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  • Hi guys

    thanks for the letters of concern from a few of the guys that have written me....... It has been a crazy 2 or 3 week period for me and now I am free and will be back up here regularly. for you new guys, thanks for posting and chekcing out Stogie's forum; I work here also and can help you out if need be and I have a lot of cool stories to tell!

    wise traveller, tried to write you back and the mail was returned

    soon, some different stuff about how 2 are always better than 1!

    thanks for hanging around here guys JaiDee

  • #2
    In vino veritas.

    Age quod agis.

    Credat Judaeus Apella, non ego.

    Iuventus stultorum...magister.

    In pace requiescat.


    • #3
      "Is that a Big Kahuna burger you're eating there?"

      Jules, same flick


      • #4
        Same Jules as my sig block.
        One of my all time favorite movies. Most anything that has the great QT's name attached to it something I will like. Reservior Dogs, True Romance, Jackie Brown and of course Pulp Fiction.

        Here are a few lines I really liked:
        Butch: You okay?
        Marsellus: Naw man. I'm pretty fuckin' far from okay.
        Butch: What now?
        Marsellus: What now? Let me tell you what now. I'ma call a coupla hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. You hear me talkin', hillbilly boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on your ass.
        Butch: I meant what now between me and you?
        Marsellus: Oh, that "what now." I tell you what now between me and you. There is no me and you. Not no more.


        • #5
          Sounds like Bricktop;
          He's got that movie "Snatch" memorized word for word.
          ain't life grand


          • #6
            Originally posted by
            wise traveller, tried to write you back and the mail was returned
            Thanks JaiDee. Did you mean my email address was bouncing or did you try to PM me?

            If it was my hotmail address it might just have gone inactive. I will fix that now.




            • #7
              yes, it was hotmail....I sent you a LONG mail and it just bounced back!! please , ummm, rectum....I mean rectify the situation and I will re-send. In any case, I am back to spread more nonsense around! see ya


              • #8
                Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 21 2005,19:52)
                 I am back to spread more nonsense around!  see ya
                Sounds like:

                In vino veritas.

                to me.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 21 2005,19:52)
                  yes, it was hotmail....I sent you a LONG mail and it just bounced back!! please , ummm, rectum....I mean rectify the situation and I will re-send. In any case, I am back to spread more nonsense around! see ya
                  Thanks JaiDee

                  It is now rectumified. I do not use that account very often and it had been suspended. I just logged in and reactivated it.

                  Looking forward to hearing from you.



