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Heros are being stupid now!

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  • #31

    Listen what the fuck is all this about?

    Unless I am missing something that has been clearly stated in this thread, I see no mention of Juri. Am i missing something?

    Secondly, as usual the members of the Draconian Society are coming out urge a public outing/flogging and trial by ordeal for a confession. Best they make sure their own house is in order.

    For weeks I have been stating that there is NO SECRECY on the internet, and that anything posted on a database should be assumed to be in the public domain. Wikileaks proves my point.

    1. PLEASE- print the evidence as a cold facts and not emotive opinion and heresay.
    2.IF and only if the evidence is conslusive then ban the member.

    Marko: I understand and sympathise with the potential damage these leaks can cause.

    Board Members: I sympathise with all you married dudes who dont need your spouses using LBF to flog you in divorce court. (Note that Facebook is now mentioned as evidence in 55% of divorces is the USA.)

    But the constant "hero" discussions and outings are damaging your brand Marko, and its a brand worth having.


    All VIP memeberships are due for renewal this month or the majority
    Write a code of conduct.
    Make it clear that what happens on the LBF stays on the LBF
    Mke it clear the penalty will be dismissal if the above is not adhered to.

    My overwhelming feeling is that being outed by a Hero (hating that word even more) or being outed by the LBF for being a hero... whats the difference?

    2 wongs dont make a white.

    Gents take a step back into rational thought and put the lynch mob mentality behind you. It shames you and shames the forum.

    Someone remove my soapbox now please.

    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


    • #32
      Juri's post is now gone. Curiouser & curiouser.
      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


      • #33
        Like I said above  -  post the picture with the face blanked out.

        The guilty party will immediately recognize himself and no-one else will.
        This will provoke one of two responses;-
        1. He will panic and contact Bumpa Stikka or will identify himself in the forum.
        2. He will shut up and probably never disclose anything to another unknown person.

        This will show that BS has enough information to 'out' the offender so will stop him from attempting to damage the forum.
        OK it's online blackmail but he could potentially damage other people.
        I'm happy to have a discussion of the rights and wrongs on this one as I admit I don't know/have not worked out all the answers.

        Deepthroat raises some very valid points.   Posting a picture of someone is likely to cause more damage to the reputation of the forum.
        We don't want TLF to be remembered as "that ladyboy site that posted a picture of one of it's members!" - and over time that is what you would be hearing.
        No matter how rock solid the evidence, no matter how strongly the Grand Jury voted for hanging, in the months and years ahead the facts would be lost but the memory - OUTING ONE OF IT's MEMBERS BY PUBLISHING HIS PICTURE WITHOUT CONSENT - would long remain.
        'Ultimately, what good does it do us to post a photo?'  -  I suspect the answer will be far more harm than good.

        A threat often has a more powerful effect than action.

        Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

        "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


        • #34
          I say play the bigger role and ban him and then let it drop. Whether you believe in Karma, Faith ot whatever it will get back to haunt him, because an ASS will always be an ASS.


          • #35
            I think it would be counterproductive to TLF interests to IRL 'out' the alleged perpetrator.

            Perhaps 'out' all known forum id's (from this and any other forums you can discover) then ban the person. You could even post on all the other forums sharing the info..

            A public shaming of a persona, not a person.. Sure they may try to rejoin, but assuming you have ip addresses, take the money and then just 'out' their new id  


            • #36
              (Stewart @ Dec. 06 2010,19:13) Otherwise it is trial and sentencing by opinion and heresay on a blind internet forum...
              The ladyboy lover doth protest too much, methinks!
              World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


              • #37
                I dunno..... 'cos I don't know if this is someone being a "hero" , or just a poor boob who needs to impress a 3rd world hooker to feel impressive for some twisted reason.

                Definitely spill the screen name....

                jimslim said it pretty well I think. Those of you who work the "cam girls" should be doing it with one hand on the mouse & one polishing the knob, anyone giving intel from the vips here is a pretty pathetic specimen who's motivation is a murky psychological issue of some kind.


