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Apple in usa, or a fake?

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  • Apple in usa, or a fake?

    I occasionally check out the TG's on just to see who is out there. I came across a pic of one of my recent favorites Apple (pic attached). link

    I e mailed her, figuring this is a fake (some hairy assed 300lb guy getting his tiny rocks off, pretending to be a hot tg). Told her she looks amazingly like a girl on called Apple.

    Her reply: "thats me. i am from thailand. i work there for m,any years. pictures help earn money. i just moved
    to usa a few months ago and staying with friend."

    JD or SB, any chance Apple really is in the US?
    Bring on the bitches!

  • #2
    Oh, here's the same pic from this time.
    Attached Files
    Bring on the bitches!


    • #3
      that's our model all right......cute boyish look just like we like 'em!!   I have never met her, that is Pedro's work,  so I have no idea if that is the real deal.   If she has made it to the  USA, good for her!! reading that ad though, it does seem lke BS; probably not the 300 pound dude you mentioned, but maybe some young crossdresser trying to come across as someone she is really not.

      if you are in contact tell her to write me; I can ask her some questions that she will not be able to answer if this is a fraud.


      • #4
        When I was in Pattaya, I slept with her. Nice girl, loves to talk. FL, this is how you can quiz her/fat 300 pound guy in basement. Ask her if she ever worked in a Pattaya cabaret and if so which one?
        Answer should be the PP (PiPi pee-pee) show. If she says Alcazar or Tiffany it's a lie.

        Ask her when she came here. I slept with her late Dec 03 or early Jan 04.

        Don't see how a male with tits could get into the country.

        Another quiz, ask her which book I gave her?


        • #5
          Guarantee that she is NOT in the USA-trust me. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE!!


          • #6
            I really like her looks! Very different and special.....



            • #7
              Think the short hair gives her a stylish look. She enjoys speaking and learning even more English. She's makes a good impression in public since she has style, grace and manners. In retrospect, I should have spent more time with her but there were a few others that I just clicked with better in bed that trip.

              Hey, you guys who are thinking of going to Thailand............the girl in that pic couldn't make the cut to get a second night with Pigdogg.........what r u waiting for?


              • #8
                There is one Thai Ladyboy here in the usa her name is Venus and she is on eros guide she use to be in SF but now in NY she came over on a student visa and is a very nice person and dam hot


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ April 26 2005,03:31)
                  I really like her looks! Very different and special.....

                  Gosh Mai Kee, how strange that you and I both dig this lb's looks - - who could have guessed?

                  To me, she looks like a femme with tits. A good combo I think.
                  Bring on the bitches!

