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  • Collagen

    Does anyone know about the different forms of breast enhancement ie implants, collagen, etc, and the pros and cons of both?

    I tried typing in the word collagen into the search facility and got the following post???

    PS - No, I am NOT considering this for myself. I already have a healthy pair!!
    Mister Arse

  • #2
    Actually in terms of implants it's only silicone or saline. I always recommed saline for the girls. Smaller cut, they fill it when it's in, less risky in general and a more natural feeling. I never heard of collagene breast implants. Normally you just use it for smaller parts, mainly the face.
    Are you hooked up to pay a boob job?



    • #3
      Originally posted by
      Actually in terms of implants it's only silicone or saline. I always recommed saline for the girls. Smaller cut, they fill it when it's in, less risky in general and a more natural feeling. I never heard of collagene breast implants. Normally you just use it for smaller parts, mainly the face.
      Sorry, what I meant was collagen injections v implants

      Originally posted by
      Are you hooked up to pay a boob job?
      errrr, No
      Mister Arse


      • #4
        I remember someone posting about this before, but can't find any posts
        Mister Arse


        • #5
          Yes I'm talking about collagene injections too. You (usually) don't or better shouldn't do collagene in those large quantities. I know some Latina girls who do collagene for their hips, which is even worse in terms of quantities and danger, because the risk of loosing it in your body is with collagene much higher. That stuff is supposed to be used only in very small parts for facial corrections.
          So if you have the feeling that your face is starting to look kind of unfamiliar in the morning - especially after longer discussions with your friend Jack Daniels the evening before - you should consider it, Stewie...



          • #6
            when they say collagen, its never collagen.. unless its from the real surgeon! and a real surgeon will neveer use collagen for breast enhancements.. collagen is only use in small amount and is very expensive.. what "they" put on their hips and on their faces (in most latinas) is silicone oil, quite dangerous and very illegal anywhere..
            here's how the oil works..
            the body reacts to its presence and safeguards the body by encapsulating this oil therefore forming tissues that grows and grows until the body is contented its safe enough.. the enhancement of certain areas in your body like hips, ass, forehead, chin, lips, and even cock, is due to the fact that there's a tissue expansion underneath in granular forms.. the process itself is already an infection called granulatomas.. its a dillema.. the only way the silicone will stay in place is for the body to react on it by forming granules like pearl formation in oyters.. if there's too much silicon oil, the body wont be able to cope up thus the migrations happens and forms granules somewhere else.. as to whether saline or silicone gel for implants, saline.. but in a practical world where money is earned, not found, silicone implants will save you a lot of money! saline implant is very safe but not longlasting.. i talked to my aunt demi and my sister pamela, they all had to replace their saline implants after 3 years due to evaporation... aunthentic silicone implants have at least 10 years! when you decide to go with the fad stewie sugar, go for 1000cc right away, ala US pornstars.. they look a cup smaller underneath clothings..


            • #7
              Wow...thanks a lot asian tgirl! VERY enlightening. Didn't know that silicone oil is used. Bloody dangerous that thing - especially in the hips, because it can easily cause thromboses. If saline implants are done with the right stuff - they ave some new material - the implants will last about 6 years. 10 years for silicone is possible, but it actually should be taken out after 8 years - but that depends of course on the indivvidual case.
              ....and whoever is going to be implanted - pls DON'T go for the Pamela Anderson look Stewie, that sucks big time!



              • #8
                Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ April 21 2005,14:04)
                ....and whoever is going to be implanted - pls DON'T go for the Pamela Anderson look Stewie, that sucks big time!

                Huh? Wha ??;

                Somebody say Stewart's getting implants??

                ain't life grand


                • #9
                  Thanks a lot, Asian Tgirl, and she knows of what she speaks; I saw many girls in the PI [mostly Manila] just completely butchered by that "collagan" stuff that in reality wasn't even the real thing; damned shame, actually, the girls I saw looked like they had one giant breast with 2 nipples on either side!! very odd-looking and I would highly not recommend anyone using this methof to enhance their breasts.

                  many of the girls in BKK are now getting collagan in their hips to make themselves look fuller and more rounded, like a ladyboy version of Jennifer Lopez. as a matter of fact, I would guess that MOST Thai ladyboys want this right now.


                  • #10
                    youre welcome mai-kee.. you sure know a lot as well about these.. i wonder why.. hee hee..
                    and yes Jaidee, they all want it right now.. its the fad you know.. hee hee.. just mention KANJANA and NITTAYA, the famous "doctors" when it comes to silicon oil injection in thailand.. hee hee..
                    i was lying in bed naked just last wednesday with points drawn by nittaya when she suddenly asked me to leave after a heated conversation with my thai friend.. she insisted my friend should leave, and my friend, as good as she is, insisted she should stay and look after me.. its a matter of life and death.. there had been a lot of death cases due to this practice.. and my friend was so worried as she has never had silicon oil ever.. then nittaya cursed us saying "go to kanjana, die, or not die".. hee hee..  ".. i am rich, i dont need your money, i have my own car, and my own house, and 10 million baht in the bank (in thai).."  and then my friend replied in thai.. "i dont care, i have more!".. hee hee..
                    its so easy anywhere, but safe? that, we all know, never is.. they are earning a lot out of industrial grade silicon oil..
                    and with regards to my cousin pamela, please, oh please, she's my idol.. hee hee...


                    • #11
                      Unfortunately I've never met or even seen you Asian-tgirl, so I can't say if that Pam-shape would suit you. But if you look at the girls on this site who've done it - normally it doesn't....
                      But I'm sure you have a bf who'd love/ supports you to have it...... STEWIE??!!



                      • #12
                        oh hon.. dont get jealous.. stewie is merely a sextoy.. youre the one i love..


                        • #13
                          Stewie baby, I didn't know......mmmhhhhhhh.....yummy.....



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by
                            Stewie baby, I didn't know......mmmhhhhhhh.....yummy....
                            A sex toy!!?? Is that all I mean to you?

                            Mister Arse


                            • #15
                              Collagen and silicone injections were popular in the earlier days of 'enhancement' and collagen now for small augmentations (lips, etc on the face).  asia-ts is right, that much of what is injected is not collagen no matter what the injector tells the injectee.  The most common low-budget formula (often used in hips) is a mixture of silicone oil (sort of WD-40, or watch / camera oil) mixed with peanut butter to give it a thicker consistency ( I shit you not... though smooth, not crunchy ).   I recall that about 5 or 6 years ago, one of the girls in Obsessions collapsed and died in the bar about a week after one of these peanut butter silicone injections in and around her hips.