                • #38
                  If the VIP member's user name was known, he would have been banned by now. I think RR's suggestion is pretty good. Post up the photo with the face blanked out, and if the culprit doesn't come forward within a certain time frame (can be done via pm), then repost without blank.

                  The major problem is this is becoming more common - and one of the conditions of being a VIP is NOT to show photos or tell the ladies about what is posted here. However, there has not been any specific consequences, which is a good idea to address. There is no point in having a rule unless it is enforced. We have now at least 2 VIP members who do not want to post any further reports or photos because of this problem.

                  The only way to significantly reduce this from happening to to show there are consequences.

                  Click on the links below and discover how the Forums work
                  Membership Levels
                  The Rookie Thread
                  New to The Ladyboy Forums? Introduce yourself!
                  Old Members Must Reset Their Passwords


                  • #39
                    Well there goes my idea!!


                    • #40
                      (rxpharm @ Dec. 07 2010,13:49) If the VIP member's user name was known, he would have been banned by now. I think RR's suggestion is pretty good. Post up the photo with the face blanked out, and if the culprit doesn't come forward within a certain time frame (can be done via pm), then repost without blank.

                      The major problem is this is becoming more common - and one of the conditions of being a VIP is NOT to show photos or tell the ladies about what is posted here. However, there has not been any specific consequences, which is a good idea to address. There is no point in having a rule unless it is enforced. We have now at least 2 VIP members who do not want to post any further reports or photos because of this problem.

                      The only way to significantly reduce this from happening to to show there are consequences.

                      Do what he said
                      dreaming about LOS again


                      • #41
                        (Bumpa STIKKA @ Dec. 07 2010,09:54)
                        (Stewart @ Dec. 06 2010,19:13) Otherwise it is trial and sentencing by opinion and heresay on a blind internet forum...
                        The ladyboy lover doth protest too much, methinks!  
                        Errrrrrr, I don't speak ancient Swahili

                        There are 2 points here:

                        What is the evidence? €“ still waiting  
                        What do you do about it?

                        My overwhelming feeling is that being outed by a Hero (hating that word even more) or being outed by the LBF for being a hero... whats the difference?
                        HUGE difference. And this is my whole point.

                        You CAN impact someones personal and professional life big time€¦.and all because he might have said something on a cam show? Come on, get some perspective. Look what happened to that guy on PattayaLadyboys 2 weeks ago

                        And if you are going to go down that route, then I assume Alaskan Bear's real name, address, social security number, photo of where he lives, name of the company he works for will all be published at the same time, right?

                        "The forum that publicly outs its members" does have a certain ring to it

                        Someone remove my soapbox now please.
                        Move over and make some more space for me please
                        Mister Arse


                        • #42
                          RxPharm, RoadRunner and I are on the same line:
                          publish the guy's pic with an anonymizing bar on his eyes/face.

                          maybe some other BMs will recognize him.

                          I am also with Foxxee, DT and others who say that outing the guy IRL is not admissible, and I do agree that it would have negative impact on the forum and possibly judicial consequences for the editor.
                          Not a good way to go, methinks.

                          But get the anonymized pic out already, plz!

                          And if we finally get the guy's username, try to find out his other usernames on other forums and get him banned from there too!
                          Let's aim for maximum damage, but LIMITED TO his online LB-forums life!


                          • #43
                            agreed. it comes across as the most sensible solution.

                            (Hope I dont have a "hey! thats me!!!" moment later having said this.... )

                            "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                            • #44
                              (f0xxee @ Dec. 07 2010,11:55) agreed. it comes across as the most sensible solution.

                              (Hope I dont have a "hey! thats me!!!" moment later having said this.... )
                              Don't agree, because you have now assumed guilt on Bumpa's opinion on the word of a cam ladyboy

                              Still waiting for this rock solid, 100%, irrefutable evidence........
                              Mister Arse


                              • #45
                                Look Stewart fair enough you have your opinions.

                                They are suggesting a photo with the face distorted.

                                Where is the harm?

                                And really, I dont think you do get my drift about all outing being the same, as quoted above.

                                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."

