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  • Viagra


    Is it true you can buy tons of viagra over the counter in Bangkok and bring it back to your home country without any hassles at the airport

  • #2
    I believe it is illegal to import drugs or pharmaceuticals (at least in the US) if you do not have a prescription for them. I would look at the homepage for US Customs to see if they make any mention of the importation of drugs/pharmaceuticals. I'm almost certain they'll cover it in great detail. Hope that helps.
    I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by (LuckyA @ Jan. 18 2006,14:40)
      Is it true you can buy tons of viagra over the counter in Bangkok...

      ...and bring it back to your home country without any hassles at the airport....
      Yes and no!


      • #4
        I take it back to the UK all the time ,mind you i have a private Doctor who will swear anything on my behalf. The UK seems lax but other countries may not be. When i say lax its still against the law and its up to you.

        The customs searched my bag last week and didnt mention it .
        About three million tablets a week some through the post to the UK by mail order so i doubt if there botherd.

        Mind you im only talking one packet of four. If you try to shoehorn an industrial outer carton into your medicine bag than thats another story.....handcuffs for sure.....


        • #5
          Originally posted by
          If you try to shoehorn an industrial outer carton into your...
          What the fuck kind of English is that?


          • #6
            Sorry, i was using some obscure trade slang....

            What i meant was dont take a commercial pack of 100 +tablets though UK customs.

            I have never been pulled up for bringing a pack of 4 tablets back although now the chances are that ill be made an example of next time round...thats life...

            Maybe ive been lucky so i suppose that on second thoughts the best advice is to just buy enough for your trip. play it safe .

            in Bankok i think the lowest rate is around 450bt a tab
            And its cheaper in Pattaya.


            • #7
              This is a true story..... believe it, or not...., up to you.

              When Viagra first came out & the novelty of copy porno dvd's was still high on my things to get list, I came back to the UK from the LOS, with about a dozen porno's & about a dozen boxes of 4 x 100g tablets in my case.

              The usual characterless, charismaless, expressionless, emotionless, not living in the real world, UK customs & excise personal were on duty at Heathrow. Obviously I was flavor of the month, all tho's people with a blue shirt on, or some other equally important feature, were for it that day.

              The robotic question & answer senarior followed, where your answer is not listened to & the next question asked while you are half way thru' the answer to the previous. All this is taking place while they "carefully" unpack you belongings. I had not attempted to hide my "swag" in any way & they soon came ( gleefully ) to his attention, & they were put to one side of the rest. Once the case was empty & he was satisfied nothing remained hidden, more inane questions followed, during which he began to re-pack the case. All went in except the obvious, more inane questions while he examined the contents of the DVD's, as advertised on the labels & also the viagra....... I thought, Oh well, fair cop !! ........ To my absolute amazement, he then packed them into my case, closed the lid & handed me the case, & bid me good night. I stared in astonishment, to which he said, "that will be all sir" !!

              I made about 3-4steps away when he said... "execuse me sir, may I suggest you see someone about that masterbation problem" !! Without a single change in expression / emotion or to his monotone voice, after whiched he turned away & resumed his duty of protecting the citizens of this fine land from cheap smuggled contraband, ensuring the chancelor continues to fleece us to the hilt.

              I am not suggesting this will be the party line from them all the time, & I expect, had it been a female officer the outcome would have been far worse.

              So you pays your money & takes your chance.  

              You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


              • #8
                Nice story Robbo

                Just for anyone reading here the main reason that Viagra is prescription only is that it lowers your bood pressure some degree.

                So if you think you already have low blood pressure  or dont know ..then dont ever think about buying it over the counter. There is a known annual death toll for heart attacks amongst people who have taken it without consultation.

                be carefull


                • #9
                  Originally posted by (Tomcat @ Jan. 18 2006,12:06)
                  Sorry, i was using some obscure trade slang....

                  What i meant was dont take a commercial pack of 100 +tablets though UK customs.

                  I have never been pulled up for bringing a pack of 4 tablets back although now the chances are that ill be made an example of next time round...thats life...

                  Maybe ive been lucky so i suppose that on second thoughts the best advice is to just buy enough for your trip. play it safe .

                  in Bankok i think the lowest rate is around 450bt a tab
                  And its cheaper in Pattaya.
                  450baht a tab, WOW, I can get them here at 50 pence a throw.

                  Fortunately I dont need to take viagra ( not bragging honest ), I dont seem to suffer from brewers droop, especially looking at those Thai beauties

                  I did take a couple a viagra  whilst I was in LOS once for curiousity, I brought 5 packs of 4 with me, I could have made a killing.
                  They had no effect on my equipment but certainly gave me a MASSIVE Headache

                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • #10
                    actually viagra raises your blood pressure?is not compatible w/some blood pressure medications!!!DO NOT take it w/out seeing a doctor 1st please!friend had a stroke&now has very bad speech problem&paralyzed on his left side!went to 5 pharmacies in BKK&cheapest i found was 4 for 1,500 Baht for China made,which i would'nt trust.others were 2,500 for 4!can get em in US for =200Baht each or !,600 for 4!luckily i get from free!!!but a soft body&willing partner work better!!!


                    • #11
                      'Kamagra' (which is just as effective, believe me!) costs 100 Baht a (strong) tab!

                      'Apcalis' from the same pharmacy (VERY) close to Nana Plaza is 900 Baht for 4 tabs of 20 MG tabs.


                      • #12
                        When i came home in December 2005 i was stopped in the custom.

                        I had 2 big bags, computer bac photobag + +

                        Where have you been? Thailand
                        Did you go alone? Yes
                        Please come with me.

                        Have you any drug in your bag? No
                        Have you any kind of pills? Yes, I have them in this bag.

                        Then they opend everything, unfolded t-shirts, looked inside shoos, everything. I also had to strip, but I did not have to bend over for a anal eximination.

                        Then he opened my last bag.
                        In there I had about 70 pills Kamagra 100
                        I had Reductil for diet for a period of 6 months.
                        And also Azitromax for gonoreah and clamydya.

                        They asked if it was for personal use, and I sad yes, so they let me keep everything.
                        Attached Files
                        Do not marry a Thai girl.
                        Use for 3 days only!


                        • #13
                          Close up:
                          Attached Files
                          Do not marry a Thai girl.
                          Use for 3 days only!


                          • #14
                            pharmacy just across from Big Dogs!


                            • #15
                              I have always found british customs to be quite fair. I always bring cigs back - all the same brand and usually, if they stop you will let you go for 4/5 ctns. I am sure they cant be bothered to fill out reams of paperwork at 6am just for fun.

                              And usually there is nobody on at that time anyway!!

                              if you try to be clever, you'll just get caught...
                              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!

