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The lovely "ink" of kc3

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  • The lovely "ink" of kc3

    The lovely Ink who works in KC3 as number 007 is off to Taiwan in April sometime to work in the YES club, wherever that is. She is one of the best girls ive ever met in this place and is about the same stamp as Mon who also still works there.

    And she told me that some of the Thai Lbs who work Taiwan  go to the PI when there VISA s run out..... ....hard to believe but im only the messenger folks.

    I know Mike said that not to worry about the next 20 years as there is a lot a talent coming through but the fact is the nice ones keep leaving LOS. Even Jean , who is now in Taiwan made a comment that KC3 has seen better days. Im afraid that she may be right and i hate to admit it.


    If any of you guys want what i think Ozzie termed the total girlfriend experience then you had better get your skates on.
    She has had a set of pics done and said she would send me a file so ill post one or two when they arrive.

    Truly a real gem


  • #2
    Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Mar. 31 2005,05:20)
    I know Mike said that not to worry about the next 20 years as there is a lot a talent coming through but the fact is the nice ones keep leaving LOS.
    I was talking about this in the thread  about finding many of the girls wanting to go and work in Singapore, that is all their dream now as well as  of course working in Europe or Hong Kong. The Taiwan cabaret angle is fairly new and I will talk more about that  below.  But this exodus from Thailand is fairly common and I would guess that about 90% of ladyboys in general and 100% of ladyboy hookers [no joke] will take this option as quickly as they can get a visa and a stamp on their passport and be out of there.  They can make double or triple their Bangkok wages in foreign countries so why would they stay there?  For you? don't be absurd.  Guys with girlfriends in the Bangkok scene or anywhere else in Thailand, you should be aware that the first chance your honey gets she is off to make more cash in a foreign country.  Believe it, and unless you have 100,000 a month or more to keep her waiting for you in Thailand, she will be history.  She may be history regardless.

           Taiwan is a land of broken dreams, I heard this directly from my friend Som-O, AKA Anny the post-op who we have coming back to the site on April 7 in a brand new series. we were talking in early March and she said she had gone there in January to work in the  cabarets and hopefully strike it rich. The cabaret company pays the fair for these girls, but they must fulfill a 6-month contract once they get there.  Anny got there, hated it so much, and was only making 400 baht per day!!   she said it was about 300 in salary and 100baht per night in tips taking pics with tourists and that was it.  No customers for fucking either, they were only interested in the show and most of the people were with wives and came as couples or families. Cold as hell also, nothing like Bangkok.  After 1 month of that nonsense she broke her contract, paid her own airfare and got back to BKK where she can at least make 30-40K a month as a freelancer.

              Got a girlfriend? expect her to be gone first chance she can get, even if it's not the right move. They all believe that they can find that pot o' gold under the rainbow in other countries, and usually they can so they go for it.  Take Mike's advice and just butterfly; there are new generations always coming in from the country so you can always find a new mate.


    • #3
      Hey Jaidee

      how are ya man

      i think you got the wrong angle on what i meant

      When i mentioned the "girlfriend experience" what i was refering to was the guys that just want a one day girlfriend experience to go shopping, cinema etc etc. Like get married for day.. not any long term set up. I think Ozzie or Mike was talking about this short term thing on an earlier thread.

      About the girls leaving . Im always grumbling on that score.I bit selfish i suppose ....Just have to get used to it..........



      • #4
        ahhh, I see......I think most ladyboy hookers will give that one day   GF experience to their customers; the nicer they act towards us the more cash they get!  GF experience in Thailand is not all that unique; try it in a western country and you get "pay me 200 dollars, no kissing, out the door in an hour" LOL.

        By the way, when I said "for you? don't be absurd", I wasn't talking about YOU in general, but more as us as ladyboy-lovers as a whole; girls would rarely stick around and hang with us when there are greener pastures to be found a short plane ride away.

         I have some new pics of Nut, TC....wanna see?


        • #5
          Last friday when i met up with Stogie and Mike someone had just fined her for the evening before i arrived.... shit. Anyway i popped in again and saw her but couldnt stop to long.

          There was something different about her from last time(xmas)
          ... maybe the hair...... i just cant place it......

          This girl must have the best pair of legs on the planet and and another chance to see them before August.... please oblidge ASAP. I promise to buy a camera next time...


          • #6
            is this the Nut that you like?

            not so sure about her legs, but she does have one of the best pair of, errrrrr, well, you know, that I have ever seen as well.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Thats her all right...............

              What a beauty and a nice girl as well. Keeps laughing and smiling all the time which becomes infectious. Any birthday suit shots? ..... just to show some of the guys who dont know of this girl what form she has? almost to good to be true.

              I mentioned her legs as i am a big leg and ankle freak and she has the perfect set as well as all the other fine embellishments .


              • #8
                no nude shots!! we are just , ummm, friends and I don't take nudie shots of my friends who I have slept with BEFORE  I have worked with them.  except now of course that I have shown her to the world she may be more of a model than just someone who comes over to eat KFC, watch a movie and and do my dishes.

                        I am sure you will see her up here soon, TC, and then our secret will be out to the whole world.


                • #9
                  Again, the Ape has struck again, look for Nut (Dew) in latest update. It's amazing to me how many girls I saw on this trip end up on that website. Yuck.


                  • #10
                    Finally saw the Ape man in a video the other day... (Thanks Bit Torrent Technology!) and he's one ugly mo-fo!

                    I think his mission in life is to wind up JaiDee!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by (gurn67 @ April 22 2005,13:41)
                      Again, the Ape has struck again, look for Nut (Dew) in latest update. It's amazing to me how many girls I saw on this trip end up on that website. Yuck.
                      Yup, I talked to Nut about this and like 100% of the girls that work with that piece of garbage, she regrets it badly.


                      • #12
                        I spoke to Ink yesterday about this Taiwan thing, she said she "was going for 3 months" (!)
                        "Are you going alone?" I asked.
                        "No, I'm going with Lyla and Chompoo from Obsession"
                        Oh dear...that could piss off a few people if its the truth!!!!

                        When she walks, she’s like a samba
                        That swings so cool and sways so gentle

