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Met with a  good guy

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  • Met with a  good guy and Stogie had the chance last month to meet with a guy named Pig Dogg who posts on this very forum [where DO these mothers come up with these names for their children?!]. anyway, this is a very cool guy and someone who shares the same interests that we all do, namely chasing ladyboys and travelling in Thailand!! we first met on a yahoo message board 2 years ago and it was nice to finally meet him in the flesh and he and Stogie and myself had a ball.

    Thanks for the Ribs, PD, they were awesome!!

    see ya soon

  • #2
    If I could meet anyone on the board who I have not yet met, PD would be at the top of the list.  He is a good guy in every way.


    • #3
      It was great to meet you and Stogie! Had a good time despite ending up with a gnawrly GG that night.

      Guys, it's amazing how the LB's fawn over JD; Going into Obs or Cascade with Jai Dee is like walking in with the King of Farangland!

      Hope to get back sometime this year and share some more beers and laughs!


      • #4
        Lefty, I feel like I know you even though we've never met.  Maybe in a few years we'll both be living in the LOS chasing the girls together!        


        • #5
          Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Mar. 21 2005,17:31)
          Guys, it's amazing how the LB's fawn over JD; Going into Obs or Cascade with Jai Dee is like walking in with the King of Farangland!    
          It ain't cuz he's is sooo cute or nothing like that. They are thinking, camera, pics, easy baht.    


          • #6
            Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Mar. 21 2005,17:33)
            Lefty, I feel like I know you even though we've never met.  Maybe in a few years we'll both be living in the LOS chasing the girls together!        
            I agree. It sure wouldn't be like meeting someone for the first time. To me it would be more like seeing an old friend again that I hadn't seen for a while.


            • #7
              Originally posted by (Lefty @ Mar. 21 2005,18:35)
              They are thinking,  easy baht.    
              Actually the easiest baht made that night was by a streetwise youngster who hustled JD into a 100 baht bet as to whether or not she had a cell phone. Who in their right mind would expect a ragamuffin out of a Dicken's novel to have a cell phone?  But JD made the bet, she whipped out her cell phone, and we all almost fell off our barstools at Big Dogs!

              I've thought allot about that girl, hope she doesn't end up being a ho, but if she does she'll have multiple long distance sponsors for sure!    


              • #8
                little 12-year old Sofia from Rangoon is actually a good friend of mine who I have talked with at least 30 times and it cracked me up also to see her take out that cell fone; well worth 100baht. That girl makes more than a lot of the whores down there; on a good night she can make 500B or more hustling suckers like me for tips. such a nice kid, I also hope she doesn't end up working in one of those places some day.

                Ya, ol' JaiDee attracts quite a crowd when I am in Cascades and Obsessions and similar ratholes, and it's not because of my Richard Gere-like appearance [hey, I am just quoting Salma there!!]; it's more because they have all heard from their friends "go work for that guy and he will make you popular and you will have more customers". certainly makes it easier to find models, that's for sure, but what an ego deflation to know these girls are only after me for my camera's and my cash! you mean they really don't like ME?? I am crushed....who would ever guess ladyboys would lie?

                It's OK....I'll get over it


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 21 2005,19:44)
                          Ya, ol' JaiDee attracts quite a crowd  when I am in Cascades and Obsessions and similar ratholes, and it's not because of  my Richard Gere-like appearance [hey, I am just quoting Salma there!!];  
                  Richard Gere??? My sweet little Salma needs glasses!!
                  I think a more proper comparison would be Randy Quaid.


                  Just kidding amigo. I am a big Randy Quaid fan. He is a very talented actor.


                  • #10
                    he had a good role in a very under-appreciated  1990 film with Geena Davis and the great Bill Murray called Quick Change; he had the role of the bumbling getaway driver in a movie similar to [but not nearly as good as] Dog Day Afternoon.  check it out, it's worth seeing. I watched it in Phnom Penh one day on my room TV because it was too damned hot out to leave the air conditioning!


                    • #11
                      I've seen it. Great flick. I like most everything he does. Hard Rain is another sleeper movie he did.
                      I love him in Caddyshack II. Little to compare it to Caddyshack, but RQ was funny as hell.
                      But i guess we'll most often think of him mostly as Cousin Eddie.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by (Lefty @ Mar. 22 2005,11:24)
                        Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 21 2005,19:44)
                                Ya, ol' JaiDee attracts quite a crowd  when I am in Cascades and Obsessions and similar ratholes, and it's not because of  my Richard Gere-like appearance [hey, I am just quoting Salma there!!];  
                        Richard Gere??? My sweet little Salma needs glasses!!
                        I think a more proper comparison would be Randy Quaid.


                        Just kidding amigo. I am a big Randy Quaid fan. He is a very talented actor.
                        My personal opinion is that Randy is the better and far more underrated of the Quaid brothers........I can't even begin to think of the diversity in roles that he has played......but I have to admit that "Cousin Eddie" is probably my favorite.

                        It's good to matter what the pay

                        Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                        Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                        ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                        "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                        • #13
                          Dennis would be considered by most to be the more handsome of the two, but for my money, Randy is definitely the more well rounded talent wise. He can do several kinds of comedy as well as handle serious roles. The fact that he looks like Jai Dee's twin just makes me like him even more.

