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Mint again

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  • #31
    Originally posted by (Wethair @ Dec. 29 2005,17:43)
    Yes, what is mint without the big dick?
    She could change her name to Polo - the Mint with a hole

    Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

    "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


    • #32
      Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Dec. 31 2005,13:31)
      May had breast implants yesterday.
      Happy New Year Ziggy and hope May recuperates quickly!
      She's a real sweetie!


      • #33
        Originally posted by (ziggystardust @ Dec. 31 2005,12:31)
        Yes. After seeing 5 doctors, we selected one and May had breast implants yesterday. May, formerly of Cascades.

        As an example of crap...Dr. Chettawut, known by international customers as the best in Thailand (or 2nd best to a Dr. in Phuket), charged us 500 Baht to talk to us, said his "50% discount" for us as locals was 96,000 (2 x more than any other doctor we went to except a condescending prick at Bumrungrad), and refused to a physical exam and give advice until we'd signed him up and paid the cash. He also told me my research on textured implants was faulty, although I've pretty much read about every article on the internet on this topic. When I asked for his before and after pictures, he said, "trust me, my reputation is enough". He also threatened a foregin patient on the internet because she said he did a crap job. I wish his money-gripping, screw the foreigner policy works, and I hope his kickbacks from the textured implant companies is fruitful.

        As for the "Butcher of Bangkok", as he is known in one forum, he was the doctor we selected, and we found him all the opposites. Talked to us for about 2 hours of my very harsh grilling, answered every question politely, showed us before and after pictures, and as per relpax, said clearly, he could not guarantee perfection, but showed us previous results, did physical exam, agreed to my conclusion that textured implants had some doubts about them, and said it was up to me to choose what we wanted, and generally was a very kind, polite, and non-defensive doctor. We'll see the results when the bandages come off in about 2 days, but I am certainly happy with his attitude.

        These 2 are classic examples of why you can't believe the internet on these guys and have to go see them face to face. I also note a foreigner would not catch the "false smile" of a guy like Chettawut. I could see the snearing, bullshit smile a mile away, knowing Thais as I do.

        If you have someone going for an op, I am happy to give my analysis on the breast side, as I wrote every detail down and plan to write it up for anyone who wants it. For the chop, I know the doctors attitudes, but did not grill them on this, like I did on breasts.
        On one forum I saw that Kamol Pansritum was referred to as the Butcher of Bangkok. Although other forum users contradicted that moniker as not being accurate in reference to him in their estimation.
        Is that the doctor that did her surgery?
        Would you mind saying how much her breast augmentation cost?


        • #34
          Originally posted by (Bam @ Dec. 30 2005,08:25)
          so are these not the same 2 girls? We can only hope there are 2 of these beautiful creatures on walking street...  I guess I'll just have to go down there myself and sort this confusion out myself using my cock.


          these 2 are different LB's, the smaller one who hangs out a bit in Jenny Star bar i have never been with, she had a cock in May 2005 because i had my hand on it in the bar, I almost took her,... BUT,.... I have a bit of a thing about age, & she just looks way too young & I am sure she is not, but thats just me. The larger one is definitely post op, had everything in there, hands, cock, tongue, too, she is actually very nice if you can, "break thru' " she seems a little strange at times. She has been post op for at least 21/2years to my knowledge, I did get to ST once with her, prior to the op, & she cut off a very nice genuine 6" which she knew how to use! What a loss. But she is very regretful over the op, had her in tears over it in my room on the trip the photo's were taken on.

          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.

