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Tech probs

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  • Tech probs

    Hello All

    Anyone having tech problems downloading the site

    I have just arrived in BKK have a very fast 10 mps broadband connection from the hotel and its taking ages to dowload a page from the site.

    Very Frustrating as I like to look at my prey before gobbling it all up!!!

  • #2
    You sure it's 10 mpbs? When I was there I clocked the up/down rate with a server in the US being about 300kbps. This was at the Marriott in Bangkok. Down in Pattaya it was even slower. It's not that bad but not great when you connect over seas.

    Most hotels there that I was in, that have high speed in the rooms, if you look closely there you will find that they have stuck a DSL modem under the desk in your room and it's just utilizing the hotels existing phone wiring.


    • #3
      The big problem is the bandwidth between Thailand and the Rest of the world. The border router is SLOW.

      Try accessing, which is local. If that is fast than the problem is the border router (and you are screwed). If is slow, than maybe the problem is the line you are using.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #4
        Yes - Bangkok broadband is often touch and go. Nothing we can do about that. Sorry...


        • #5
          Hello again

          Well I have taken onboard your comments and suggestions and I have tested many different sites and they are all downloading very quickly regardless of where they are all that is except this site!.....Maybe a setting is buggered on my PC doubt it though.

          I am at the Sheraton Grande and they advertise the 10mps boasting being the 1st hotel in Thailand to get it so I think it is genuine .......certainly Muy Rapido for all other sites except ATS .

          Sorry to air this on the forum ,I noted Johns comments from an earlier post, I just wanted a quick response and comment which I have had.( I did send an email as well ).

          Hopefully I will be reporting on some filth tomorrow.

          As an aside , can anyone recomend a short time hotel in the Nana area thats decent and LB friendly. I have never done the ST bit allways back to the hotel etc so wanted to give it a go,

          Cheers HARRY


          • #6
            I'm in Bangkok now, Harry... Everything is working fine for me, despite this cursed rain!

            I'll rack my brains and try and think of some other possibilities...

            (And hurry up and report back on the filth!)


            • #7
              Originally posted by (HARRY @ Oct. 24 2005,16:38)
              they advertise the 10mps boasting being the 1st hotel in Thailand to get it...
              Yeah 10mps from your Room to where? the Router in the Basement


              • #8
                Originally posted by (HARRY @ Oct. 25 2005,09:38)
                Hello again

                Well I have taken onboard your comments and suggestions and I have tested many different sites and they are all downloading very quickly regardless of where they are all that is except this site!.....Maybe a setting is buggered on my PC doubt it though.

                I am at the Sheraton Grande and they advertise the 10mps boasting being the 1st hotel in Thailand to get it so I think it is genuine .......certainly Muy Rapido for all other sites except ATS .

                Sorry to air this on the forum ,I noted Johns comments from an earlier post, I just wanted a quick response and comment which I have had.( I did send an email as well ).

                Hopefully I will be reporting on some filth tomorrow.

                As an aside , can anyone recomend a short time hotel in the Nana area thats decent and LB friendly. I have never done the ST bit allways back to the hotel etc so wanted to give it a go,

                Cheers HARRY
                Harry not sure what they are advertising but the reality is probably very different and 10Mbps is highly unlikely. Easy to verify though just try and download a reasonably large file (5-10MB) of known size and see how long it takes. Also to see where the issues might be try a tracert (Windows)

                tracert from a command prompt and see how long it takes to get to each hope between your PC and the site and you might get a better idea of where the bottleneck is.

