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  • #31
    Menudo.    (cows stomach.)

    Braths & sour Kraut.

    Pisoli too.

    Now you know where my sick sense of Humor comes from.   ThaT is my Mother holding that braht pretending its a Hard On Shouting;  "  Gooooo  Steelers. "
    Attached Files
    My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


    • #32
      Menudo - is that the Mexican edition of Haggis?  

      Mirimark, this is a good place for you to post your off topic stuff - also interesting to hear about your family. Is your wife Mexican?

      Like the photo of your mom cheering on the Steelers with the Bratwurst - can see where you get your sense of humor from!    

      Thanks for sharing!

      I almost forgot to answer your poll question - I am bald on top, but have some on the sides - no need to shave my head though. Get a trim every 2-3 months for the sides.

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      • #33
        (rxpharm @ Feb. 03 2009,02:41) Is your wife Mexican?
        Yes she is.
        None of that fake ass Taco Bell food for me.
        Her pasoli and various types of Salsas are the Best.
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • #34
          You know, in the position I hold in my company you have to become a good phycologist & Theoripast.

           I deal with all sorts everday,  I can size a person up and know their Human Character Traiots in a matter of seconds.    I've been Lucky in my years of diaonogising ones character before her or she or him or he or IT comes to work for me.

           But the realaity of it all is;

          This  Forum is the couch I lay on,  and you all are my Theorpists.

          Now there is phycological  Thought fer ya"    

          Wana play doctor ?  Wink.    
          My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


          • #35
            ive seen lot of people die,
            my dad, uncles, etc,,,,etc,
            But i just found today my first Love that DeViriginizedme back in 1978 died today.

            My wife took well at first,but when it carried on al day she is gettintg quite pissed off.

            I'll write morre later ; my dad died, my cousins, yadd
            a ; yadda
            this shit hit me hard today. I cant even think straiaght.

            Katrina Fisher was her name.

            GOD BLESS girl. I miss you . I've Always had you in my heart 20yr's Later.

            Katrina, I never forgot you. I will always think of you.
            I will and always missed you.

            she died today.
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


            • #36
              Sorry to hear about your first love. First loves leave quite an impression. My sincere condolonces on your loss Mark.


              • #37
                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                • #38
                  (mirimark @ Feb. 11 2009,12:31)
                  (PigDogg @ Feb. 08 2009,11:35) Sorry to hear about your first love.  First loves leave quite an impression.  My sincere condolonces on your loss Mark.
                  Thank you brother.
                   I swear,  I never have forgotton her after all these years.

                   Its quite a shock that it effected me the way it did.
                  After crying for a while about her death,  I started crying even more becasue It shocked me that I was crying the way I was.
                  The shit Lasted all day.

                  Then I starting about her again and cried some more.
                  I called every realtive I could think of.
                   My cousins, aunts, uncles,  Grandpappy,  yadd'a  yadd'a.

                   I talked to 9  cousins I haven't spoken nor even sent a MOTHER FUCKING CHRISTMAS CARD  to in twenty years.

                   " Same on you Mirimark. "
                  All my family know my Lost  Katrina Fisher,  after they all realized I was having a bad day,  we made a ;  Pact ,
                  To call each other at least once a month.

                   Calling all my realitives at least once a Month ? ? ?
                  I just hope I can find the time,  I LOVE PLaying with myself too much to pick up a phone..  

                   Bad joke, bad joke.
                  I will make an effort to call them all.

                  by the way, my wife is O.k. I thought she left the room after giving me sympathy and then walked out pissed,
                  (i thought) see left the room to cry for herself.
                  shes not pissed as i thought, she just wanted to leave me to figure it out on my own.

                  See saw i was not controlable or could be not comforted
                  so she decied to go in the house.
                  My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                  • #39
                    is it just me, or is Jennifer Love Hewitt in the same League as Jessica Alba ?
                     I think so.   When ever I see Jennifer Love I can't take my eyes off her.
                    My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                    • #40
                      (mirimark @ Feb. 13 2009,09:21) is it just me, or is Jennifer Love Hewitt in the same League as Jessica Alba ?
                      It's just you. Hewitt isn't worthy enough to wipe up the snot off Jessica's nose.
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        (mirimark @ Feb. 12 2009,22:21) is it just me, or is Jennifer Love Hewitt in the same League as Jessica Alba ?
                         I think so.   When ever I see Jennifer Love I can't take my eyes off her.
                        The difference is everything about Alba's body is real MM........the same can't be said about JLH...........

                        although I'd let either one sit on my face for at least an hour!!!!

                        It's good to matter what the pay

                        Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                        Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                        ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                        "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                        • #42
                          (Stogie @ Feb. 13 2009,09:40)
                          It's just you. Hewitt isn't worthy enough to wipe up the snot off Jessica's nose.[/quote]
                          O.k., maybe not, Jessica is much hotter, but Licking the snot off her nose you say ?

                          Jessica & Jennifer is so hot;
                          I'd Lick their Anal Warts and come up Looking Like a Glazed Doughnut.

                          Can you dig it ?
                          My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                          • #43
                            Just chiming in to give ya a    for also being a Steelers fan

                            Love all your life pics too dude  
                            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                            • #44
                              Attached Files
                              My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


                              • #45
                                The weather man said yesterday that there was a 100% chance of Rain.

                                Shit, if i performed like this on my Job I would be Fired.
                                Attached Files
                                My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  

