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Do you like cabaret shows?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by (Wethair @ Jan. 10 2006,17:20)
    Behind the scene photos, Simon Cabaret Show, Phuket.
    GREAT pics, Wethair!

    How on earth did you manage to come behind the curtains? Are you major sponsor or owner


    • #17
      Originally posted by (Wethair @ Jan. 10 2006,11:30)
      I have arranged so members from ATS can borrow and preform in a special show.

      Active forum users will be preferd:

      Bam, Stogie, Ziggy, Ozzie, May Kee, Randyman,Brocklander......

      And more.....
      Thanks wethair;

      You may have to let my costume out a little in the front, and don't forget to install the button down back door. It helps in those tricky situations where you just can't wait

      ain't life grand


      • #18
        Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Jan. 10 2006,17:25)
        Fucking great, i love em. The seedier and crappier the better ...
        Excellent pics Wethair and I really wonder how you managed it to get behind the stage, mate?! Pls give us some "background/stage" stories!
        I'm absolutely with Tomcat here. I'm totally into those shows and I really love the seedy ones!!!
        For those who share the same taste - although they are not sleazy and considered among Thais as the best performance in BKK - there's nothing better than the shows at Freeman Disco (Silom, Soi 2)! If you speak a bit Thai it's even more enjoyable as it's mixed with some excellent comic parts.



        • #19
          I like them, but if you senn one you semm them all i guess.
          The only different is the Freemann Show in Bangkok, went there about 3 times and allways something different


          • #20
            Great love the behind the scenes shots. Well done Wethair mate


            • #21
              Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Jan. 10 2006,22:25)
              Fucking great, i love em. The seedier and crappier the better and thats about 90% of all the shows in Thailand other than Calypso and Alcazar.

              A lot of the showgirls...ahem...not all mind you ,advertise their backside  for sale after the show by standing outside and flirting with the Public and lingerers and lurkers that be....

              The one in Phuket at the end of Soi Katoi had one the the best Lbs ive known , petite with a massive dick. Alas she has now departed but ive already got my hitlist ready for the next time im down in Pat..

              Its on ..Tina Turner.....

              if you can catch her, try to get the acrobatic dancing, tall, Demi Moore looking-ish, LB from the Moulin Rouge at the back of Soi Katoey, I went with her last May, she is major fun, but she turned me down flat for several nights, then just came out the blue & said how about tonight ??!! Yes please..

              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


              • #22
                Ha ha nice one .....

                i think M Rouge is the bar just before the caberet entrance if im not mistaken. remind me ....anyway any babe that looks like Demi Moore can have my hand in marriage. I my go back in April and will look her up,  thanks matey...

                Funnily enough the sweety i met who was working in the caberet show i bumped into around by the Tangmo joint near Para Complex where all the ladyboys live not acually at the show itself .She rememberd me as i gibe her a nice tip. We went straight to her place and had sex...great.

                The next day the Tsunami hit PKet and that was the end of my trip there...shit always happens to me...



                • #23
                  I have to say after so many visits to Patong i thought the Moulin Rouge was the name of the cabaret, but i could be mistaken, anyway we know where we are talking about.

                  Errr,..... "hand in marriage"... that could be a little premature, she doesn't look that much like Demi Moore. Its just the amount of fun i had, she's a bit of wrestler & i was surprised how strong she was, but her gymnastic display in the bed room was quite something. I never saw her go with anyone while there last Nov. But i'm sure she did, I just didn't see it happen.

                     She also helped my entertainment factor during Misery Watch in the centre bar on Soi Katoey, there was a whole heap of the horde staring at the pole dancing Ket, what a body, shame about the appendage, & then just to rub salt into the wound i slipped "Demi" a couple of hundred to really give them something to look miserable about.

                    Para Complex, i know quite well, if you wonder around there, sort of 1430-1630hrs ish, & smile alot at the, "just woke up", & "no make up" LB's, you can organize an ST, as long as you don't mind doing it in there room, while there rooms mates watch !! ( Including the boys ). But still great fun.

                    Went to the Tangmo & My Way, cabarets in the Para Complex as well, while i was there in Nov, nice & cheap & seady, just had to keep the boys at bay, I just can't quite go the last mile & go with a complete bloke, probably never will, but there are a couple of nice LB's work the cabarets there as well.

                  Happy Hunting !!          

                  You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by (pla @ Jan. 13 2006,19:18)
                    I like them, but if you senn one you semm them all i guess.
                    The only different is the Freemann Show in Bangkok, went there about 3 times and allways something different

                    What, and where in Bangkok, is the Freemann Show?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by
                      I have to say after so many visits to Patong i thought the Moulin Rouge was the name of the cabaret, but i could be mistaken, anyway we know where we are talking about.
                      Its called Moulin Rose cabaret.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ Jan. 11 2006,04:21)
                         Excellent pics Wethair and I really wonder how you managed it to get behind the stage, mate?! Pls give us some "background/stage" stories!
                        You just tell them you€™re from the Associated Press and they let you do anything. Make up a fake AP press pass and you have a good pro camera it€™s easy to get behind the scenes !

                        Wethair you continue to amaze me with your photos! Great work!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by (ozzie @ Jan. 14 2006,04:50)
                          Originally posted by
                          I have to say after so many visits to Patong i thought the Moulin Rouge was the name of the cabaret, but i could be mistaken, anyway we know where we are talking about.
                          Its called Moulin Rose cabaret.  
                          Thanks, so many LB's is affectting my brain !!

                          You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                          • #28
                            Here's something to go with this historical post, a Youtube video from the backstage of Golden Dome Cabaret Show in Bangkok.

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                            • #29
                              I usually just ignore the free Cabaret show at C&D's and Phuket. I know it annoys Waas that I talk to another customer or another non Cabaret staff member, but I just can't sit through the same show night after night. Sometimes one of them will do a pretty electric solo, but thats rare. It is a drawing card for them these days and getting lots of couples through trip advisor and mustering them from Bangla. the couples seem to really enjoy it and have seen some of them back the following nights.

                              I was on my way to dinner one night by Soi 12 Sukhumvit in BKK and stumbled upon Club Dang when me and my date saw two Cabaret girls out front trying to get customers for the show. We went ate and made the early show for 888 baht each, drinks for us included. Mostly fair skinned Chaing Mai girls who were very nice to us before and after the show.

                              Photos and videos are encouraged.

                              I actually enjoyed it whereas I mostly just tolerate these in Phuket when I've gone. My LB date loved it. The first one she had seen.

                              They change the show every couple of months I was told by the ringleader of the pack. Her English was great and she was lovely.

                              Attached Files


                              • #30
                                Gutsy SOB, thanks for sharing! It's not far from my usual hotel, and while I haven't seen the show I did drop in to have a look around. I think some of them are ex-Mambo cabaret staff. I think that has closed.  I hope they will make it as business in BKK is quite slow now.

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