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  • #16
    Originally posted by (naploean @ April 18 2005,05:36)
    i love ladyboys but can someone answer this queston why do guys become ladyboys
    Now that you've gotten to read all the smart ass responses, I'll attempt to give you a serious answer.
    According to books such as The Third Sex, by Richard Totman, which I would reccommend you read by the way, ladyboys believe that they are pre-destined to be such due to negative kamma from a previous life. There is more to it in that book, but in a nutshell, that is basically it. There is no choice, such as them saying one day: Gee whiz, I think I'll become a ladyboy, any more than one decides to be a man or woman. Also in contrast to the Christian Old Testament, The Tipitaka indentifies not two gender types, male and female, but four.  The four genders are male, female, ubhatobyanjanaka and pandaka. Basically, the Pali-English dictionary defines ubhatobyanjanaka as a 'having the characteristics of both sexes, i.e. a hermaphrodite. Whereas a pandaka is 'a person who has deficiency in the signs of masculinity (for men) and signs of femininitity (for women)' and 'a person who takes pleasure in having relations with a man while feeling they are like a woman' (Thai language summary of the Tipitaka). The last definition equates pandaka with kathoey, which is one of the Thai words for ladyboy, along with 'sau praphet song' which means 'second kind of woman'


    • #17
      I know quite a few LB in Bangkok and none who I've spoken to think they are a LB in this Life because of something they did in a past life.

      Most can't articulate why they want to be an LB. They just DO.

      And, since we are serious now, they do NOT do it for the money. The path they have chosen as an LB makes life harder for them compared to being a man, straight or gay.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #18
        That's interesting about the money. A GG I know suspects it's for the money, but I can't convince her otherwise...
        Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

        Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


        • #19
          Guys, I don't think you have it quite right yet. I can't say I'm an expert, but I have a read a lot on it, and know about 300 LBs or more.

          Try this and you'll understand why I say you're wrong. Ask any LB when she became a LB. I guarantee 90% will say at the age of 6 or so, certainly before they ever knew what money was or the sex trade. So it is not correct to say they are LBs because of sex money.

          There are a few who become LBs because of money, but that's a very small minority. Most are LBs at birth, not because of some previous life, but because all their senses tell them they are a lady not a man. They simply have an accident of having a penis there.

          There are a few good pschology studies that indicate in tests all LBs score exactly as a female would, ie, there is near zero difference in personality / mentality. For example, they are emotional, giddy, not physically aggressive. And note, they are absolutely not gay. There is a huge difference.

          You will note most LBs hide their dick when they take the towel off, as if they are embarassed of it. And most do not like topping, but they need to do it for money. And most, if they had the cash, would lop it off.

          So the original question was actually somewhat wrong, ie, why do men become LBs? Answer, they are not men to begin with, they are ladies to begin with, and a ladyboy is a lady.

          By the way, there is also a nice movie called "Beautiful Boxer"; true story about a Thai Muay Thai famous boxer...who was a LB. It shows her life story from a kid. I watched it with 3 LBs now and they all said their early life was like that, meaning, they became a lady about 5-10 or so.


          • #20
            Ziggystardust    that´s completly correct what you write and that`s the real defination about lbs or TS.
            I be sure too that some (but only less) change their lifestyle into feminity for getting money.
            The other lbs have to make a correction about there  outlooking into there inside gender. They were born as a woman with some body mistake.
            For lbs it`s not important what is between the legs, much more important is which feeling they have between there ears.
            And for there life, happiness is it so much neccessary for to life as a woman. To get in peace with your feeling.
            Djai jen jen si !


            • #21
              I have known many ladyboys and most recognise themselves as female and use the appropriate mannersisms and actions. I find it difficult to believe that anyone would go through the discrimination just to make a bucks unless they were the real deal. I am sure there are one or two but not the majority. I see these lovely ladies as just that a lady and that is not just because of theie external appearance but because of the way they act.

              Although I agree with JD and wonder why some of them go all the way I just hope they are happy doing so!


              • #22
                Originally posted by (Gordo68 @ April 18 2005,09:59)
                Yeah but it would have to be each individual LB answering to get an accurate story. There is of course the generalization of having always felt like a woman trapped in a man's body if you really need one single reason. But how then to explain the many that will pound your backside like the proverbial hammer to a nail for that to apply to them (not my thing but I do read the forums and the stories are out there). I think that some of them are just gay or bi-sexual and find that they can earn a living far beyond the reasonable expectations a Thai male would normally expect living as females (even if part-time, i.e. the femboys). Couple that with a traditional acceptance of this role/lifestyle in Thai society and you have a few more reasons. But as I said prior each has their own story.
                well thanks i guess don't get me wrong that's why i like them there in between man and women so keep the thing that us men like.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (Snick @ April 20 2005,10[img
        [/img]1)]I know quite a few LB in Bangkok and none who I've spoken to think they are a LB in this Life because of something they did in a past life.

