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Memories of Natalie from KC3

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  • Memories of Natalie from KC3

    I had some nasty dental work done today (guess the deep throating is catching up to me) and to take my mind off the sound of the dentist's drill, I found myself thinking of blond Natalie from KC3. She was not the first LB I did the dirty with, but she was the first "superstar" from ATS that caught my eye and was one of the main reasons I joined the site way back when.

    I only met her a couple of times - went to BKK for a couple of days on holidays, having sent her an email the week before to ask if she'd be around. This was when Jon from ATS had set up a site for her to advertise her wares - this was also before email addys and phone numbers were all over the internet, so it was a bit novel at that time to be able to contact an LB pornstar. I'd received a reply back saying she'd be around and listing her number.

    I had actually seen her working at KC3 on a previous trip to BKK, but that time I was there on a work trip with some colleagues from Sydney. They wanted to visit Patpong, as you do, and we ended up at King's Corner. I have my colleagues the slip (they were distracted so it wasn't hard) and ducked into KC3. Natalie was there on the stage in a black corset, fishnets and chunky high heels...a real contrast to the other girls who were in the standard bikinis. I'm not sure if she had already gone part-time at KC3 by this stage, but I didn't get to talk to her as she was chatting up some farang. I ended up with a sad-looking postie who started out by claiming she was a "real lady", but once I told her I was looking for an LB, switched to "I am ladyboy but not have cock". Maybe she was a real girl, at that - I bought her a drink but after 20 minutes, the farang was still with Natalie and I lost my was going to be tough enough getting a P4P girl back into my room without embarassment (my company had booked out the Conrad BKK for the conference that we were there for so even if the guys I'd gone to Patpong with were still in KC, there were roughly another 150 people from my company whooping it up around BKK and I was convinced that some of them would be hanging around the Diplomat Bar in the lobby, with a great view of the entrance and also the elevators to the room floors), getting clocked with a tall, exotic looking "girl" like Natalie was going to be tough to explain. So I headed back to the Conrad on my lonesome...

    This time round, I was holidaying by myself so had no concerns about being clocked. As soon as I was in the can on the way to my hotel, I called Natalie and when she answered, I introduced myself and asked if she could come round. She sounded a bit out of it, but agreed - we set a time and that was that.

    When I first saw her in the lobby, she was a vision - very stylish for a P4P LB and wearing black fishnets, not a common sight in that particular hotel lobby! I intercepted her - she was nervously looking at the security guys, who were definitely checking her out - and steered her towards the elevators.

    Once we got back to my room, she explained why she was so out of it when I'd called her - she didn't check her own emails and had no idea at all who I was! She said that someone else (Jon?) checked the emails for her and sent responses, then every so often flicked on the interesting ones to her real email account for her to read. I guess I hadn't made the cut - just another punter from out of town, probably a fantasist who wasn't even going to show up...

    I won't go into details about our bedroom activities - both out of consideration for Cotton, who had a genuine relationship with her, and also cos it's not my style. All I'll say is that she charmed me enough to get me to book her every night I was there that time round - totally against my plan to be with a different LB each night. When I say charmed, I should stress that it wasn't purely physical - she just struck me as a really lovely girl.

    At one point I asked her what would make her happy. She said that she wanted to be able to make a down payment on a car, so that she could drive back to her home village and show everyone there, including her mother, that she'd made it. Like a lunatic, I ended up giving her enough baht to make the down payment. It was "only" 10,000 THB - I'll quote that number just so people don't think I have her a hundred grand or whatever. Compared to the amounts Cotton was quoting, I got off lightly!

  • #2
    The very last day of my holiday, she wanted to come round to say goodbye. I was literally shagged out, and told her she could come but not to worry about her warpaint and contact lenses. Seeing her in her natural form was a bit of a shock - apart from the blond hair, she looked very Thai. She was kind of amused by my surprise and said that if she retired from the business and stopped dyeing her hair, most of her old customers wouldn't recognise her. I was definitely in that camp. For the record, I didn't succumb and all we did is talk.

    She had my HK mobile number and even after I went back to HK she would text me every so often. The texts were all pretty benign - no please for money, no queries about when I'd next be in BKK or if I could fly her to HK to visit, just "I'm doing ok, how are you" type messages.

    The only odd texts I ever got from her related to my confession that I was interested in a friend of her's - another early "superstar" named Nat who had worked at KC3, modelled for Ladyboy-Ladyboy then had gone overseas for a while (there were stories that she was actually a member of a manufactured girl band a la Girls Aloud and Lady, except this one never got off the ground) and eventually ended up back in BKK. As seemingly nice as Natalie was, I should have realised this was a real no-no when dealing with LBs. Natalie immediately shot back with "I can help u meet her but all KC3 girls careful not to take her customers after her cos she sick"...I asked "does she have AIDS?" and Natalie replied "u be careful, not have sex with her". I'm paraphrasing as I don't have the texts any more but I swear this is an accurate representation as I'll never forget my shock at the time. Of course, with the benefit of hindsight, I should have realised that Natalie was likely just marking her territory...she would have said that about anyone I'd expressed an interest in, and doubtless Nat does not have AIDS or anything else for that matter.

