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Ladyboys in jakarta?

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  • Ladyboys in jakarta?

    I am going to be in Jakarta till the end of June.  Looking for a safe way of picking up cute ladyboys here.  I don't fancy picking them up on the street late at night because I think that is quite risky.  Does anyone know how else I could pick them up or any contacts that might be useful?

  • #2
    Hi Pete

    please realize this info is 2 years old so please take it with a grain of salt; I haven't been to JKT since February 2003 and have no desire or plans to ever go back, same as the P.I.


    [email protected]

    MUST-see!! she is outstanding; that e-mail is valid

    [email protected]

    she was our main contact in JKT; she knows at least 30 ladyboys and can help you out; pretty cute herself also.

    [email protected]

    Ditto......she brought over many girls herself

    Taman Lawang is the main place to meet ladyboys but that is exactly what you said you did not want to meet them; it is a residential neighborhood in the city where about 30 hang out every night walking around. strange place; it seems like the cops just don't care about it and they allow the TS hookers to walk around; before I met Sonya and she became my contact I went there one night in a taxi and did the circuit; very strange vibe and I wanted out of there right away without taking anything; very shady. I really don't know anywhere else as far as disco's, etc, and there are definately no ladyboy go-go bars like in Bangkok.

    I hope Bali-Ken see's this.....he knows more about the city than I do

    have fun


    • #3
      Thanks Jai Dee. That is exactly what I was looking for. Very helpful.


      • #4
        HI Pete,,

        Thats the correct email of Sumi,,,she'll answer within hrs..

        If you feel like somthing a bit different, go to a place called The Stadium,,its open most nights and on the weekends its open from friday to monday non-stop, every ladyboy in Jakarta goes there,,ask Sumi to meet you there and introduce you to many of her Lb friends....

        Taman Lawang is cool, you dont need to leave your taxi, just ask the driver to cruise past slowly and they will aproach you,,,no problems..300.000.00rph for the night,,

        If you want to meet some horny looking GG's go to BLOK M
        my favorite hotel The Melawai,,has a nice bar on the 6th floor,,,try this place will love it....over 100 girls
        Theres also Top Gun, JJ's and other bars/niteclubs in the area...

        Just a word of warning mate,,stick to the blue bird taxis,,or better still get the hotel security to arrange a cab for the night,,this may cost you $30/40 but well worth it,,he will wait for you till the early hrs if you want, cuts out the hassle of being ripped off from some mafia types , believe me ,,,they can be very dangerous in JKT..

        You'll find most of the hotels will allow Ladyboys in,,I stayed at the Grand Hyatt and dragged one through the foyer with me...

        hers a pic of the Melawai,Blow Job bar,,6th floor,,,Bintang on draft...

        Attached Files


        • #5
          sweet little girls,,cant do enough for you..

          bar opens at 9am closes at 1am,,
          Attached Files


          • #6
            haha, great info Ken..... I stayed at the Malewai and the BJ bar is very cool indeed

            also went to the Stadium with Sonya.....went home at 6AM and the place was still packed.... those Indo people can party

            Don't miss Sumi!! she is outstanding and has friends!!


            • #7
              Talking about taxis in Indonesia, whatssup with cabs waiting by DejaVu or Double6 in Bali?
              I tell them argo, they say no argo. I was told you can't call Bluebird to pick you up there cause the waiting taxis will get pissed off? Dat so Ken?


              • #8
                Hahaha....cheers mate! Love that pic!!



                • #9
                  Taxis waiting out front of most venues think they have the right to rip ppl off,,they prey on the drunks like us,,and charge unbelievable fares,,I usually tell them to go fuck themselves,,but in a nice way,,,lol
                  Better to walk a short distance or take a bike taxi..

                  Last time I stumbled out of 66 in Bali,, I came a gutzer in the laneway and lost my phone..
                  So that would equate to about a 100 rides home...