                  Most can't articulate why they want to be an LB. They just DO.

                  And, since we are serious now, they do NOT do it for the money. The path they have chosen as an LB makes life harder for them compared to being a man, straight or gay.
                  I agree that they don't talk much about it, but to me it is the same as with their beliefs as Buddhists. They don't discuss all that with us much either.
                  You are IMO absolutely correct about them not doing it for money. They turn tricks for money, those who do, because they need to make something to survive. That part is a product of the fact they are ladyboys. And I've never known one who ever felt she had a choice whether or not she was a ladyboy.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ April 21 2005,00:59)
                    You will note most LBs hide their dick when they take the towel off, as if they are embarassed of it. And most do not like topping, but they need to do it for money. And most, if they had the cash, would lop it off.
                    I think that they hide their cock, those who do, is just a part of natural Thai modesty. Many are somewhat modest at first no matter what is between their legs. I do not believe the ones who act modestly are ashamed of having a cock. Sometimes too they may not be sure how the man will react.
                    Everyone I've been with has shown little shyness about exposing their cock in very short order after we're alone in the room. Then again they all knew that I knew what they had down there and was totally fine with it.
                    As for saying most would lop in off if they had the cash. I do not agree with that at all. There are a great many ladyboys who would never get SRS no matter how much cash they had.
                    It would be difficult to put an exact pct on how many would and how many would not, if money was no object. But just judging by the ones I've known, I still believe the majority would keep their cocks


                    • #25
                      Point well taken. But then again, how do you explain all the shemales that exist in the world? Is it a lifestyle for them or they fit the generalization of the Thai Ladyboys as you descibe it? I am refering to Brazil, US, Europe etc...

                      Don't you think that social and economic conditions play a role? Just like asking someone who is gay whether they are born gay or became gay by choice influenced by social environments, up-bringing etc. And to take it a little further, scientists today haven't been able to tell when does a fetus become a life? therefore, the pro-choice and anti-abortion activists sill decking it out, day in day out?

                      As much as I would like to give people the benefit of the doubt, we might as well accept their justification without advocating what is correct or incorrect. There are no clear answers as far as I know. True to some extent, these ladyboys, shemales, gays or whatever are born as such, but don't tell me that the great majority don't do it because of lifestyle. For those of us who like to be with a ladyboy or desire a ladyboy, if you look back 10, 15, 20 years ago it would have inconcievable to even consider the thought of being with one. But then suddenly, you begin to feel attracted to them and you make your first move. You realize you like the experience, you go back for more. That becomes a lifestyle issue. Does it make you gay? Do you consider yourself Bi or straight? Where do you fit in? I like ladyboys, but can't bring myself to sleep with a man. It is their femininity with a dick that fascinates us all. If I'm a straight guy that likes ladyboys, what category do I belong to? Am I BI or straight? I'd like to think that I am straight but desire ladyboys, sometimes. in conclusion, they ought to be treated with respect for who they are and not try to understand as to why they do it or how they become ladyboys. Money becomes a major motivation for them to do it but not all necessaraly driven my money. Food for thought. Cheers.


                      • #26
                        Thanks. Also, I am completely heterosexual, however, I find I only like LBs now. Can't particularly explain that, except to say a LB is a lady, but the sex is far better, and their personalities more fun.

                        After going through this change (ladies to LBs), I now find that the penis is just an appendage, like a finger, that has no bearing on the person's feelings or personality. It's a sex organ. But the mind and heart are indpendent of that appendage.

                        Only society makes people binary. In reality, people's feeling run between gay and hetero, with many variations in-between, much as there are hundreds of variations in likes and dislikes of music, or perception of beauty, or clothing.

                        So to the original question, you really have to change your mind here, because if you view LBs as men who become LBs, you are really off base. Likewise, for all the people who answered that they are really men, and become LBs for money, sorry, but you too are off base. But, there's no shame in that. This isn't an easy topic, thanks to how society, George Bush, other governments, our parents, and our friends view sexuality. Hopefully, those on this site and others open up to new definitions. I would note that I would have asked the exact same question, or responded the exact same way that others have a few years ago.


                        • #27
                          Some really good thought expressed in the last two replies. I
                          agree with the sentiments expressed by Ziggy, that it is society that tries to pigeonhole us into a category. But in reality there are probably more "categories" than the mainstream of society has decided all should/must fit.

                          We are all human and our relationship preferences may be numerous and as complex as human nature. As long as we respect each other and do not judge in any way other than we would want to be judged, there is no need to be put into any one compartment.

