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Problems, concerns, complaints?

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  • Problems, concerns, complaints?

    To avoid any future conflicts and message board drama, we would really appreciate it if anyone with questions involving the website  or its content would just write to us privately rather than voice their problems in our public forum.  As someone else said, we provide this forum as a service to all ladyboy-lovers  as a place to come and have fun, we don't want to disrupt that in any way and make their visits here controversial or confrontational.

    Problems, concerns, and/or  suggestions should go here, please;

    [email protected]

    your letters will be dealt with promptly and politely and all concerns addressed if possible.


  • #2
    Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Oct. 20 2005,01:26)
    To avoid any future conflicts and message board drama, we would really appreciate it if anyone with questions involving the website  or its content would just write to us privately rather than voice their problems in our public forum.  As someone else said, we provide this forum as a service to all ladyboy-lovers  as a place to come and have fun, we don't want to disrupt that in any way and make their visits here controversial or confrontational.

    Problems, concerns, and/or  suggestions should go here, please;

    [email protected]

    your letters will be dealt with promptly and politely and all concerns addressed if possible.



    • #3
      Dimensions: 150x107
      File Type: GIF
      File size: 260kB

      Why will this not UpLoad ?
      C'mon J.D. allot me more Size....

      S.B. is this an extrodinary request ? When preparing files, sometimes I can not tell just how Large a GIFF File really is.
      Dimensions, I imagine it as the Size of a Frame.
      File Type, is obvious.
      File size, thought 2mb was our Limit.

      Can we have; 150x150 for Dimensions size ?
      Attached Files
      My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


      • #4
        I realize each Video Clip has its own IP Address.
        But how come I have to enter my UserID and Password evertime I want to watch another Video Clip ? I am putting a checkmark in the Box: Save/Remember my Password but it seldom works.
        Attached Files
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • #5
          200 KBs to post an image is ample. Any larger than that really slows down the forum for everyone. Sorry.

          Each clip does not have its' own IP address! You shouldn't have to enter your password each time you try to access a clip. This is part of the security settings in your browser.


          • #6
            Thanks for the Reply Stogie. Didn't think my Browser had anything to do with it.
            I typically run a Minimal amount of Security in my Laptop.
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  

