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Does the forum feel dull at the moment

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  • Does the forum feel dull at the moment

    I posted this in the main forum yesterday, and it got deleted, cause stogie didn't want the lurchers and guests to feel like this place sucks, (i personally love it)

    Anyways this thread is to find any suggestions on how to brighten up the forum,

    I had a few ideas and here they are:

    make the vip area into different sections so that when BM's post their TR's in the main board, they can also post in the vip section with photo's that we don't want the main public to see.

    people should be allowed to open old threads even if they are a few years old with the fucking slagging and slandor of other BM's

    there should be a get-together section so that people who would likme to meet others from the same country can use this section to arrange a meeting place, for drink and chat.

    That's all for the moment from me, now over to you lot for some suggestions.

    i love t-girls

  • #2
    Admit Seanbeag, you missed me....


    • #3
      [CODE]Admit Seanbeag, you missed me.... [QUOTE]

      Well i did....if thats any consolation
      Forgot how this forum works  


      • #4
        The question : do I find the forum dull at the moment?

        Apart from the odd irritating thread, some silly, inane posts, I don't think dull is the word I would use to describe it.

        The forum is its own entity that follows the ups & downs of all the contributors lives.

        If my mood is up then the forum reads better than when I feel like shite.

        Nothing has fundamentally changed except for my own perception.

        Sean's suggestions are fine but will they energise the place & take it to the next level? I wouldn't have thought so.

        I look forward to worthwhile suggestions being posted for our consideration, in the meantime, I will make a point of trying to cheer Sean up a bit, I am sure he will enjoy the old place much more.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • #5
          you know a forum's getting dull when someone starts a thread about somewhere they have never been, say it sucks ass, and dozens of people reply!  They are just looking for new things, 'anything', to be said.

              Unfortunately, all issue's regarding ladyboys have been covered ad nausuem up here since 2001, what's left?
          Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


          • #6
            Sean I like the feel of what you are suggesting, but consider perhaps that BMs like yourself (and myself) spend so much time here that things easily may seem dull. I think other BMs are not here quite so much, and they may see things very differently.

            But with regard to posting pics, sure, that is surely one of the ideas of this VIP Room.
            The more regular pic posters are already here, so they can post away without worrying about the girls(hopefully), the BiB (apparently) or Leeching Lurker from Little Thrashing, UK seeing and/or abusing them(selves). That said, a few previously prolific posters do seem to have become alot quieter of late, but I assume that has more to do with their personal circumstances than the need for more sub-forums.

            This is the low season so I assume that there is less happenning that BMs feel like writing about. Hopefully things will liven up again when more BMs are running around LOS doing what they do.


            • #7
              thank guys and yes Grinder i actually did missed you not been around,
              i love t-girls


              • #8
                Don't worry...

                The NFL is upon us soon and the first and last prize this year is gonna be 500 dollars... (yes, you heard! The person who wins gets 500 bucks and the person who comes dead last also gets 500 bucks!)

                Details soon...


                • #9


                  • #10
                    SeanBeag, here is your new secretary to note down suggestions
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      (bumblebee @ Jul. 14 2008,15:23) here is your new secretary to note down suggestions
                      I assume Kwang/Nadia takes dicktation?


                      • #12
                        (stogie bear @ Jul. 14 2008,17:47) Don't worry...

                        The NFL is upon us soon and the first and last prize this year is gonna be 500 dollars... (yes, you heard! The person who wins gets 500 bucks and the person who comes dead last also gets 500 bucks!)

                        Details soon...
                        Think the Europeans can Spank the yanks for a second year running?
                        seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                        • #13
                          (katoeylover @ Jul. 14 2008,15:42) Think the Europeans can Spank the yanks for a second year running?
                          Last year was a complete and total embarassment.


                          • #14
                            (seanbeag7 @ Jul. 14 2008,17:14) I posted this in the main forum yesterday, and it got deleted, cause stogie didn't want the lurchers and guests to feel like this place sucks...
                            My brother Paul (RIP) marched around the world exclaiming to anyone that would listen that he was 'bored'.

                            Everything was 'boring' to him and he skulked around waiting to be entertained...

                            It probably didn't occur to him back then, in his demanding adolescence, that life might not be so 'boring' if he actually contributed something (anything) to it!

                            He didn't and he died... feeling bored!

                            This forum is a big part of my life. I'm never bored by any of it.

                            But then again, my expectations are pretty realistic... I wake up... someone has written crap which I ignore and someone has written something thoughtful which I'll remember...

                            I'll post on pretty much anything which I have an opinion on... and that's everything... but oftentimes my opinion isn't valid anyway, so even if I don't have a vaild opinion I'll still post "what I reckon!"

                            "What I reckon" is much worse than my opinion, but it's never boring... (Check out my bullshit thread on Phuket!)

                            I don't want to die of boredom and I don't want to be ignored either...

                            If the forum is boring then do something else! One of those things you could be doing is to help liven it up a bit!


                            • #15
                              Sheer brilliance, Stogie...

