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Pang gets a new rack

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  • Pang gets a new rack

    you guys loved Pang "Before" when we ran a series of her a few months ago.....
    Attached Files

  • #2
    and now?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      The Clubhouse "Girl of the Month"  for September is the beautiful and personable Pang from Casanova,  with her awesome new chest.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        I have to say I think this one is stunning but a real attitude on her. Might have to give her one more go though.

        BTW she has had the rack for quite a few months now as she had it back at the beginning ogf June when I was there.


        • #5
          yup, this new gallery was taken right around that time. I have only sensed a small attitude from her the few times we have met; very nice girl but like with all working girls she has her sights on the bottom line.


          • #6
            wow congratulations...very nice boobs and so AU NATURELLE......
            My Facebook
            PHILIPPINES: +639153569810


            • #7
              Her sights on the bottom line??? Any Ladyboy worth her salt, especially one who looks like Pang/Polly who does not keep her eye at all times on this is not going to be too successful. Good for her to use what God and Surgeons have given her. I plan on giving her an opportunity to relieve me of my dollars very soon.


              • #8
                She has it quite some time now.
                She had it already when i was there in March
                And she is a definetly a must go


                • #9
                  im a new member
                  im from brazil - never been in thayland
                  lots of beutiful t girls ( ladyboys ) here too.
                  i think that polly ( pang , sidney ) is one of tehe most beautiful girls that i ever saw .
                  since i am planning a trip to bangkok , can anyone tell me if she is ok , where to find , etc


                  • #10
                    Nice she looks better an better all the time. Can't wait too finally meet her next trip.


                    • #11
                      This thread is about 18 months old. She has had those new breasts since June last year.


                      • #12
                        hahahah shit i didn't even realize, i know she's had tits for ages i just thought she got some news ones. I have to go an find my brain now.


                        • #13
                          ok ,
                          but have any of you actually met here ? have been with here ? have gone to bed with here ?
                          how was it ?
                          again , im from brazil , planning a trip to bagkok and think she is gorgeous .
                          other question - does she still work at casanova ? how is the place ? is it safe , etc ?
                          tks !


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (tlrobert @ Jan. 18 2006,10:07)
                            ok ,
                            but have any of you actually met here ? have been with here ? have gone to bed with here ?
                            how was it ?
                            again , im from brazil , planning a trip to bagkok and think she is gorgeous .
                            other question - does she still work at casanova ? how is the place ? is it safe , etc ?
                            tks !
                            To answer your questions

                            yes, yes and yes

                            It was probably not my most memorable time but not bad. One thing I will say is she is much better looking in person at least I think so.

                            Not sure what you mean by safe. If you mean will you be mugged , assaulted etc then yes it is very safe. If you mean will the girls harass you for drinks or to go with you then no it is not safe


                            • #15
                              Much better looking in person, the rack has been there for a long time so I don't undertand Jai Dee posting it now as if somehow us old timers would not call him on this. Sidney, as she calls herself now DOES have an attitude but when you are a superstar like her who can blame her? If you look in her direction she will be on you like white on rice. Mediocre service at best but worth it one time to see and play with that body.

