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Should they die?

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  • Should they die?

    Last Friday was the day which would help to determine the fate of the two illiterate Thai fishermen, who had already admitted raping and killing Katherine Horton, 21, a student from Cardiff.

    The two men quickly admitted their guilt and the trial (after all of one day) is already over. Thaksin wants them shot and shot quickly as they have 'marred the reputation of Thailand!'

    The locals in Koh Samui are also miffed as the negative publicity can destroy livelyhoods.

    The guys are obviously young and rather simple - but even so the crime is a very brutal callous one.

    So what do YOU think should happen to these kids and why?

    Is the death sentence appropriate? Should 'life' be enough to sooth the savage beast that is revenge?

    Me? Well - we do stupid things when we are young, but rape and murder isn't usually on our agenda after a few beers and a skin flick. I say shoot them and this will certainly send a message to other equally dopey (and doped up) kids.

    But hang on... what happens when you shoot them? Will there be a backlash against tourists from other drugged up fishermen and similarly equipped locals. Will this make Koh Samui MORE dangerous for tourists in the long run?

    I think it will and with that in mind I think that these fools should do life and do at least 30 years of it and let's hope that they will be quietly forgotton so that there are no more victims of this regrettable and horrible crime.
    Yes - they should be shot'
    No - they should serve life in prison.
    No - they should serve at least 20 years.
    I can't decide.

  • #2

    There could so easily be a backlash, as miss placed as that might be.

    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


    • #3
      I am bewildered by all this.

      Firstly - has the dna evidence been matched up?

      Secondly - Last week in Thailand, Thaksin ordered his Police to find the killers within 1 week, so the image of Thailand would not be sullied. Suddenly from no leads, they have eye-witnesses and 2 suspects. 24 hours later they have admitted their guilt, 48 hrs later the court case is over!!! Talk about swift justice.

      Are we sure these are the guys responsible: They hardly look and act as if they are cold blooded killers and secondly, if they are not and they are executed then there are still 2 psychos on the loose.

      As horrific a crime this is, lest we act in haste and allow a terrible miscarriage of Justice to go unnoticed. All I am saying is lets get all the facts before we judge.
      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


      • #4
        Good question SB.
        A tit for tat killing does not do anyone any good. It certainly won't serve as any long term deterant, 6 months after their deaths they would be forgotten by all but closest family and friends. The family of the murdered girl might obtain the briefest amount of satisfaction in their deaths but it will not bring back their daughter. Their grief and morning will last far longer.

        Personally I'd give them life in prison and make them do community service under armed escort, talking in schools and colleges about what they did while under the influence of drugs and drink, and how they regret it now and the shame they have brought to their families and their shit life in prison. That message being taken out to kids on a regular basis I believe would act as a suitable punishment and act as a deterent to others. Their eligibility for parole would be determined by the drop in drug and drink abuse by locals on Koh Samui.
        Too old to die young!


        • #5
          also sex crime + murder should = castration (if there not shot)


          • #6
            As Thailand, is so protective on tourism I really do hope that these guys are the right guy`s who comitted this terrible crime. If so I would simply give them life imprisonment.


            • #7
              It's simpler to just kill them. Saves money and arguably more humane to kill than spend 30 years in a Thai prison. Think I'd rather be shot than do 30 years hard time.


              • #8

                My God, I could be among the convicted

                I once was told no but continued anyway, after she said "Oh, I was just kidding"
                Christ, I could be those guys


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (katoeylover @ Jan. 14 2006,08:00)
                  I am bewildered by all this.

                  Firstly - has the dna evidence been matched up?

                  Secondly - Last week in Thailand, Thaksin ordered his Police to find the killers within 1 week, so the image of Thailand would not be sullied. Suddenly from no leads, they have eye-witnesses and 2 suspects. 24 hours later they have admitted their guilt, 48 hrs later the court case is over!!! Talk about swift justice.

                  Are we sure these are the guys responsible: They hardly look and act as if they are cold blooded killers and secondly, if they are not and they are executed then there are still 2 psychos on the loose.

                  As horrific a crime this is, lest we act in haste and allow a terrible miscarriage of Justice to go unnoticed. All I am saying is lets get all the facts before we judge.
                  Im with you maaaan, we were talking about the same thing at work, do we not feel that this is all a tad "Hollywood"? It was suggested that these guys were banged up for life already, they were brought out families giving some baht if they take the fall to save there country Now im sure a country as strait laced as Thailand wouldnt be involved in such a farsssssssss

                  As for these guys being shot, i think its alot easier to be dead than wake up every morning knowing that you have another 30years in jail...and its not like our jails here in england where u get a pretty room, pretty toilet, plasma screen, playstation2 and an oppurtunity to educate your self or learn a new skill... Its messed up As for the backlash another good shout.... If i were PM id give them the 30years and have regular updates on them on the news for a couple of years so there not forgotten by the locals.......
                  Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                  • #10
                    .... I'm a bit puzzled to be honest... I thought we won't discuss politics in here anymore?? And isn't this the wrong forum anyway??



                    • #11
                      Politics is part of life if you ask me and you cant get away from it. Lets face it we are always talking about society so politics wont be far below the surface.

                      If you take many western Philosophers they would  concur against the death penalty as the idea of a free will is something that is less and less believed in . Science also seems to be moving this way in the western world. its a complicated subject believe me and i have read the arguments.

                      But on the other hand if someone hurts you or your family you will probably want revenge and there nought wrong with that...nothing at all. If someone so much as scatched my Mother or sister they would be knocking on the Devils door pretty quickly. Since i am not a Philosospher i say shoot them.


                      PS; freedom of the will
                      If you want to really get stuck into this subject it is an area that most basic books on Philosophy cover. A wonderfull subject and good poolside reading


                      • #12
                        LIFE IN PRISON WITHOUT ANY PAROLE; it's a much harder 'job' than just getting shot.

                        There is a problem here. Many in Thailand doubt they ARE the guys who did it and that it is a set-up by the officials. I don't think so but one never knows in LOS.

                        Few years back 2 English tourists were killed (shot) by a Policeman....he fled; came back, was arrested but plead "not guilty" but there were witnesses. He seems to be in and out of jail all the time

                        Thai Justice.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by (Mai-Kee @ Jan. 14 2006,16:17)
                          I thought we won't discuss politics in here anymore?? And isn't this the wrong forum anyway??
                          Well the story is news and it's a topical one, but you may be right. If someone else mentions it I'll move this to the Fish Box.

                          As for the story being political - well, I don't think it is really. Although politics has certainly played a part in the fast-tracking of this case.


                          • #14
                            the deterent is that teynever get out to teoffend if dead!but gotta make sure its right people!if so, BANG!!! You're Dead!!!


                            • #15
                              its lethal injection in thailand now,and i would use it on the cunts!                