    The texts stopped after a year or so - I wasn't concerned as I had no emotional connection to Natalie and was actually glad as I hoped it meant she'd moved on with her life. I wasn't her friend, nor her lover, just a punter who'd been nice to her.

    I was kind of sad to hear about how she betrayed Cotton - while I really couldn't claim to have known her well, she did seem like a really decent girl.

    I hope she ends up ok.


    • #3
      TripleZ, thanks for sharing - so many guys make their lists including some "super stars" but are disappointed or get side tracked trying to meet them.

      Glad to hear your encounters turned out well, even if you did end up giving her an extra large tip!

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      • #4
        An excellent account and thanks for writing it.

        (Almost) all your assumptions in your trip report are spot on also.

        Natalie was one of the nicest, classiest and most polite ladyboy 'superstars' I met in all my years of mongering and mixing with them.

        Just my opinion but I don't think Natalie would have told you that someone she knew was 'sick' without believing she actually was. That doesn't sound like her at all. I don't think she had the capacity to be mean spirited. So; although she didn't come out and say exactly what was wrong with her friend - she did do you a favour by at least warning you of her suspicions.

        As for her 'relationship at that time... Natalie was another model who was often promised things by punters who failed to deliver. (Wink)
        The Ladyboy Quest... It just goes on and on and on!


        • #5
          Thanks guys.

          Quite a few typos in my initial posts - I was typing with 2 hands, honest! I won't bother correcting most of them, but one does stand out - I was in a "cab" on the way to the hotel, not a "can"...I am classy enough not to call a girl from the lav!!!

          Appreciate the thoughts about Natalie's warning re. Nat - I must say at the time that I took it as gospel and stayed well away, although I did later think it might have been a tad exaggerated. Having said that, so as to not be accused to mudslinging (like that ever happens here) I have never met Nat, never seen her in person and have no idea what her health status is.


          • #6
            Now she is in a very bad situation       She have loan money in the black market for run the restaurant, which loose money every day.   She live (hiding for people she loan money from) in the wildernes triing find money every day to pay they back. I am realy worry about her and its hard to see how she destroy herself. Every day i am worry to hear that she has gone...
            Today i sms her and said that if she have to run away she can come to bkk and i will help her (again)....

            Last years Nat has work in a cabaret show mostly in Surawong hotel. I talked with her in April and she was ok.


            • #7
              That's a frightening update cotton and a rather poor indictment on us and how easy it is for us to sidestep all the issues that P4P workers have outside of getting our rocks off.

              I'm feeling rough and it's a combination of air and water...


              • #8
                Are we talking about the Natalie that was a real ATS "star" over several years around 2000 - 2006, and had been overseas a bit, before coming quietly back into Bangkok ? (see pic from her ATS days). The always-charming Natalie that had her own website ?

                Having spent some really pleasant times with her in Bangkok on various occasions until about mid-2009, it is a real pity to hear that she is having tough times now....

                If anyone has her contact number, can you PM it to me, please ? And/or let me know how else to catch-up with her nowadays, please ?
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Yup, I believe that is the one...
                  The Ladyboy Quest... It just goes on and on and on!


                  • #10
                    Wow, I din't realize that she was back in Bangkok...I have talked to her a number of times on Meet Natalie.Com in the past but for one reason or another we never did meet up. I also would love to have her contact info if anyone has it....Thanks...Hawk


                    • #11
                      Do a search for a thread that Cotton started about 18 months or so ago and then let us know whether you still want to meet her again.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I read that thread...but I'm not looking to jump off the deep end, just a little fun....Hawk


                        • #13
                          Well pls dont forget that we hear until now only Cottons side...and i am sure that if we hear natalies side then we will know what went wrong...but that was a long time ago,so lets hope that natalie wiil come up again...she is a nice girl still.


                          • #14
                            ...anymore updates on Natalie, I'm surprised she hasn't hit on her ex-European bf for help outta that mess she's in now.. and what was this restaurant she borrowed money on, was it in BKK & anyone know the name of it... (now what's the Thai version of "what goes around comes around")  
                             Cotton's last post on Natalie, 4got the part about her thai lover convincing her getting 'snipped', that alone would have been the last straw in my book ..  
                            I suport her the autum. Stayed with her from November to January. Helped her start a restaurant outside her hometown Tapan Hin (kao Sai)

                            And at least i found out that she had slept with a Thai man last one and a half year. ( He was the reason she wanten cut)

                            When i was in Norway he stayed in her room.

                            I never thougt she would be with a poor thaiman therefore it tok long time even i suspected her, to  found out the truth . She lies and manipulate me all the time.

                            Now she stay with the thaiman who work as a chef in her restaurant.

                            After years with lies lies lies i at least know the truth.  

                            In one way i am happy cus now know the truth and stop suport her when came home.  But i am realy disapointed when ifound out the truth about her.

                            This was the end about over nearly six years relationship . Thought youshould know the truth about her.   END
                            .. I'm not young enough to know everything, and not old enough to have done everything..


                            • #15
                              Now she live outside her hometown. She rent a small cozy house with small land and have ducks, turkeys and goos. Most of the time her boyfriend since2005 stay with her.Think she happy now...She will never go
                              back to the lb scene.....She was number one and still is.....

