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Some other new guys who were cool

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  • Some other new guys who were cool

    besides meeting up with the afore-mentioned  Pig Dogg recently  while in Bangkok for a long holiday, I also ran into a few of the other guys from the forum and wanted to say Thanks for meeting up and having fun!  Randyman, Ozzie,  Bartman, and Jeff1 whom I had already met, it was great to see you all as well as our "pilot" friend whose forum name I am not too sure of. Bartman....thanks again for the free girl for the night.....can we start a trend here??

        Guys I have also seen  in the recent past who were all good people also; Bit Beefy, Stewart,  Mike, Snick, Road Runner with his cutie girlfriend, Lefty, Blue Ballz [just OK], Bali -Ken, Stogie Bear [grows on you], Tony who did the hardcore shoots with Talisha and Rita, Chuck Wow from Chiang Mai,  Mickey from Phuket who works here also, Pedro [ditto] and several others, I hope I haven't missed anyone.  Thanks to all for giving me the pleasure of your company.

          on deck; Lotus Man and Wisetraveller for sure.... Mirimark? Bricktop? Smuttley?

  • #2
    It was good seeing you too , again . I also cant remember that pilot's name , he was a nice guy .
    Now bricktop , THATS the guy I want to party with  
    Also agree with the statement about Roadrunners gal , She is hot . To good for him .

    formerly Jeff1 ( me and my computer skills )


    • #3
      Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 22 2005,22:54)
            on deck; Lotus Man and Wisetraveller for sure.... Mirimark? Bricktop? Smuttley?
      I'm there July 4th weekend if everything plays out right JaiDee, if everything doesn't I'm back living in the states in August/September time frame for good

      It's good to matter what the pay

      Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

      Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
      ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

      "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


      • #4
        Originally posted by
        on deck; Lotus Man and Wisetraveller for sure...
        Many thanks JD. I recently had my first face to face meeting with an ATS member when I caught up with Ozzie in Sydney. Had a great evening with a like minded buddy. Ozzie spoke very highly of all of you that he had met.

        I look forward to meeting you and the other guys in LOS one day. Although I do get there from time to time it is not very regular. But I do hope to get there, even if only for a few days, this year.




        • #5
          JaiDee if you are in Thailand next year when I am there Jan-Feb I will buy ya another Ladyboy no prob....I had a good time.....


          • #6
            Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Mar. 22 2005,08:54)
                  on deck; Lotus Man and Wisetraveller for sure.... Mirimark? Bricktop? Smuttley?
            Mirimark? Bricktop? Smuttley???
            Geeze JaiDee, you better bring a leash or 2.
            ain't life grand


            • #7
              What ever happened to Lotusman? Haven't seen a thing from him for ages. Is he under a different name on here or just lurking or maybe not coming around at all?
              Haven't seen much from Azul Bolas (blue balls in Spanish) lately either. Those guys were like the 2 first members of the site or pretty close.

              Also, Gazzio. He used to be real active. Almost my neighbor in the states. Is he still around?

              I'd like to meet up with Smuttly too for sure, sometime. A good leftwing liberal like me. No fisticuffs that way  

              I plan on being there in August next time. Never been there close to August before. Wonder how it compares to other times of the year.


              • #8
                expect to get rained on, that's for sure

                Lotus is still around.....I saw one of his posts when I was scanning the site yesterday trying to get caught up, and yes indeed, he and Blue Ballz go way back to mid-2001 and will always be good friends to us here. It will be nice to meet Lotus some day.....BB and me have hung out many times and plan to many more.

                Saw Gazzio in November......still the same old guy and really a good person, no attitude; wants to leave the corporate gig and move over there full-time and just get it over with.

                sound familiar?


                • #9
                  Hey Lefty, wouldn't blue balls be Bolas Azul en espanol or balls blue. Thought adjectives tended to follow nouns in spanish. Went tpo a place in Mexico called Aqua Azul or Blue water.
                  Ya got your next trip planned Lefty? Way to go bro!


                  • #10
                    yes of course. They place the adjectives after the nouns. I was translating straight word for word without taking proper Spanish into account. Since we know Blueballz aint referring to the kind of balls you use for basketball, baseball, etc, maybe a better translation would be Testes Azul?

                    Any chance you can be in LOS come August??


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by (Lefty @ Mar. 22 2005,23:21)
                      Testes Azul?

                      Maybe August Lefty. I have two weeks vacation left, gotta figure out when I wanna take it.


                      • #12
                        I reccommend Aug 12 thru 28.
                        Sent you an email.


                        • #13
                          Hey Mate,
                          Let me know when your next in Bk, we didnt get that much of a chance to talk.
                          Ill reserve two stools in the front stalls at Big Dogs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (tokyo11 @ Mar. 22 2005,08:17)
                            It was good seeing you too , again . I also cant remember that pilot's name , he was a nice guy .
                            Now bricktop , THATS the guy I want to party with  
                            Also agree with the statement about Roadrunners gal , She is hot . To good for him .

                            formerly Jeff1 ( me and my computer skills  )
                            Pilots name you are probably referring to is Michael, great guy and due back in Bk soon.


                            • #15
                              The Pilot guy! Yep - a star! I have tasted his sausage, so to speak!

                              Lotusman will be here at the end of the month, but you better be quick!

                              We are a very lucky group of people here. Everyone seems to get on very well and enjoy each others company. Long may it last.

                              Without a doubt the people I have nmet through this site have changed my life and all for the better!

                              Come on BlueBallz - it's time to come out of hiding!

                              Yes, RoadRunners girl is a fantastic lady. Won't even do 'swimsuit' shots for the site! But let me tell you - you will want to smack RoadRunner silly when you meet her! (Well - that's how jealousy affects me, anyway!)

                              Thanks for everything, friends!

