sexuality points, I have never discussed the P4P aspect of my activities and, as I have not had a long-term partner for a few years, the subject of LBs has never (to my knowledge) been discussed with any of my nine grandchildren (the eldest of which are now university age).

        If I had a partner, I don't think I would like my grandchildren to see me with a partner, whether LB or GG, who would most likely be close to their own age - in current terminology I am sure they would think it was "Utterly Gross!".


        • #5
          Thanks TG for your honest writing. Right now, no one knows my interest but I have introduced some of my transgendered girls to my friends and they have not even blinked! Still not brave enough to let the cat out of the bag! Oh Well, I guess I will endure the 22 hours of flight to go to paradise! friend
          Seize the day because tomorrow is never promised!


          • #6
            I have a friend/coworker/neighbor here in Japan that is also a real perv and goes to Thailand as much as I do.  About a year ago, after a few drinks, I decided I was now comfortable enough with my lifestyle and decided to test the waters.  

            He was totally cool.  We've since traveled to LOS during holiday time in Japan, he's been in Obsessions in BKK with me (and even met the Estimable TT Chang), and been in Phuket with me and went bar hopping with me and my best girl.  And I found the latter to be a good experience for her, too, to see "normal" friends from home.

            Just the other night we were riding into the downtown area on our bikes on a Saturday night through an area with some maid cafes, and he called out to me as we passed some, "That might have been one of yours!" (I taught him that handy phrase in LOS, and it has proved quite useful)

            It has been a liberating experience.  And for a while now I've thought about coming out to my good friends -- if they are indeed "good friends" then they should remain so, no?  I want to talk about it to some of them!  

            But family?  Don't see that happening.  My mother is deeply religious, and if she found out it would precipitate her immediate demise...  


            • #7
              My parents have passed and my sisters would disown me. I am 100% sure it would cost me my job. It is a family owned company even though we do 1.3 billion dollars a year in sales. So now I fly 22 hours and enjoy my time to the fullest. Bangkok Belly or not.


              • #8
                Totally out and honest about it. Lies are too hard to maintain, and create too much anxiety. Also to live as yourself is your right. Everyone knows in my instance. And for what its worth I think my mum prefers Mrs F to me.

                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • #9
                  (f0xxee @ Feb. 16 2011,12:57) And for what its worth I think my mum prefers Mrs F to me.
                    we all do!  

                  I keep dropping hints with my UK friends, one of whom now sends me any emails/cuttings about LBs.  One member of my family knows, and I think he's mentioned it to another.

                  Can't quite get to Foxxee's openness, altho have invited one to stay at my home in UK.  If it happens, will prob 'out' me


                  • #10
                    My poor old Mammy doesn't know much about anything these days
                    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                    • #11
                      (TTChang @ Feb. 16 2011,15:53)
                      (f0xxee @ Feb. 16 2011,12:57) And for what its worth I think my mum prefers Mrs F to me.
                        we all do!  
                      Ka-pow! Take that!
                      World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


                      • #12
                        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Feb. 16 2011,16:46)
                        (TTChang @ Feb. 16 2011,15:53)
                        (f0xxee @ Feb. 16 2011,12:57) And for what its worth I think my mum prefers Mrs F to me.
                          we all do!  
                              Ka-pow! Take that!

                        Its Ok gents, I know you always hurt the ones you love....

                        Its not easy to come out about it with the family, but in many respects its worth it. besides, they are stuck with you, so fuck 'em.

                        Interestingly enough I was down at Guess Bar on Valentines day, and this big Aussie I know from Vietnam walked in. I had no idea he was into ladyboys, although he knew I was as I had a few stay with me over the years while I lived there, and certainly didn't hide them away.
                        He made comment on the fact that I was so open about it in what was essentially a very small expat community, and how he had to an extent envied that I was so free and easy about it given that most of the expats in VN are either war vets or oil and gas workers, and how he felt the burden of trying to keep up appearances as an Aussie Ocker (Rule nuber 1: No Poofters!) when he in fact felt conflicted.
                        He said that what stood out that although I was teased a little, it was to my face, it was not malicious, and most thought that at the least it meant I had a certain courage of my convictions.

                        OK it's not for everyone, but if you are serious about having a LTR with a LB, then it is something you need to consider strongly.

                        I might make the following points about coming out in Aus in 2000:

                        Straight Male mates were entirely cool about it in 90% of cases. IN fact more and more fell to flirting with my Aussie LB GF at the time.

                        Women were the most insecure and offended: how date I prefer somthign without a pussy? Had I turned gay they would ghave been more accepting.

                        Gay mates: Were fucking painful. The worst. They couldn't get it through their heads ITS NOT ABOUT THE COCK... its about the ladyboy package of good looks, tits, understanding men..... and the cock. I had reason to slap few fags who figured after knowing me for 20 odd years as a straight man that now that I was "out with a TS it was cool to lick my face or try to kiss me, behaviour they wouldn't have considered previously.

                        (PS:Mrs F was also at Guess that night with my cousin who has been staying wih me the last few months. The Cuz was blown away by the charm and kindness of the ladyboys who spent time with her chatting.)

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #13
                          Mother passed away a couple of years ago, she wouldn't of cared, she was very very liberal in her views!

                          Father would not ever be able to get his head around the situation and would probably not speak to me again!!

                          My fiance is the only person outside of BM'S i have met in LOS that knows i like Ladyboys, as per usual you get to comfortable in the bedroom and start sharing your secrets. By the time my love of ladyboys came to light, she told me she has known for a long time, prehaps when we have been in LOS together my secret gawping at passing Ladyboys was noted, but more likely womens intuition. She is fine with the ladyboys and doesn't mind if i go to LOS or visit an escort, what she has made very clear is if i go with another GG, that is the end of the relationship!

                          Friends no chance, i do have a mixed bag of mates, some would probably be ok, but not sure.

                          Family wise, no and not prepared as it would probably cause more embarressment for my finance than myself. She would probably say that she knows and does not care. That could cause her some discomfort.

                          Work wouldn't care, they have to accept people for who they are.
                          i'm going where the sun keeps shining.................


                          • #14
                            (f0xxee @ Feb. 16 2011,17:42) they are stuck with you, so fuck 'em.
                            Classic, fOxxee...!  

                            Amazing post, but that line takes the cake...


                            • #15
                              (f0xxee · Posted on Feb. 16 2011)

                              They couldn't get it through their heads ITS NOT ABOUT THE COCK... its about the ladyboy package of good looks, tits, understanding men........and the cock.

