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Same sex marraiges

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  • Same sex marraiges

    no we have same sex marriages here and all the rights that go with them does this mean we can get visas for lb to get marraid what do you think ?

  • #2
    its more complicated to try to get a visa for the purpouse of marriage. i think it still better to use the backdoor lol through tourist visa. do the paperwork from your country after marriage to get the settlement papers in order.


    • #3
      you cannot use the back door pardon the pun in uk they say visa can only come from country of nationality ive been down that rd not asking for me as im marreid


      • #4
        will elton and david exchange rings?        


        • #5
          o yes im many ways


          • #6
            o yes im many ways


            • #7
              visa rules are differnet everywhere. i can only speak for my own country and i have a couple of friends married w tgs. they came here on a tourist visa, got married in norway and after that she got one year settlement visa, which will be renewed every for 3 yrs if the guy has an income of at least 16.000GEP a year. after that she can stay for permanent basis. divorce and start hooking for big money. the schengen rules also allow them to go around in european countries within the union.
              a good deal for tgs to get visa to one of these countries.


              • #8
                For lb's wishing to go through a civil partnership 'marriage' with their UK partner they must initally obtain a fiance visa from the British Embassy in BKK. To obtain the fiance visa they will have to prove that they have been in a long term relationship.
                Anybody going down the visitor visa route will probably be refused both a fiance visa and indefinite leave to remain in the UK.


                • #9
                  Just to the situation here in Switzerland. Same sex marry is possilble since two years in Zürich area where I live. In 2007 will work in whole Switzerland.

                  To get a LB Visa you have two way. First if you can prove a relationship which is longer then one year or you can make guarantee papers for your LB ( you must have a amout around 20'000CHF=15'000USD on bank ).

                  The next stepp you can make a precontact because you must live together at least six months in Swiss before you can marry. With this precontract she can stay this six month in Switzerland. After this six months you can "marry" and she get the resident VISA "B" which must be renew every year after five years she can have VISA "C".
                  I recomend to take lawyer the whole proceder is till now complicated. From 2007 shoud be better.

                  Post ops have the opportunity to change the papers to female and get a usual marry as a female. But the change of the papers is a long way over the court.

                  My LB wife get a tourist VISA easy because she has a decent job in Thailand.



                  • #10
                    most LB consider themselves as women and so do I.
                    Its not same sex marriage (although the law may disagree)

