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Heros are being stupid now!

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  • #91
    hey DT Ihave known Stewart since 2003 when we were both members way before you ever got here in 2008 and we always got along great (until he changed his avatar from the plane lol) so dont start any issues with us ok?


    • #92
      I too have known Stewart (not in the Biblical sense, understand) since maybe '04 or so. He is one of those guys who evidence what the essence of this Board used to represent. Talking non-PC in all its connotations

      It would be a shame to scotch that heritage....

      There is room for all no ? Hell, I think the reason Foxxee dislkes hm so much is that they are, after all, seeds from the same pod

      The only thing I agree with the Pope on is his recent discourse on 'Relativism'. So $50 makes everyone's opinion equal

      OK, so be it. But did anyone think of the unintended consequences ?

      Perhaps that's one of the reasons why the Old Guard post so infrequently these days

      It's not all about the heroes you know
      Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


      • #93
        (guydesavoy @ Dec. 09 2010,19:33) OK, so be it. But did anyone think of the unintended consequences ?

        Perhaps that's one of the reasons why the Old Guard post so infrequently these days  

        It's not all about the heroes you know  
        Very valid point.
        I'm a stranger in paradise... All lost in a wonderland. A stranger in paradise...


        • #94
          I too agree with Rxpharm, He has a good point about naming transgressors.

          If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


          • #95
            ok, i do not say much here, but here is my thoughts, there has been noting said except a hear say thing al that has been told is what "i have heard" if someone want to bring this up then please give something more than what has been shared because what has been shared is nothing, I heard and she said. and we all know how onest online modles are. right?


            • #96
              Right, the administration/mods on this forum are liars and the board members who have decided not to post any more trip reports are fantasy.

              If you have noticed one of Juri's threads has been removed and friedfrunk has posted he will not do any more trip reports as long as this is going on. Plus this has also happened to other members TG925, Manarak, etc.

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              • #97
                I am not or will not call anyone out. but i have not seen anything except, one side. there has been given nothing except an online modles side. and we all know how honest they are. so i am saying this. if someone telles or shares what you think is pvt. the look at the facts. it is the enternet, if you post it her then you post it everywhere. so don't be pissed


                • #98
                  so what happened? you started this thread, What happen. other than hear say?


                  • #99
                    but i have not seen  anything except,  one side.
                    Why should you see anything unless you're a party to the incident...The site owner, Bumpa, didn't ask anyone to determine guilt...That's his job, not ours...Guilt has been established...Whether you believe it or not is your choice... But I don't believe it is a subject for debate.

                    there has been given nothing except an online modles side and we all know how honest they are.
                    I have no idea how honest or dishonest an online model is or isn't...I'm sure that there are many other BMs here who don't know either...Please tell us exactly how do you know how honest or dishonest they are?

                    if someone telles or shares what you think is pvt.  the look at the facts.   it is the enternet,  if you post it her then you post it everywhere.  so don't be pissed
                    And that would be true if this were a public forum...But it isn't...It's private forum and one of it's tenets is that what is posted here stays here...That may be the primary reason this private forum was formed by Bumpa...If a BM violates one it is major rules, that BM should be punished.

                    Bumpa asked for our opinions on what the punishment should be...And most of the BMs here are now saying, tell us his screen name and ban him from the forum...Simple as that...But what ultimately happens is again Bumpa's call...Not yours or mine...
                    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                    • Well said, Dad.
                      i love t-girls


                      • so.... any news?


                        • Good question, was wondering the same thing myself...also no news on the bidding for the I.D (email ?) of FF's 'hero'.

                          I expect there will be no real outcome on either score for lack of concrete 'evidence'..
                          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                          • there must be an outcome for the PI incident, since Bumppa (our judge here) is 100% certain ching ching


                            • As you say, ching ching  
                              Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


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