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Salma's latest pic :)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by (liisawinkler @ Sep. 05 2005,20:51)
    hey how u boss u been busy with lovelife? haha
    my lovelife is my hand for 6 months a year, unfortunately

    But I will find some other poor young thing to be my love interest for this coming year soon enough, and she will regret it like the rest of 'em. This year I am finding someone like you!


    • #17
      u mean someone with the four F's?

      Filipina, functional, funny, and fantastic in bed?
      My Facebook
      PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


      • #18
        that would be a start!

        as I have always said, I wish we could import some of that PI attitude in the sack to Thailand, where way too many limp-noodled "up to you" barbie dolls hang out just looking for their next 1000 baht and have no passion or desire. PI girls are cooler and better in bed and much better girlfriend material in my opinion.

        and don't take hormones if you can help it.... they make you moody and strange and your dick won't work.


        • #19
          somebody knows a nice webcamchat asian ts site ?
          with regards


          • #20

            this thread from a few days ago may help you.....

            some guys here like the web cam stuff, start a new thread and you will probably get some replies.


            • #21
              Dim witted farm girl or not....still one of the hottest ladyboys on the planet. Remember Jai dee, dont have such selctive memory.....i dish out compliments as much as criticism....and so do you. I guess its ok to criticize the little hottie who is about to lose her manhood but Salma is untouchable because she reads this site. People in glass houses should not throw stones.
              brock landers


              • #22
                ya, that is a valid point and I am critical of certain people and places as many of us here are.  I don't agree with the posties because I have seen the adverse effects it has on some people and it makes me sad frankly.

                  whatever your style is, that's cool....... it just seems to be pickier than the majority of the fellows here.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by (JaiDee @ Sep. 05 2005,23:51)
                  ya, that is a valid point and I am critical of certain people and places as many of us here are.  I don't agree with the posties because I have seen the adverse effects it has on some people and it makes me sad frankly.

                    whatever your style is, that's cool....... it just seems to be pickier than the majority of the fellows here.

                  (Sometimes he makes me very proud!)


                  • #24
                    I don't mind admitting if I am wrong or 'say one thing and do another'; I am human like everyone and make mistakes and own up to that if called on it. My biggest mistakes are usually pre-planning shit, right after I get done telling others never to do that! and then I get burned like always

                    different this year........ no expectations, I am not in contact with anyone except Candy and some other 'friends', no pre-planning with people as I may have done in the past.... I am going back this year with an open mind and looking for a ladyboy who can cum a LOT and has a good personality and does not work in a bar. I will find one, and also travel more this time around; lots of trips to Phuket like always, back to Samui, back to CM, and back to Hong Kong, but no real plans and no ladyboy picked out, just play it by ear and see what happens.


                    • #25

                      Don't sweat the small stuff or the equally small're a babe in everyone who matters book both inside and out...........

                      You flush more class down the toilet daily then certain people will aqquire in a lifetime............

                      nuff said


                      It's good to matter what the pay

                      Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                      Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                      ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                      "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by (brocklanders @ Sep. 05 2005,23:26)
                        the little hottie who is about to lose her manhood
                        Hey Brock
                        She s already lost it , 2 months ago. ........

                        The guy who first slammed you should have just sent a private PM saying that she is a friend of the site and maybe you should edit. Far to simple eh!. Instead he makes a massive thing out of it so that it becomes a matter of face .

                        Its called making a mountain out of a molehill.


                        • #27
                          Actually Tomcat, I was referring to Gif not Ant. I know Ant is post-op, been there done that......and as for girls who post on this site, ones that are active I will be quiet about....but if there are other ladyboy lurkers, Im not going to change my pattern of thought based on that...never
                          brock landers


                          • #28
                            I saw this girl (Salma) on via this URL...



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by (brocklanders @ Sep. 04 2005,21:58)
                              Beautiful     You can find this girl on tons of chat site with her huge gut hanging out.   Smart ladyboy though and nice person.
                              Still the same old jerk as always huh? Salma=huge gut? What kind of mind altering drug do you take before posting?

                              Yes, by looking at this pic of Salma, I'm sure we can all see that HUGE gut you're talking about. Why she looks to be 25 months pregnant. NOT!
                              Yeah she has a huge gut, just like Talisha has a small cock.
                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Some interesting turns this thread has taken

                                Some thoughts in reply -

                                Originally posted by
                                The comments hit home when they are aimed at people we have come to know. I agree that they were uncalled for, but I think lisa's response more than adeqately shows her for the class act that she is.
                                Thanks for saying it far better than I could, Stogie

                                Originally posted by
                                The guy who first slammed you should have just sent a private PM saying that she is a friend of the site and maybe you should edit. Far to simple eh!. Instead he makes a massive thing out of it so that it becomes a matter of face .

                                Its called making a mountain out of a molehill.
                                Good point Tomcat

                                Your suggestion of the PM option - which admittedly had not ocurred to me - is both appreciated and well taken, and I will consider this in future instances like this

                                For all of you here, please know that it is not my intent to make a mountain out of a molehill here

                                Rather, I had hoped to prompt comments on the nature of our activities in this forum that only a few of the replies to this thread have addressed

                                As we all hide behind anonymous 'handles' here, we are free to post comments without the inhibitions or accountability that would normally be present in a public venue

                                Perhaps some of us prefer it this way

                                As I am fortunate to frequently enjoy the company of Jaidee, Stogie, Snick, Mike, and many others here, I am often reminded that we all are not just anonymous 'handles' with a slick avatar, but real people with real feelings here

                                If this makes me a "puffer" (whatever that is) so be it

                                Both Brock's and Tomcat's replies, however,  prompt me to ask -

                                Should notions of courtesy, good manners, and concerns of 'face' be just as appropriate to this forum as they should be in public view?

                                If so, are such notions the exclusive reserve of we members of this forum, and not applicable as well to the girls who make this site possible?

                                Or should we regard this forum a place for anonymous expressions of fantasy and uninhibited behavior - towards fellow members and girls alike - without regard to 'real life' considerations or sensitivities?

                                Originally posted by
                                Yes, by looking at this pic of Salma, I'm sure we can all see that HUGE gut you're talking about.
                                Great photo, Lefty, of both the girl (you look great Salma) and the beach

                                Question - was the photo taken on Malapascua (island near Cebu city?)

                                Originally posted by
                                I wont apologize, Im not a puffer like some of you.

                                Originally posted by
                                Stand by your words...I like that. Don't say things you don't intend back up. Way to take it like a man Brock...
                                While an apology is evidently not in your vocabulary, Brock, I think I owe you one for being quick to take you to task here

                                Be assured I will in the future try Tomcat's suggestion of a PM that gives you a chance to retract your comments before responding in kind with a verbal ass-kicking in public view

                                Since we're here, however, I have to ask - as you 'back up' all your posts here, may we presume that a photo (perhaps similar to the one posted by Lefty) that displays the size of your gut will be coming soon?  

                                Finally - Thanks to all for making this the fun place that it is

