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Heros are being stupid now!

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  • Heros are being stupid now!

    Some loser has been on webcam with a PI girl and started gabbing on about some of the information in the VIP area...

    (Yes - unbelievably stupid, eh?)

    Problem is - she took one look at his ugly mush and decided that she'd rather rot in hell than meet him.

    Should his web cam screen shots be posted here?

    It's the VIP area so it should be OK, right?

    You decide...
    Post the pics
    Don't post the pics
    I dunno
    World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.

  • #2
    (Bumpa STIKKA @ Dec. 06 2010,17:24) gabbing on about some of the information in the VIP area...
    Sounds rather vague.

    Let it go
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #3
      This is the opportunity to ID the "hero" and then ban him. We've had far too many incidents like this that will discourage people from posting photos and trip reports. I would say put the photo up, unless he confesses, and ban him, once the ID is known.

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      • #4
        Hang on... how do you know about it?  

        Also... it guess it just depends what he talked about.. just because he mentioned the VIP area is not an offense... this is public knowledge.

        If divulging trip report secrets and the like... i say bring out the gimp


        A worthy trip report


        • #5
          If you have his ID ban him & be done with him. Post the screen shots only if you need confirmation of who he is.

          Making him a target for public ridicule could have unforeseen consequences.

          Then he has his reason for doing the maximum damage to you he possibly can. Decisions made in haste can be regretted at leisure.

          Then again, if everyone demands he be outed, I wouldn't want to stop you.
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #6
            If we pride ourselves on having an intelligent Membership, then that behoves you to provide more information.

            Let's judge each case on its merits, rather than playng the emotive 'hero' card each time there's a so-called leak.
            Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


            • #7
              The information is rock solid. I trust the source and the confirmation 100%.
              World's Greatest Tgirl Cam Site.


              • #8
                (pacman @ Dec. 06 2010,13:58) Making him a target for public ridicule him could have unforeseen consequences.

                Then he has his reason for doing the maximum damage to you he possibly can. Decisions made in haste can be regretted at leisure.

                You may very much come to regret putting his photo here, as no matter how long it is up here, it is potentially out there forever, as people can copy and past the photo.

                If it were me, I would not post it and put myself at such risk of personal harm.


                • #9
                  is he a member here ?
                  i say post them and it will teach others not to be so stupid


                  • #10
                    (Bumpa STIKKA @ Dec. 06 2010,18:11) The information is rock solid. I trust the source and the confirmation 100%.
                    So share it and let everyone make an informed decision.
                    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                    • #11
                      I think not. You are only privy to one side of the conversation: The PI Ladyboys.
                      Now she might be an unimpeachable source..... but it is in the long run STILL only one side of the story.
                      Remember its a small world. And you dont know the limits of the damage.

                      Ban him by all means, but if you start posting photos where does it end?

                      Lastly, if the PIU ladyboy in Question is a close and well known friend of yours it can be assummed she is a VIP.
                      If so what harm was done?

                      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                      • #12
                        Id just ban him and be done with it.

                        Posting someones mug up due to a Kangeroo Court hearing isnt the best option even if he seems to be guilty.


                        • #13
                          (f0xxee @ Dec. 06 2010,18:21) Ban him by all means, but if you start posting photos where does it end?

                          I'm sure Bumpa has few fears for his own personal safety, so I wouldn't couch the counter-argument in those terms.

                          Rather, I would point to the long term effect such a policy would have on the Brand of this Forum. As irksome as leaks are, if we go down that path, this Board will take on a nasty taint that many thinking Members would find regrettable. To put it mildly.

                          The Soul of this Board would be thus sacrificed on the alter of the PC paradigm.

                          Remember that the 'C' in this instance stands for commercial, not correctness as has been previously misunderstood.  
                          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                          • #14
                            (guydesavoy @ Dec. 06 2010,18:16)
                            (Bumpa STIKKA @ Dec. 06 2010,18:11) The information is rock solid. I trust the source and the confirmation 100%.
                            So share it and let everyone make an informed decision.  
                            So, tell us what this impeccable, rock solid, 100% trustworthy source is

                            DNA evidence might convince me

                            Otherwise it is trial and sentencing by opinion and heresay on a blind internet forum  

                            Should his web cam screen shots be posted here?
                            It's the VIP area so it should be OK, right?
                            Mister Arse


                            • #15
                              Some loser has been on webcam with a PI girl and started gabbing on about some of the information in the VIP area...

                              (Yes - unbelievably stupid, eh?)

                              Problem is - she took one look at his ugly mush and decided that she'd rather rot in hell than meet him.
                              Until that last part, I was sure it was not me because I hardly ever do I am not sure sure!

                              On the bright side, that probably narrows it down to only about 90% of forum members
                              Mister Arse

